Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 1229

Chapter 1229: Untitled

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“Only I’m unwilling to let go. No one can control my choice and life!”

She stood upright, her tall and slender body exuding a glow that made people unable to look away.

The old man looked at her for a long time before sneering. “You’re unwilling? Didn’t you say that you like Jinchuan…”

Lou Ruoyi, who had gradually calmed down in Bo Sichen’s embrace, couldn’t help but sneer when she heard this.

As expected, it was the same old trick…


Shen Fanxing retorted, “If I insist on being with Ah Chuan, will you make him lose something?”

“Yes. Although he’s the young master of the Bo family now and most of the rights are in his hands, I still have 20% of the Bo Consortium’s shares. If you refuse to leave him, I won’t give him any of the shares.”

Shen Fanxing’s eyes flickered and her heart trembled.

She had once understood the situation in the Bo family from Bo Jinchuan.

Hence, when Sweetie accidentally provoked Xia Tian of the Xia Corporation, she took the opportunity to help Ah Chuan create an opportunity to collect the Xia Corporation’s gold and successfully broke one of Bo Yuelin’s wings.

As for the distribution of the family’s shares, she naturally knew that.

Ah Chuan had 30% of the shares and 8% from Bo Chengjiang. Even so, Yue Lin still had 20% of the shares.

Old Master still had 20% left.

If he didn’t give a single cent to Ah Chuan and gave it to Bo Yuelin instead, then…

Forty percent of the shares meant that the entire Bo family had fallen into Bo Yuelin’s hands.

Once the decision-making power fell into his hands, Ah Chuan would no longer have a place in the Bo family.

Even if Bo Yuelin couldn’t be so heartless in the end, how could she accept that Ah Chuan would be deliberately suppressed in the Bo family?

And she was the one who caused this…

How would she face Ah Chuan with a clear conscience?

What a good plan.

These 20% shares were really worth it.

Since she loved him, she should leave him as soon as possible.

He was certain that she wouldn’t be able to see a genius like Bo Jinchuan being suppressed by others.

That was why he said such words to her without any worries.

“How about it? Do you choose your worthless love or do you want Jinchuan to give up the entire Bo family for your worthless love?”


Shen Fanxing lowered her gaze and fell silent.

“Fanxing! Don’t listen to him! He can give his shares to whoever he wants!”

“Shut up!”

The old man suddenly shouted at Lou Ruoyi and smashed the expensive blue and white porcelain cup on the coffee table.

Lou Ruoyi choked in shock as Bo Sichen pulled her into his embrace.

“I’m not afraid.”

Bo Sichen kissed the top of Lou Ruoyi’s head and said, “I’ll bring you away immediately after the engagement party.”

“But I… I still want to have a grandchild…”

“We’ll come back when Fanxing has one.”


Upon hearing that Bo Sichen wanted to leave with Lou Ruoyi, Old Master Bo’s heavy breathing intensified.


Shen Fanxing spoke calmly as her gaze landed on his face. Her eyes remained calm and intelligent.

Bo Yuelin, who had been watching the show quietly, sat steadily on the sofa. His shrewd eyes were fixed on Shen Fanxing. The smile on his face was unreadable.

She looked very much like her mother.

“I want to know what your granddaughter-in-law is like. If I agree to leave Ah Chuan, who will be his future wife?”

“Only a woman worthy of the Bo family is suitable for Jinchuan. He is the future successor of the Bo family. What he needs is someone who can help him stabilize his foundation. What can you give him?”

Shen Fanxing frowned and asked, “So, the woman you think is worthy of Ah Chuan is the eldest daughter of the Yuan family… Yuan Sichun?”

“That’s right,” Old Master answered frankly. “I watched Sichun grow up and I’ve seen her feelings for Jinchuan! If the two of them are together, she will definitely do her best to support Jinchuan! As for you, think about it carefully. Other than causing trouble every day, what else can you do?”

Her gaze slowly shifted from Old Master Bo to Bo Yuelin.

Finally, she nodded lightly. “I see. I understand.”




Just as she finished speaking, a series of surprised voices sounded.

Shen Fanxing remained calm and indifferent.

“I originally thought that you were with Grandma because you liked her a lot back then. Now, it seems that I’ve thought of it and I feel sad for Grandma. It turns out that the love between the two of you is worthless.”

The old man’s heart skipped a beat. “What nonsense are you spouting?!”

“Didn’t you say that yourself? What a joke.”

The old man’s eyes widened.

The anger in her heart was hard to dissipate.

Shen Fanxing suddenly pursed her lips and said, “But I still have to hold the engagement banquet as scheduled. No matter what you say, I almost succeeded in convincing him. But I know that if Ah Chuan was present, he would definitely not allow me to agree to such a threat. I can understand if you insist that they are compatible. But the Yuan family… Ha…”

Shen Fanxing sneered suddenly, sending chills down everyone’s spines.

“Why don’t you make it clear at once that other than the Yuan family, which wealthy family’s eldest daughter is the candidate for Ah Chuan’s wife?”

No one knew what she meant by that.

“Zhu Corporation, Pang Corporation… Why are you asking this?”

Shen Fanxing nodded and said, “Got it.”

“What do you mean you know?! Why are you asking those questions?!”

“It’s fine. I just want to know who blocked my path to becoming Ah Chuan’s wife.”

The old man narrowed his eyes. “So what if I know? What can you do to them?”

Shen Fanxing smirked and said, “We have to flatten the stones in our way. No one can stop us from being together.”

“Hmph, arrogant!”

The old man sneered.

“Are you going to attack them for no reason?”

“So be it. I’ve never said that I’m a good person.”

She would not forgive anyone who had offended her.

She would not forgive anyone who stood in her way.

She had never been a good person.

“I didn’t expect you to be such a vicious person.”

Shen Fanxing smiled and said, “Ah Chuan told me before that his woman doesn’t have to be so kind. I just listened to him obediently.”

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