Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 1230

Chapter 1230: Go to the Room to Rest

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Shen Fanxing smiled and said, “Ah Chuan told me before that his woman doesn’t have to be so kind. I just listened to him obediently.”



So, was she going to show off their love now?

“I don’t care what happened between the two of you, but I’ll make it clear today. If you insist on getting together with Jinchuan, I won’t leave a single cent of my shares to him. If you really want him to lose everything, you can continue to do whatever you want!”

Shen Fanxing nodded calmly and said, “Rest early then. Rest well and attend my engagement party with Ah Chuan the day after tomorrow.”

“I’ll attend the engagement party.” The Old Master’s words surprised everyone. They didn’t expect him to compromise so easily.

Shen Fanxing narrowed her eyes at the old man.

Clearly, she had doubts about the Old Master’s words.

She didn’t think that the Old Master would agree to their engagement party after saying so much tonight.

She waited for the old man to continue, but he didn’t.

Instead, she took a deep breath and got up to leave.

Bo Yuelin quickly stood up and helped Old Master.

Shen Fanxing watched coldly as Bo Yuelin helped the Old Master away. Her lips were pursed tightly.

Nothing could go according to plan.

Since they were at odds with the Old Master, someone would naturally take advantage of the situation.

Perhaps the current situation was what Bo Yuelin wanted to see the most.

Perhaps all of this was part of his plan…

“There are excellent ones every year. Fanxing, there are especially many around you.”

Xu Qingzhi stood up from the sofa. Her face was ashen, but she tried her best to calm herself down.

If she was really conflicted, Xu Qingzhi had already lost her temper when she said that in front of Bo Sichen.

Now, saying that he was the best was already giving them enough face.

Shen Fanxing turned to look at her and said softly, “Don’t worry about me! Go to your room to recuperate.”

Xu Qingzhi pouted and thought about how she hadn’t been able to do anything. As her best friend, she felt that she wasn’t qualified.

“I’m not that delicate…”

At this moment, Bo Sichen said in a low voice, “Old Master won’t compromise so easily. The engagement banquet shouldn’t be peaceful.”

His deep gaze landed on Shen Fanxing and he said, “Jingchuan should have arranged for someone to protect you. No matter how much he can do, it’s better for you to protect yourself. The most important thing is to rely on yourself, understand?”

Shen Fanxing nodded and said, “I know.”

As long as she protected herself well, she wouldn’t be a burden to Ah Chuan.

“Then you must protect yourself well.”

Shen Fanxing pursed her lips and looked at the man. “Father… if I insist on being with Ah Chuan, he will have nothing. Don’t you object?”

Bo Sichen glanced at her and said, “Will you make him lose everything?”

Shen Fanxing smiled and said, “Of course not.”

“That’s right.”

After Bo Sichen finished speaking, he looked at Lou Ruoyi who was in his arms. He asked the servant beside him to get a coat for Lou Ruoyi before pulling her out.

Lou Ruoyi choked and said, “Hubby, I didn’t expect you to trust Fanxing so much.”

Bo Sichen lowered his head and rubbed her shoulders. “She’s very smart. But our son should be more outstanding, right?”

“Oh, that’s right.”

At nine in the evening, Shen Fanxing stood up from the sofa and walked out of the villa.

Standing at the door, she looked at the door not far away. It was quiet and still.

The guards in the courtyard changed shifts every few days.

At half past nine, there was still no movement at the door.

Ten o’clock…

She gripped her phone tightly, but she didn’t make a single call.

As Bo Jinchuan had left in a hurry, she couldn’t disturb him.

At 10:30 pm, Shen Fanxing froze. Looking at the quiet courtyard, the uneasiness and desolation in her heart deepened.

“Young Madam, go back and wait.”

Auntie Zhang took a cup of hot water and stuffed it into Shen Fanxing’s hands. Her voice was gentle and slow.

“Auntie Zhang… Logically speaking, Ah Chuan should be back now.”

“You’ll have to come back sooner or later. Hurry up and enter the house. Come in and wait!… Aiyo, look at how cold your body is again. Women have to take care of their bodies. Otherwise, it’ll be difficult to have children in the future.”

Something flashed across Shen Fanxing’s eyes.

“Come, let’s go in! Go back to your room and take a bath to get rid of the cold. Perhaps Master will be back after you’re done.”

Shen Fanxing glanced at the door and nodded lightly.

Aunt Zhang pulled her into the house and said,

“You have to get used to this. Men have to work hard outside. Isn’t it normal for them to be home late?”

Shen Fanxing went upstairs without a word.

She took a bath to get rid of the cold.

When she came out, Bo Jinchuan was still not back.

She took out her phone to call Bo Jinchuan, but his phone was switched off.

She frowned and called Yu Song, but the result was the same.

Biting her lips, she thought of what Auntie Zhang had told her and placed her phone aside.

Men needed to work hard. She should get used to being late.

When she woke up the next day and saw the untouched blanket, Shen Fanxing’s heart skipped a beat.

Women could adapt to men coming home late.

But did she have to get used to staying out all night?

She glanced at the time and got up to wash up.

Then, she called Bo Jinchuan.

Her phone was still switched off.

What had happened?

Why didn’t he send a message when he didn’t come home?

She took a deep breath and suppressed the anxiety in her heart.

When she went downstairs, Lou Ruoyi frowned when she saw her.

“Why do you look so pale?”

Auntie Zhang chimed in, “Yes, did you catch a cold while waiting for Young Master outside last night?”

Bo Sichen’s eyes darkened. “Jingchuan didn’t come back last night?”

Auntie Zhang glanced at Shen Fanxing and nodded silently.

Bo Sichen’s eyes darkened and he looked at Shen Fanxing.

“He didn’t give you any news?”

Shen Fanxing shook her head slowly and said, “There should be something urgent.”

Bo Sichen’s expression changed slightly. It was barely noticeable, but she could sense his displeasure.

Seeing this, Lou Ruoyi hurriedly said,

“There might be something important. Fanxing, you don’t look well. I’ll call the doctor over.”

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