Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 1228

Chapter 1228: Untitled

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“Even if I do, I won’t allow myself to care. What I care about the most now is your future son-in-law.”

“Alright, alright. I know that he’s my future son-in-law. Don’t remind me eight hundred times a day.”

Thinking of the child in Xu Qingzhi’s stomach, her mood improved.

“I just want you to dote on us.”

The two of them walked into the villa.

Shen Fanxing thought that perhaps with a child, she wouldn’t have much time to think about other things.

The moment they entered the living room, the old master called out to Shen Fanxing.

“Come with me to the study.”

The smile on Shen Fanxing’s face faded and her eyes darkened.


“No way!”

Lou Ruoyi suddenly stood up from the sofa and threw the half-peeled apple on the coffee table.

“There are no outsiders in this house. If you have anything to say, just say it. There’s no need to talk to her alone.”

Old Master Shen narrowed his eyes and said, “Do I need your permission to talk to anyone?”

“I don’t care who you talk to, but Fanxing is my daughter-in-law now, so I can’t let you bully her!”

“Then tell me, how can I bully her?”

Lou Ruoyi sneered and walked to Shen Fanxing, shielding her.

“You’re just repeating the same old trick! For example, just like what you said to me back then, you don’t agree to my marriage with Si Chen. If I really love him, then let him go! Because I’ll drag him down and affect his future?”

Shen Fanxing narrowed her eyes and looked up at the old man.

He didn’t say anything. His lips were pursed tightly and his expression was dignified. He didn’t have any reaction to Lou Ruoyi’s words.

The answer was obvious. What he wanted to say was obvious.

But did the old man object to his parents-in-law?

Not agreeing to be together…

Ah Chuan might not exist in this world…

At this moment, the remaining respect and love Shen Fanxing had for the Old Master was fading rapidly.

“I really don’t understand what’s going on in your head every day. You did a good job one second, and the next second, I don’t like you. Or you changed your attitude after someone praised you. You’re wavering and your ears are as soft as paste! I really suspect that you contributed to the Bo family’s current state! Or perhaps, without you, the Bo family might be better off than now.”

“How dare you!”

“I’m being presumptuous!” In the face of Old Master’s cane, Lou Ruoyi refused to be outdone.

“I’ve always been impudent! If I hadn’t been impudent, I wouldn’t have ended up with Si Chen! If I hadn’t been impudent, Jinchuan wouldn’t have been born into this world! Nor would Jinghang exist!”

“Of course I have the right to be impudent in my own life! If I don’t, what can you give me?!”

Lou Ruoyi shouted back without any reservations. She really couldn’t stay under the same roof as Old Master for a long time.

Shen Fanxing finally understood why the old lady had been living alone.

Why was it that all these years, Lou Ruoyi had been outside while Bo Sichen had indulged her?

If it were her, she wouldn’t want to live under the same roof as such a moody old man.

“You always have preconceived notions. You clearly don’t understand others, but you always treat others as someone you won’t like no matter what. And what you think is right and what you like is always the best. You probably never know how tiring it is to live with you.”

“I’ve tried to live with you before, but I couldn’t. Just like a million times in the past, I’ve already reached the limit of living under the same roof as you!”

“Then get lost!” The old man’s authority as the head of the family was completely challenged. Being reprimanded by an outsider who had married into the family, he felt that his dignity was being looked down on!

“I will scram, scram far away! But not now! My son is getting engaged and getting married! I won’t leave no matter what you say today!”

“I don’t agree to this marriage! The engagement the day after tomorrow will be canceled, and so will the marriage in the future. Even if we have a marriage certificate, we have to get a divorce!”

Lou Ruoyi’s expression was extremely cold.

“It’s useless even if you don’t agree! Don’t forget that you almost killed Jinchuan back then! I risked my life to give birth to him. You have no right to interfere in his life!”

“You… you’re an evil woman!”

“Yes, I’m evil, so you’d better not provoke me. Otherwise, I can do worse things!”

Lou Ruoyi had obviously fallen out with Old Master.

Bo Sichen rushed downstairs when he heard the commotion. When he saw the situation in the living room, his calm face seemed to be covered with a layer of coldness.

He didn’t ask anything and just went forward to pull Lou Ruoyi into his embrace.

The moment Lou Ruoyi leaned into her husband’s embrace, the anger in her heart turned into grievance.

Her eyes widened, refusing to show any weakness in front of the old man.

However, the grievance turned into guilt. She buried her head in Bo Sichen’s arms as tears streamed down her face.

“I’m sorry, Hubby…”

She knew that a good daughter-in-law should be filial to her in-laws.

But now, she was arguing with the Old Master as his daughter-in-law. She didn’t do the most basic thing as a daughter-in-law and even put Bo Sichen in a dilemma.

On one side was her father, and on the other was her.

On her side, he was an unfilial son in front of the Old Master.

Since she was biased towards Old Master, she would naturally feel aggrieved and resentful.

She loved him, but she had given him such a dilemma.

How could she not feel guilty?

She was the one who made him an incompetent son.

Shen Fanxing empathized with Lou Ruoyi’s feelings.

Her emotions were extremely complicated.

She really didn’t understand.

Why did this old man have to put his family in a dilemma?


Could he really not see the concession and forbearance of others?

“There will be an engagement ceremony and a wedding ceremony. Chuan and I will never get a divorce!”

Shen Fanxing spoke slowly.

Everyone in the living room was in a state of anger. As the direct party involved, she seemed to be calmer than anyone else.

She was so calm that everyone could tell that her intelligence and wisdom were unquestionable.

“Only I’m unwilling to let go. No one can control my choice and life!”

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