Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1196: Have A Thing For Hanfu

Chapter 1196: Have A Thing For Hanfu

When Long Hui arrived at the hotel room with Yu Qi, she was half sober.

"Let's enter your space." Long Hui said.

"Hmmm... Okay." Yu Qi nodded obediently.

So, they entered the space. Once they were inside, they were greeted by Bo Ya and the other two.

Bo Ya was carrying a pill. He gave the pill to Long Hui.

"What is this?" Long Hui asked.

"Sober Pill. Master makes it." Bo Ya told Long Hui.

Long Hui understood. He asked Yu Qi to eat the pill. Bo Ya also already prepared the glass of water. The effect of the pill could be seen in 10 minutes.

Yu Qi finally sobered up. She looked around.

"Hmm... Thank you for taking care of the drunk me." Yu Qi said to Long Hui. Then she turned to Bo Ya. "And you, Bo Ya. Thank you for bringing the pill."

"It is nothing, Master." Bo Ya smiled.

It was his master's order actually. She told him if she drank the alcohol, she would be drunk. So, if he saw her being drunk, quickly took out the sober pill and gave it to her.

"You really should not drink." Long Hui advised.

"But you said I can drink when I am with you, right?" Yu Qi grinned.

"Hmm... but I don't know that you have a thing for Hanfu." Long Hui chuckled.

"What? I say that?" Yu Qi was surprised.

"Hmm... You tell me that I am going to look more handsome with long hair and wear Hanfu." Long Hui's turn to grin.

"Owh..." Yu Qi's face began to blush.

"I will definitely fulfill your desire later." Long Hui smiled meaningly at Yu Qi.

"No... No... You don't need to do that. I am just drunk earlier." Yu Qi shook her head.

"Of course, we can not let your desire down, right?" Long Hui teased Yu Qi.

Could not stand the embarrassment, Yu Qi ran off to her room. "I have something to do. I will be in my room." With that, she entered the room and closed the door.

Long Hui just smiled seeing the door. He went to his room to refresh.

Yu Qi felt her face was still hot even after she left her room. She did imagine Long Hui in Hanfu sometimes.

She patted her cheek. "Hmm... Stop thinking about that. Hmm... Yes... Let's take a shower."

Yu Qi hit a shower. Feeling refreshed, she decided to check her email.

Opening her email, she knew that she would be getting many emails from her employees about their reports that needed her attention.

It seemed Long Hui understood that she needed some time alone. He did not come into her room. So, she decided to check on the reports that her employees sent to her.

After one hour of working, there was a knocking on her room. Obviously, it was Long Hui.

"Have you calmed down?" Long Hui asked.

"Hmm... Come in." Yu Qi nodded.

"What are you doing?" Long Hui glanced at her laptop.

"Reading some reports." Yu Qi said.

"Already done?"

"I will continue it on another time."

"That's good, then."

With that, Long Hui sat beside Yu Qi. He made a sneak kiss attack on Yu Qi.

"You are naughty." Yu Qi grinned.

"I can be more naughty, you know." Long Hui kissed her again.

However, when everything was about to hit up, someone came and knocked on her door. It seemed urgent after hearing the knocking sound.

"It must be something urgent. I need to check that." Yu Qi pulled Long Hui.

Long Hui frowned but he also stood up and took a look.

When Yu Qi opened the door, her cuties, all stood outside.

"What is going on?" Yu Qi asked.

"Master, there are some people breaking into your room." Bo Ya informed.

"My room?" Yu Qi was not quite understood that statement.

"Yeah, the hotel room. 3 men break in." Bo Ya explained.

"What? Are you sure?" Yu Qi was surprised.

"Yes." Bo Ya nodded it firmly.

Yu Qi and Long Hui looked at each other. Long Hui nodded at Yu Qi and she nodded back.


"Is this their room? Are you sure?" A man asked.

"Of course." His friend nodded firmly.

"Do you hear something inside?" The first man asked.

"I don't hear something from the room. They must be sleeping. Tired of doing sex, I guess." The second man said the sentence lewdly.

"Yeah. I guess she must be good in bed. If I can get to fuck someone like her, I will be happy." The third man said while licking his lips.

"Stop talking. Jay, open the door, will you?" X glared at the men.

Okay... Okay... Calm down. I will do it right now." Jay took his tool and tried to open the door.

He could open any door. With this skill, he joined the organization. Not more than 5 minutes, he successfully opened the door.

They opened the door carefully. Trying not to make any much noise because they might wake up the people inside.

They entered the room slowly. They looked at the bed. There were people on the bed.

"Go and give them sedatives to them, Nas" X said.

"Sure... Sure..." Nas nodded.

He approached the bed while taking out the two needles injections. He quickly injected the two needles into the people on the bed.

He was surprised actually when the people were easily being injected with his needle.

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