Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1195: Was Her Fan

Chapter 1195: Was Her Fan

"I just want your signature and take a picture with you." Sophie Smith blew out her request."Oh, sure." Yu Qi nodded.

"Thank you, Doctor Tang Yu Qi." Sophie Smith was happy.

She gave her phone to Long Hui and told Long Hui to take her picture with Yu Qi. Yu Qi nodded to Long Hui. After that, Long Hui took the phone and snapped a picture.

"One more time, please." Sophie Smith said.

Yu Qi nodded again to Long Hui. So, Long Hui took another picture. Sophie Smith took the phone from Long Hui and took a look at those pictures. She was very satisfied with the pictures.

"Where do you want me to sign?" Yu Qi's question made Sophie Smith quickly take out her notebook.

"Here. Sign in here." Sophie Smith said.

Yu Qi quickly signed it. Sophie Smith's eyes lifted up when she saw the signature.

"Thank you, Doctor Tang Yu Qi. I will be rooting for you." Sophie Smith bowed and left.

"It is quite refreshing." Yu Qi suddenly said when seeing Sophie Smith leaving.

"Why?" Long Hui asked.

"That girl, she did not even look at you." Yu Qi said.

"Then, Qi Qi, you should be happy." Long Hui grinned.

"I don't know whether to be happy or not." Yu Qi also grinned.


"We can't approach Tang Yu Qi at all." A man said.

"Of course, it will not be easy. She was guarded by that Long Hui." Another man said.

"No wonder the reward is so high." Another man said.

"So, what should we do, X?" The first man asked another man who sat not far from them. He had an 'X' Mark on his right eye.

"Since we can do it in public, we should attack secretly." X narrowed his eyes.

"You mean we should do a sneak attack?"

"But where and when?"

"They should be alone in their room. And that Long Hui must be relaxed. Not to mention they are a couple. They must do something at night." X grinned making his face look more terrifying.

"Oh, yeah. They will have sex. If we attack them at that moment, they will be unprepared." The man added and laughed.

"So, we need to attack this night since it is their last night here. It will be difficult to get her if they manage to return to Binhai Nation." X nodded. Then he added. "We can attack them at 1 p.m."


"Roger that."


"The money will be our."

Yu Qi and Long Hui did not know that they had been plotted. They were still at the banquet. Yu Qi attacked Long Hui by giving him a lovely look because she wanted to drink some alcohol.

There were people coming to greet her and gave her a toast. But they all had been drunk by Long Hui. He knew one glass of alcohol could turn Yu Qi.

"Please... Please..." Yu Qi begged Long Hui while blinking cutely at him.

Long Hui coughed several times when seeing the cute act by his beloved Qi Qi.

"Hmmm.... just one glass." Yu Qi was tingling her index finger.

Being attacked like this was a little bit harsh for Long Hui. Because of that, he allowed Yu Qi to drink one glass of alcohol.

"Thank you, my dear." Yu Qi gave a flying kiss to Long Hui.

Long Hui just had to smile. Yu Qi drank the alcohol. Because she knew that she could drink only one glass, she drank it little by little.

"Hmm... it is nice." Yu Qi grinned.

The glass was empty. Yu Qi already grinned stupidly at Long Hui.

"You are Long Hui." Yu Qi suddenly said.

"Hmm..." Long Hui acknowledged it.

"Why do you look handsome?" Yu Qi asked.

"Why? Don't you like it?" Long Hui asked playfully.

"I like it but other women will covet you too. I don't like." Yu Qi mentioned the reason.

"Don't worry. I am already yours. I would go to another woman." Long Hui said.

"Really? You are mine?" Yu Qi showed a surprised look.

"Of course. I am yours." Long Hui nodded firmly.

"Then, let's go home." Yu Qi said and stood up but she was drunk, she did not stable and almost fell down.

Long Hui quickly grabbed his beloved Qi Qi. "Be careful."

"Let's go home." Yu Qi said again.

"Why?" Long Hui asked.

"To confirm that you are mine." Yu Qi grinned slyly.

Hearing that, Long Hui narrowed his eyes. "Hmm... Let's go."

Long Hui helped Yu Qi walk. Long Hui found the staff and told him that they would be leaving first. The staff nodded and told them that he would inform the organizer about this.

Both of them left. Long Hui was driving while Yu Qi was observing him.

"Do you have something to say again?" Long Hui could not stand being observed by his beloved Qi Qi like that.

"You are stunning. Are you sure you are mine?" Yu Qi asked again.

"Hmm... I am sure. 100% sure." Long Hui still looked straight in front.

"If you have long hair and wear Hanfu, you will look much more handsome." Yu Qi commented.

"You mean the traditional clothes?" Long Hui inquired.

"Hmmm... Then, you are holding a fan... hmmm... no... no... not a fan. Better a sword. Hmm... the sword is much better." Yu Qi argued by herself.

Long Hui just listened to her words. He just knew that his beloved Qi Qi had a thing for Hanfu.

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