Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1197: Intruders

Chapter 1197: Intruders

It seemed they were sleeping deeply and had not realized that something broke into their room.

"What's next?" Jay asked.

"Take the girl and send them to our client. Then everything is done." Nas simply said so.

"How about the man? Should we kill him?" Jay said.

"No, don't overdo. Our mission is simply take the girl and send her to our client. That's all." X said.

"Okay... okay... Then, let's take the girl quickly." Jay said.

He approached the bed to take out the cover. However, when he was about to touch the cover, he heard something from behind.

"So, can you tell me where and who want you do bring me over?"

They heard a voice girl asking from behind. The three men immediately turned around but when they turned around, they could not feel their legs and fell on the ground.

Nas acted by throwing needles to the figure that he saw but his attemption did not succeeds. Another figures took all of their weapons. The moves were so fast. They could not act and let the figures took their weapons.

"Who are you?" Jay asked.

"It is you guys who comes to my room but you asking me that. I should be the one who asking your that question. Who are you?" The girl's voice was extremely cold.

X frowned. Nas and Jay was surprised.

"You mean you are Tang Yu Qi?" Nas asked.

"Of course." Yu Qi smiled.

"Then, who is on the bed?" Jay asked.

Long Hui switched on the lamp. The room immediately turned bright. Yu Qi and Long Hui now saw the intruders' faces.

"It's empty." Yu Qi maintained her smiling face.

"You are know about we coming tonight. That is why you prepared a trap for us, right?" X asked to confirm.

Yu Qi looked at the intruders. Of course, she and Long Hui did not know. They just happened to be in her space. That's all.π˜§π—Ώπ‘’eπš π™šπ™—π‘›oπšŸπžπ™‘.πœΰ«¦π—Ί

However, from X's prespective, Yu Qi's silent meant he was right. She and Long Hui already knew that he and others were coming. That was why they prepared a trap for them to jump in.

"Who are you and why do you come here?" Long Hui asked.

"Hmm... You can't get anything from us." Jay smirked arrogantly.

"Oh, really?" Yu Qi was still smiling.

"You should know." X said.

"Owh, you want to kidnap me, right?" Yu Qi confirmed it. "But do you think I will be easy?"

"Even we don't succeeds, does mean you are safe now. You will be kidnapped sooner or later." Nas said.

"Really? But to bad for you, you already got caught. And your legs, you can't use them anymore. Pity you." Yu Qi showed pity on her eyes when looking at their legs.

"What? What do you do to my legs?" Jay said, trying to touch his legs but he was in a quite position, so, he could not touch his legs.

"You can think whatever you want, then." Yu Qi did not want to tell them and let they thought whatever they wanted to.

"What do you want to do with them?" Long Hui asked.

The three men did not understand what Long Hui asking because Long Hui asked in Binhai Language.

"Just handle them to the cops." Yu Qi said.

"Do you want to question them first?" Long Hui asked.

"I would like to but I don't think we can do it here, in this country." Yu Qi sighed.

If they were in Binhai Nation, they could simply used the connection that they had to question them. They were definitely from one of the organizations that wanted to kidnap her.

So, there was no way that they would simply answered her question obediently. Yu Qi figured that they needed to be taught some lessons first. So, they could not do it here.

"Hmm... I will try to think of something." Long Hui narrowed his eyes. "So, now, let's call the police first."

"Okay." Yu Qi nodded.

Yu Qi asked the hotel staff to call the police. The staff was shocked when he heard about this. He called the police and his manager. The manager heard this and rushed to the room.

He was deeply apologized to Yu Qi and Long Hui for this incident. Yu Qi told him that he did not need to blame himself for this. It happened because she was here. She was their target, after all.

The police came. This time, Long Hui was doing the talk. He wanted the police to hold the three men for a night. Then, Binhai Nation would take over on the men. Long Hui even revealed his identity for the police.

The police understood what Long Hui wanted and agreed with that. They also did not want to deal with this case. Since Long Hui wanted to deal it, they would be happy.

The police took the men away. The manager offered Long Hui and Yu Qi a new suite. They took upon the offer. Now, they were in their new room. After that, they entered Yu Qi's space.

"They think I will be easy to kidnap." Yu Qi sighed.

"I suggest they are from the mercenary organization." Long Hui said.

"You mean?" Yu Qi tilted her head.

"The organization where they took job from the black market. They were tough people. Sometimes, they even kill to complete their mission." Long Hui explained.

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