May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 899 - Chapter 899 pestered him

Chapter 899: Chapter 899 pestered him

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"What do you want? An abortion? " Chu Xia asked. Seeing that Mu Xue had no reaction, she got up and walked towards the door. "Then I'll call the doctor to come in and perform an abortion for you. "

"No! Don't call! " Mu Xue subconsciously stopped Chu Xia.

The corners of Chu Xia's lips curved. She knew that this would be the outcome. She turned around and ran back to Mu Xue's bedside. "You want to give birth to the baby, right? "

She was practically laughing in her heart. Actually, there was no doctor to perform an abortion for mu Xue. There was indeed a doctor, but this kind of surgery needed to be performed at the hospital. It could not be done here.

She only said these words to test Mu Xue's sincerity.

"I, I... " Mu Xue stammered. She subconsciously did not want to perform an abortion. She did not know how to respond to her words.

"Little Xue, what are you hesitating for? Didn't I tell you? If you continue to hesitate, I will call the doctor, " Chuxia said.

Mu Xue held chuxia's hand. "Don't call, don't call the doctor. I agree with what you said just now. I will not perform an abortion, but Ming Tai must ensure that he is good to the child. Moreover, he can not get married. "

"Okay! Don't worry, Ming Tai has already said it. You can rest assured and take care of the baby. " Chu Xia finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"En, I don't want to stay in a hotel anymore. Can you send me home? ''MuuXuee asked.

"Do you want to go back to your own home? '' "But it's inconvenient for you to be alone. If anything happens to the child, no one will take care of you. How about this, I'll send you back to Ming Tai. After all, the child will be placed at his home. Don't you want to see the child's future room and the things he prepared for the Child? " Chu Xia asked.

Mu Xue looked at Chuxia, but she could not find any words to refute Chuxia. To be honest, if she gave the child to Ming Tai, she would feel uneasy again.

"Is it convenient for me to stay at his house? " She asked softly.

"Why is it inconvenient? Why is it inconvenient for the child and his mother to stay at home? " Chuxia could not help but laugh out loud. This was her plan. She wanted to think of a way to trick Mu Xue into coming to Ming Tai's house. What else was difficult to do?

After a few months, the child would be born. One would be the father and the other would be the mother. What was there to be noisy about?

However, Chuxia did not know that her thoughts were too simple. Things were very different from what she had imagined.

"then I'll have to trouble you to talk to Ming Tai. I'll wait for his reply, " Mu Xue said.

"Alright, I'll talk to Ming Tai. LIE DOWN AND DON'T MOVE! " Chuxia hurriedly ran out of the room to look for Ming Tai.

Ming Tai knew that Chuxia had finished talking. He walked into Mu Xue's room with ointment and bandages in his hands.

He strode to Mu Xue's side and raised his hand to grab Mu Xue's arm. "I'll apply the ointment for you. Bear with the pain. "

The man tyrannically pulled the woman's arm. Because of her struggle, her arm was torn by the rope.

The ointment was applied on Mu Xue's wrist and it stung slightly. "Are you really not going to get married for the rest of your life? "

"Yes, " Ming Tai agreed.

"A lifetime is very long. Aren't you going to consider it? " Mu Xue asked.

She hated this man very much, but she also felt that using a child to tie Ming Tai up for the rest of his life seemed a little cruel.

Ming Tai looked up at the little woman. "I'm allergic to women. One experience is enough. "

His voice was filled with resentment. He did not know what he owed this woman in his past life. Ever since he met this little woman, his life had become messy.

Now, he wanted to give the baby to him and run away by himself.

However, he did not even have the right to choose. If he did not agree, she would go for an abortion and not even give him the baby!

Mu Xue pursed her lips into a straight line. It was clear that she was complaining that she was not good.

"I know I'm not good. I grew up in an orphanage. Many people do not like children in an orphanage. They think that such children have a shadow and a defect in their character. In fact, you're right. People like us are not qualified to get married and have children. "

Ming Tai raised his hand and pressed down on the little woman's mouth "Who said you don't have the right I won't allow you to talk about yourself like that "I can take care of your children if you don't like them. If you don't want to get married, I can choose not to get married. But don't talk about yourself like that. You're a good girl. It's just that we made a mistake in how we opened each other's doors. "

His voice was deep. This girl had been causing trouble all over him. She had hidden his car and swiped his bank card. But he couldn't say anything bad about this girl.

He thought that if they had met in a different way, perhaps they would not have ended up like this.

Mu Xue turned her head to the side. She did not want the man to see the water in her eyes. She knew that he was a good man, a very good, very good man.

All the women in the world liked him. However, what right did she have to like him and be his woman?

Even if she dug up everything she had, she could not find a reason that was worthy of a man.

Time trickled by in the room. Ming Tai bandaged the wound on the little woman's wrist. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tied you up. You can take revenge on me however you want. "

He said in a low voice.

"forget it this time. I'm so tired and want to sleep. " Mu Xue came up with a reason. She didn't know how to face this man, so she could only find a reason to let him go.


When a corner of the sun shone into the palace, the Queen went out early. She took her maid to the banquet hall to pick up Qin Sheng. She called her cousin, Jasmine, and told Jasmine to leave through the secret passage as soon as possible.

Jasmine lowered her voice. "Aunt, why do I have to leave? I want to stay. Don't let Qin Sheng replace me! "

She finally became summers'woman, the Future Queen. She would not leave at this time!

"Forget it if you're stupid. If Summers wakes up and sees that the person he's sleeping with is you and not Qin Sheng, do you think the chances of him killing you or marrying you are higher? " The Queen questioned.

"I, " Jasmine could not say a word, "but, if he knows it's Qin Sheng, won't he marry Qin Sheng? "

"with me around, he won't be able to marry Qin Sheng. Last night was your ovulation period. Did you collect his seeds? " The Queen asked.

"I collected a lot, " Jasmine answered.

"That's good. Come back. This time, we'll think of a way to get you pregnant. In ten months, you'll come back with the son of summors. Are you still afraid that you're not the princess consort? " The queen said.

Jasmine understood her aunt's plan this time.

"I'll go through the secret passage immediately. "

"okay, I'll go and bring Qin Sheng now. " The Queen Hung up the phone. Her car had already stopped in front of the small building.

She took the maid into the small building and carried Qin Sheng away.

However, everything in the room shocked the Queen.

A man and a woman were lying on the bed, hugging each other. The two of them were entangled like babies. No one could separate them!

The clothes that were thrown on the ground showed the intensity of last night. The room was full of ambiguous atmosphere.

Her hands were clenched into fists. Gong Mochen actually slept with Qin Sheng. What should she do about her plan?

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