May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 898 - Chapter 898 pestered him 28

Chapter 898: Chapter 898 pestered him 28

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"Yes! " The maid received the order and drove the car to the banquet hall.

The banquet hall was a special place for foreign guests. It was divided into many small villas, and every foreign guest could live in their own villas.

There was no one living in a villa in the distance. Their car was parked downstairs.

The Queen led the maid to carry Qin Sheng. She randomly found a room, put her on the bed, and left.

In the car, the Queen called her niece. "Sofi, did you drink the wine that I asked you to give Gong Mochen? "

"Yes, I saw him drink it. Is The medicine strong? " Sofi asked.

"Of course it's strong. It's a drug that makes people hallucinate. No matter what he thinks, his mind will always have the image he wants He will think of you as the person he imagined. The next day, he can only say that he drank too much and mistook you for the wrong person. He himself mistook you for the wrong person. He must be responsible for you, don't you agree?"The queen said.

"Yes, aunt's plan is still long-term. I'll go find him now. " Sofi hung up the phone and went to Gong Mochen's small building to find Gong Mochen.

However, she discovered that Gong Mochen's building was empty. Not to mention Gong Mochen, there weren't even Gong Mochen's subordinates.

Where was he Could it be that she had made a mistake?

She hurriedly ran out and continued to look for him.

Gong Mochen was naturally not in his room. After the banquet ended, he went to look for Qin Sheng. How could he let his woman be with summers! !

He was going to look for Qin Sheng to settle the score His men were also sent out to look for Qin Sheng.

Nie Feng reported to him that he found the queen coming out from the secret passage and even moved Qin Sheng out. He followed Nie Feng's report and went to save Qin Sheng. Unexpectedly, he saw the queen leaving with a few maids. He quickly ran into the room and saw the woman lying on the bed.

"Qin Sheng! " He called Qin Sheng's name softly, but the woman did not give him any response.

Was She drugged His hand touched Qin Sheng's small face, but Qin Sheng still did not have any reaction. He tested Qin Sheng's breathing and heartbeat. Everything was normal, but the woman seemed to be asleep and would not give anyone any response.

Damn it Was she drugged to fall asleep?

Although he still did not understand why I did not give Qin Sheng the drug to fall asleep, it was good that I could find Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng's mind was in a mess. It was all about her childhood. She seemed to have turned 18 again.

"UNCLE! YOU'RE BAD! " She called Gong Mochen in her dream.


In the hotel, Mu Xue was tied to the bed. Chu Xia went in to see Mu Xue.

"Chu Xia, hurry up and help me get rid of the rope. Damn Ming Tai, how dare he tie me up! " Mu Xue said angrily.

"Don't be angry. The doctor said that the fetus has just stabilized and needs to continue lying down to protect the fetus. Your baby is too young. It can't withstand your torment, " Chu Xia said.

"F * Ck, you want me to have a baby too? " Mu Xue ridiculed.

Chuxia sat beside Mu Xue and took out the ultrasound chart for Mu Xue to see. "take a look for yourself. This is your uterus, and the little seedling inside is your baby. Although it's very small, it's already alive. "

Chuxia looked at the ultrasound chart in a daze. It was really very small, so small that it was just a little bud. If chuxia hadn't told her, she really wouldn't have known that this thing was a child, and it was even alive.

"This, he, is not, I... " Mu Xue's voice was choked with sobs. She could not find the right nerve.

"See, he is in your stomach. In ten months, he will weigh six pounds and be a healthy baby. In five years, he will be the same age as my Chu Chu. He will act coquettishly and speak well. In twenty years, he will be the same age as you are now.

Tell me, do you really want to kill him "No matter what happened between you and Ming Tai, he is an innocent life, don't you think so? " Chu Xia tried to persuade Mu Xue.

Mu Xue's eyes closed and tears rolled down her cheeks. "I know what you're saying, but I'm not a good mother. Chu Xia, I'm afraid, I'm afraid. I have psychological trauma. I can't get married and have children! "

"I know you're an orphan. I think you must have your reasons for rejecting children. But children are innocent lives. Actually, I think Ming Tai's suggestion is very good. You can give birth to the child and let Ming Tai take care of it. What do you think? " Chu Xia said.

Mu Xue bit her lips. "But, he will marry and have children, right? HIS WIFE WILL MIND MY CHILD! "

"I've asked Ming Tai. He has no intention of getting married. He just wants to live a life with this child. So, I think that you can give birth to the child, and I can help Ming Tai take care of the child. Are you worried about me? " Chuxia asked.

"No, why would I be worried? You and sister Qin are my best friends. I just, I just don't know what to do, " Mu Xue said.

"Then tell me now. Do you want to have an abortion? If you still want to have an abortion, I'll call the doctor right now. Ming Tai has asked the doctor to watch over you 24 hours a day. The doctor will be able to perform such a small surgery in 30 minutes, " Chuxia said.

Mu Xue's mind was in a mess. "Does he agree to my abortion? "

"I've talked to him too. It's not realistic to tie you up like this until you give birth. He shouldn't force you to do things you don't want to do. He agreed to respect your wishes. You can do whatever you want now. " Chuxia lifted her hand and untied the rope that tied Ye Weixue's hand.

Mu Xue's hand finally regained its freedom. "I, I want... "

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