May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 900 - Chapter 900 pestered him for 30

Chapter 900: Chapter 900 pestered him for 30

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

The Queen's brows furrowed into a knot. This situation had exceeded all of her plans!

"Queen, quickly think of a way! If we can't send Qin Sheng over, the crown prince will wake up soon. " The maid said.

"Isn't I also anxious? But what should we do now? " The Queen's head was about to explode.

The good plan had been interrupted by Gong Mochen. Yesterday, she had asked her niece, Sofi, to look for Gong Mochen. In the end, Sofi looked for Gong Mochen for an entire night but could not find him.

Who Knew Gong Mochen was here with Qin Sheng!

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. Their medicine has a strong sleep function. They won't wake up until the time is right. " Another maid suddenly thought of something.

Her words reminded the Queen.

"Yes, I almost forgot. The side effect of these medicine is sleep. They won't wake up even if they are moved! " The queen said.

"Then what should we do? " The maid asked.

"carry Qin Sheng away. I'll call Sofi and ask her to come over! " The queen said proudly.

She was so happy that she almost burst out laughing. She thought that her plan was ruined, but she didn't expect that her two plans would be fulfilled!

She immediately called her niece and asked Sofi to come over.

Sofi moved very quickly. She couldn't find Gong Mochen after looking for him all night. She was crying in her room.

She didn't expect the queen to ask her to go. She grabbed her phone and ran to the banquet hall that the Queen mentioned.

"Aunt! What's going on? " Sofi looked at the man on the bed and asked in surprise.

"Don't ask. Gong Mochen slept with Qin Sheng here yesterday. I'll take Qin Sheng away now. You lie down, understand? Then you'll be Mrs. Gong! " The queen said.

Sofi's face was tense. She was unwilling. She was the queen's niece. She had a high status since she was young, but now she had to rely on a man.

"Aunt, I don't believe that he doesn't love me! "

"If you're confident, then let him fall in love with you right now! The person he slept with yesterday was Qin Sheng. It wasn't you! What face do you have to be so arrogant here! If you don't want to marry him, then forget it. I don't have to worry about you! " The queen said angrily.

Sofi realized that the Queen was angry and quickly wanted to retract her words. "Aunt, I know that aunt loves me the most. I'll listen to aunt, okay? But do I need to bask in Qin Sheng's glory? "

"It's better not to bask in her light. If you can make Gong Mochen open his eyes and fall in love with you, then I don't need to worry. Someone quickly carry Qin Sheng away, " said the Queen.

"Yes. " A few maids carried Qin Sheng out of the room.

"I'll leave this to you. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! " The Queen was worried and reminded her niece before walking out of the room.

Sofi looked at the man on the bed. That man was really good-looking. His sexy face exuded the charm of a mature man, making her fall in love with him at a glance!

"Gong Mochen. You will love me, right? ! "

Gong Mochen's eyes suddenly opened.

Sofi was so scared that her whole body trembled. She didn't even have the time to lie down.

"CEO... CEO Gong, you're awake. " She stammered.

Gong Mochen's brows sank. "Why are you here? "

The man's cold face made SOFI unable to say anything that would make a man fall in love with her. At this moment, she really didn't have the courage to come to the man's side and make him fall in love with her!

"I, of course I'm here. We were here yesterday. Have you forgotten? "

Even if she didn't want to be associated with Qin Sheng, she had already forced herself to say it. She was afraid that the man would leave her here.

"It's you? " Gong Mochen's cold gaze landed on the woman's face. He could see her nervousness.

"Of course it's me. It's me. " Sofi said stubbornly.

"Why do I remember it's Qin Sheng? " Gong Mochen said.

His own memory wouldn't be wrong.

"You, you got drunk and got the wrong person. Yesterday, I helped you back, so you thought I was Qin Sheng. " Sofi said.

Gong Mochen frowned more and more, "My people are not here? You helped me back? "

"Yes, they are not here, so I helped you back, " said Sofi, stammering.

Gong Mochen suddenly reached out and grabbed Sofi's neck, "what was in the wine yesterday? If you don't tell me, I will let you die now! "

He was furious, his fingers tightly clutching the woman's neck, as if he could strangle her to death at any time.

"No, there was nothing in the wine! " SOFI screamed in fear.

"I know my own body. Speak, or else a servant will come to collect your body in the next minute! " Gong Mochen's cold voice let the woman know that he was not joking.

Sofi only felt like she was suffocating to death. She could not breathe at all.

"I'll speak, I'll speak! There's something in the wine, but I didn't put it there. It was my aunt. My aunt forced me to be with you, saying that you're a rich man in the world. She wanted me to hook up with you. This way, it would be much easier for our country to develop its industry, " SOFI complained.

"what's in the wine? " Gong Mochen asked.

"It's a drug that makes people hallucinate. Treat what you imagine as reality. " Sofi explained.

Gong Mochen's brows were pressed to the lowest. "You mean, I treat you as Qin Sheng. "

Sofi nodded in panic. "Yes, that's right. Don't kill me. I don't want to either. It was the queen's idea. Go and settle the score with the Queen! "

She cleverly threw all the problems to the Queen. Anyway, she was sure that no matter how rich Gong Mochen was or how high his status was, he wouldn't casually kill a Queen!

Gong Mochen let go of his hand. "GET LOST! If you don't disappear here in ten seconds, you don't have to go out! "

He would directly throw her downstairs.

Anger spread from his heart. He actually slept with another woman?

However, when he was about to wake up, he vaguely heard the voice of this woman and the Queen.

Sofi did not dare to delay and ran away.

Gong Mochen called Nie Feng. "Why am I here? I remember that I went back to the villa. "

"Yes, you went back to the villa, and then you asked us to look for Madam. Later, I reported to you that Madam was carried here by the Queen, so you came here and asked our people to retreat, " Nie Feng reported.

"What happened after that? " Gong Mochen asked. Everything before that proved that his memory was correct.

"I'm not sure after that. You were the one who asked us to retreat and rest. " Nie Feng was also helpless. Gong Mochen probably thought that he was enough to protect Qin Sheng, so he asked them to retreat. However, things just had to go wrong.

Gong Mochen sneered, "the queen dared to have designs on me. He found the wrong person. Let's go back to the villa. "

He brought Nie Feng and the others back to the villa that the palace arranged for him.

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