May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1714 - Chapter 1714: This man belongs to me

Chapter 1714: Chapter 1714: This man belongs to me

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"Hire A troll army? HMM, that's a good idea. People like to follow the trend. Once public opinion is biased toward Fang Yuan, people will continue to scold Xiao Hui! " Fang nodded in agreement with Yi Feng's idea.

"I think this is a good idea too! We'll do it according to Yi Feng's idea! " Mrs. Fang said happily. She finally saw some hope to settle this matter.

"Then, I'll go and arrange this matter, " Yi Feng said.

"Go! Go quickly. I'll transfer the money to you, " Fang said.

"I'll pay first. I'll tell you how much it cost after the matter is settled, " Yi Feng said as he walked out of the ward.

Fang looked at Yi Feng's back with doubt in his eyes. It cost a lot of money to hire a troll army, and he wouldn't be able to make a name for himself unless he had tens of millions.

And this bodyguard had tens of millions Obviously, this bodyguard's ability was beyond his imagination.

"You take care of your daughter, and I'll go to the company. I don't know how many reporters are surrounding the entrance of our company. I'll go deal with them, " Fang said as he left the hospital.

Mrs. Fang took care of Fang Yuan and helped her lie down to nurse her fetus "This Yi Feng is not bad. When you said you wanted him to be your bodyguard, you really used the right person. Why do I feel that he likes you "It's a pity that he's a bodyguard. It would be great if he was someone with Nangong Ye's status "It's easy for us rich families to find someone of equal status to get married, but it's too difficult to find someone of equal status to get married and fall in love with! "

As a woman, she could naturally see Yi Feng's intentions toward Fang Yuan, so she sighed with emotion.

Fang Yuan had trapped herself in the blanket. Only by being wrapped in the blanket would she feel safe. Even she did not expect Yi Feng to help her. However, how was she going to explain the matter of those photos to Yi Feng?

The scarier thing than being seen by Nangong Ye was that Yi Feng had seen those photos!

Yi Feng acted very quickly. It did not take long for the public opinion on the Internet to be biased towards Fang Yuan. Everyone guessed that these photos and news were Xiao Hui's intentional framing of Fang Yuan.

Everyone continued to scold Xiao Hui. Although there were people who believed that the person in the photos was Fang Yuan and questioned Fang Yuan's character, their posts were quickly suppressed by the troll army's posts.

Those who read the news would only read the first few comments. No one had the patience to follow the wind and read the tens of thousands of follow-up posts.

The troll army pushed Fang Yuan's positive follow-up posts to the top, so that everyone who clicked in to watch the news could see the few follow-up posts that speculated that Xiao Hui had faked the photo to frame Fang Yuan.

When thousands of people told you that it was Xiao Hui who framed Fang Yuan, the people completely turned to Fang Yuan, thinking that this was the truth of the matter.

Fang Yuan watched as she gradually cleared her name from the hospital bed and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

The door to her room was pushed open, and Yi Feng walked into the room.

"It's all settled. Right now, the public is scolding Xiao Hui, " Yi Feng said in a deep voice.

"Yi Feng, you're really capable. Don't worry, you've helped Fang Yuan resolve this matter. Our Fang family will not mistreat you! Help me take care of Fang Yuan. I'll go home and get the tonic soup that Fang Yuan made, " Mrs. Fang said She gave a few more instructions to Fang Yuan and told her to rest well. Then, she left the hospital.

Yi Feng had helped her so much, so she naturally had to thank Yi Feng and give him some sweets to eat.

Actually, she had arranged for the maid to stew the tonic soup and send it to the hospital. Now that she had changed her plan, she would personally go home to get the tonic soup so that Yi Feng could have a chance to talk to Fang Yuan alone.

Only Fang Yuan and Yi Feng were left in the room. Fang Yuan's face was Pale and she avoided looking at Yi Feng.

However, she could feel Yi Feng's gaze on her. She was so embarrassed that she did not know how to face Yi Feng.

It was as if even the air was so stiff that it was difficult for her to breathe.

A man's voice came faintly from the room. "Don't you have anything to say to me? "

Fang Yuan's heart twitched fiercely, and her heart bumped into her ribs, causing her to feel pain for a moment.

"I. . . My... Yi Feng, back then, it was you who was unwilling to publicize our relationship. It's very difficult for us to go out once a month. Everyone has their time when they are young and frivolous. " Fang Yuan gritted her teeth and bit her lips.

"So, are you blaming me for not satisfying you? " Yi Feng asked in return.

"No, that me. Back then, you treated me as if I was distant. I was in great pain. I wanted to find someone to comfort my emptiness, but I only loved you. You know that! " Fang Yuan said softly. She really could not find a reason to be so confident She could only force out a reason.

"So, I was wrong? " Yi Feng's voice was cold.

Fang Yuan grabbed Yi Feng's hand "No You were not wrong. I was wrong Yi Feng, don't be angry These are all things in the past. I admit that I could not stand the loneliness and had relationships with other people, but the only boyfriend I admit to is you "But you refused to let me disclose our relationship no matter what! "

"Just because I refused to let you disclose our relationship, you found another man? " Yi Feng asked.

"If you don't reveal our relationship, I'll feel that you're not sincere towards me. I was wrong, will you forgive me? Yi Feng, my child is yours! " Fang Yuan cried out. However, she still had one last trump card, and that was the child!

The child was Nangong Ye's, and even more so, Yi Feng's!

It was Ye Xinghun who tampered with Yi Feng's genetic sequence and created the child.

Yi Feng's eyes narrowed. "Why are you asking me if I'll forgive you? You know that the only person I love is you! It's just that my identity isn't revealed, so I can't marry and have children with you. "

He could only live in the shadows for his entire life and could not marry Fang Yuan. When Fang Yuan told him that she had other ways to openly give birth to his child, he agreed.

Fang Yuan's heart finally relaxed. She rested her head on the man's arm "I know that only you are true to me. Don't worry. After I give birth to the child and obtain the inheritance rights of the Nan Gong family, we will live in seclusion and live like all married couples. "

Yi Feng's other hand touched the woman's forehead. "Alright, I'll wait for the day I can be with you. "

The day he would live with Fang Yuan was his ultimate goal in his mind. He fell in love with Fang Yuan at first sight. No matter what Fang Yuan did, he would unconditionally forgive her.

Nangong ye was in his office, looking at the news on his phone. His glabella sank. He did not expect things to turn out like this. This was the first time something had exceeded his expectations.

"find out what's going on! " He ordered George.

George Sat opposite him. His finger tapped on the screen at the speed of light to analyze his data and quickly came to a conclusion "It's a troll army. Someone hired a troll army from a public relations company to WASH THE POSTS! " Although the usernames of these posts were different, their ID addresses were the same area code. In other words, they were posted by dozens of machines in the same location, or hundreds of machines that had logged in tens of thousands of usernames

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