May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1713 - Chapter 1713: This man belongs to me

Chapter 1713: Chapter 1713: This man belongs to me

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

The news immediately exploded, flooding the entire Internet like a flood. All the news websites were reposting this news.

Many people left comments calling fang yuan a green tea table and a white lotus flower. They did not expect Fang Yuan to be so crazy when she was in school!

Fang Yuan, who was in the ward, turned on her phone to look at the news that everyone was scolding Xiao Hui. These few days, she had relied on the news that everyone was scolding Xiao Hui to comfort herself so that her mood would be better.

However, when she clicked on the news website, her eyes widened in horror. She did not need to look at the person in the photo to know that it was herself!

"Ah! " She screamed and threw the phone in her hand away. It had been so long. How could it be exposed.

The bodyguard at the door immediately rushed into the room. "Miss! What happened to you? "

Fang Yuan grabbed the bodyguard's hand. "News, News! I'm going to die, I'M GOING TO DIE! "

She kept saying that she was going to die as if she had gone mad. Even her gaze was so dazed that she looked like a soulless doll.

The bodyguard quickly picked up the phone on the ground and read the news on it. His handsome face immediately turned bleak.

Fang Yuan and Mrs. Fang ran into the room, panting.

They had seen the news at home, and they rushed to the hospital without breakfast to ask Fang Yuan what was going on.

"Fang Yuan, is the woman in the photo you? Tell me quickly! " Fang Yuan questioned her daughter.

"OF COURSE NOT! She has always been so obedient. When she was with Nangong Ye, it was her first time! " Mrs. Fang absolutely believed in her daughter.

Fang Yuan looked at her furious father. Her face was Pale, and she couldn't say a word!

"If it wasn't for you, you'd go and tell the truth. I'm going to sue these reporters for framing our daughter! " Fang roared angrily.

"How can we sue the reporters? They didn't mention her name. It was all a wild guess. Looking at the people in the photos, they looked like our daughter who framed our daughter "That B * Tch Xiao Hui must have found the video and tried to harm our daughter! " Mrs. Fang said.

"Xiao Hui! If I find out that it's her, even Nangong Ye won't be able to save her this time! " Fang said fiercely.

"Daughter, say something! I'll contact the reporters and we'll hold a press conference! " Mrs. Fang said.

Hearing the press conference, Fang Yuan's brain was immediately stimulated. "No, don't hold a press conference! I won't see the reporters, I won't see them! "

She shouted immediately. The people in the photos were all the men she had slept with. She didn't know how the photos were leaked, but she knew that Xiao Hui didn't have the ability. The only person with the ability was Nangong Ye!

In other words, Nangong Ye had already found out about her terrible past. If she jumped out to deny the photos and targeted Xiao Hui, she was afraid that Nangong ye would expose the videos that weren't garbled!

At least now, everyone only guessed that the woman in the video was her and didn't believe that it was her. Moreover, some people believed that she wasn't such a person.

Fang's face twitched violently. "You don't want to see the reporters? Fang Yuan, tell me clearly. Is the person in the video you? "

He roared angrily. Fang Yuan's attitude was obviously wrong. If it really wasn't Fang Yuan, why would fang yuan be afraid of seeing the reporters?

"Of course it's not our daughter! Are you crazy? How can you think that our daughter is such an unbearable woman? " Mrs. Fang complained to her husband.

"Who's F * Cking crazy? Can you use your brain? If it wasn't for her, why wouldn't she dare to see the reporters? " Fang yelled angrily.

Mrs. Fang was so angry that she couldn't speak. She walked to Fang Yuan's side and said, "daughter, don't be afraid. Tell me, is it really you? I believe in you! "

Fang Yuan's face was extremely pale. Trembling, she grabbed her mother's hand and said, "mom, you have to save me! Save me! I don't want to be scolded. I don't want to die! "

Mrs. Fang looked at her daughter in her arms, and her mind went blank. Fang Yuan didn't deny it, but she said that she didn't want to die.

Her face also turned Pale. "You, is it really you? Why are you with so many men... "

She couldn't finish her sentence.

Fang was so angry that he flipped over the table in the room. He felt his blood rushing into his brain, and his vision turned black!

The room sank into a dead silence. No one said another word, and the air was terrifyingly quiet.

A voice broke the silence. "I think now is not the time to pursue the responsibility, but the time to solve the problem. How to clean Miss Fang's name is what we need to do now, if you don't want the Fang family to suffer a crushing defeat. "

Everyone looked at the bodyguard standing in the room.

Fang Yuan's trembling lips said with difficulty, "Yi Feng. "

Mrs. Fang also came back to her senses "I think Yi Feng is right. What we need to do now is to clear Fang Yuan's name. No matter what, she is still our daughter. She is still pregnant with the child of the Nan Gong family. We can't give the Nan Gong family and Fang Yuan a chance to break off completely!

"Hubby, let's not get angry. Even if our daughter did something ridiculous back then, she knows she was wrong. She hasn't had a boyfriend since she returned to the country. "As long as we clear her past, she will still be a rich young lady! "

Fang's brows knitted into a knot. "This is the only way now. Let Fang Yuan Deny it first. Then, I'll think of a way. "

"I can't deny it! Nangong ye must have found these videos. I'm afraid that he has the full version. What if I deny it and he sends the full version? " Fang Yuan voiced her concerns.

"But you can't just not say anything, right? People will think that you have a guilty conscience and will think that the person in the video is you, " Mrs. Fang said.

"I won't deny it, nor will I admit it. I'll let miss say it. I'm tired and don't want to argue anymore. I just want to give birth to a child properly. If the Nan Gong family doesn't want to admit it, they can choose not to admit it. She will raise the child herself and won't interfere with WHO Nangong ye marries as his wife. Their game miss can't afford to play. For the sake of the position of the Nan Gong family's female lead, Miss doesn't think it's worth it to do everything. "everyone in the country knows who she is, " Yi Feng said.

Mrs. Fang immediately nodded "Yi Feng still has a way! " This was a good idea. Everyone would think that Xiao Hui had deliberately framed Fang Yuan in order to compete with Fang Yuan for the position of the head of the Nan Gong family. "people in our country know that Fang Yuan doesn't even have a boyfriend. She has always been a well-behaved girl with the best reputation among socialites! "

"But does this mean that Fang Yuan's past can be cleared? What if the people don't buy it? " Fang asked.

"We can hire a troll army and post posts to shift the public opinion to the young miss and make everyone believe in her character, " Yi Feng said.

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