May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1715 - Chapter 1715. This man belongs to me. 68

Chapter 1715: Chapter 1715. This man belongs to me. 68

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Nangong Ye's lips were filled with coldness. "The Fang family hired people from a public relations company? "

"This scale is definitely a public relations company. There are over a hundred machines, but there are over a hundred people posting posts in the company at the same time. If it wasn't a public relations company, how could there be such a scale? " George said.

"find out the address of the Public Relations Company, " Nangong Ye said.

"D * MN, big brother, don't you know how to do it too? Why do you want me to do it? " George ridiculed. Nangong ye had also played hacker for a while. Although Nangong ye felt that it was no longer interesting and decided not to do it, Nangong ye also knew how to do this However, right now, Nangong ye was just sitting like the system and letting him do everything.

"Haven't you heard that those who work hard govern others, while those who work hard govern others Do these things even need me to do it personally If I were in this line of work, would there still be a place for you guys to eat I should at least leave you guys a way out, right People should have professional ethics and shouldn't steal your jobs,"Nangong Ye said.

George's lips twitched. "D * Mn, do you think that your ability is greater than mine? F * Ck, if you're not convinced, then let's fight! Let's compete to see who can break into the Pentagon first and steal top-secret military intelligence? "

"Cheh! Childish! Who wants to compete with you? I'm not the president of the Nangong family, so why should I be a hacker? If you have the ability, get rid of those Internet trolls first! " Nangong ye said.

"I can't! There are hundreds of people. I can delete them faster than they can! I don't want to tire myself to death, " George said helplessly.

Nangong Ye's eyes darkened. "What do you think he would do if it was shadowless? Shouldn't he delete the news I posted? If he deleted the news, it would be faster than hiring Internet trolls, and it would also save money. "

George suddenly understood. "So you posted Fang Yuan's news to shock the tiger and see if Wuying is really together with Fang Yuan? "

"Yes, that's what I meant. After all, deleting things is Wuying's specialty, " Nangong Ye said.

"If he were here, he would very likely do so. However, I think he might not dare to do so. After all, he is currently a wanted criminal, one of the top ten wanted criminals in the United Nations. If he were to do so and expose his whereabouts, he would not be able to walk out of the United Nations prison for the rest of his life!

"Is there a need for him to take such a risk for a woman "I feel that he doesn't dare to use his own abilities to delete the posts, " George said.

"It's also possible. You can also find a troll army for me to fight with Fang Yuan's troll army. I want to see how long shadow can remain silent, " Nangong Ye said.

"GOOD IDEA! I also want to know if I can get shadow to come out! " As George said this, he called his friends and asked them to find a reliable public relations company to help Xiao Hui wash the posts.

Soon, there was a huge war on the Internet. Those who supported Xiao Hui and those who supported Fang Yuan were arguing with each other on the Internet.

The citizens of the entire country were involved in this Internet war.

Fang Yuan had been reading the news on her phone. She saw that the posts that supported Xiao Hui and called her a slut were about to cover the posts that supported her. She was so nervous that her heart was about to jump out of her throat.

She could not suppress her worry. She was afraid that someone would rip her true colors and let everyone know how wild she was living in England.

"Yi Feng, you have to help me! Now that everyone is doubting me, what should I do? " She pulled Yi Feng and asked anxiously.

"They have also hired a troll army and three public relations companies, " Yi Feng said. He had checked the origins of these posts and found that they came from three regions.

"Three public relations companies? We only hired one! We have hired too little! Go and hire four more public relations companies for me! I want to beat Xiao Hui! " Fang Yuan ordered Yi Feng.

"It's useless even if you hire a few more PR companies. Compared to throwing money, you can't beat Nangong ye. If you hire four, he can immediately hire forty. It's better not to anger him now. "We just need to make a public opinion guide and let everyone know that you're a victim, " Yi Feng said.

"No! There are so many posts supporting Xiao Hui. Soon, these people will be driven to support Xiao Hui! " Fang Yuan said.

"everything has a novelty. After these few days, the people won't pay attention to this matter anymore. When the time comes, we'll think of a way to wash the posts. There's no need to go head-to-head with Nangong ye. After all, your family's money can't beat Nangong Ye, " Yi Feng said.

Fang Yuan's gaze shifted. "Our family can't beat Nangong ye in terms of spending money, but you can delete the posts! You can delete those posts! "

Yi Feng's expression stiffened. "I can't delete those posts. "

"Why can't you delete them? Didn't you delete them once for me? You deleted them so that even Dong Wenjin doesn't know that his video was deleted. Help ME DELETE THEM AGAIN! " Fang Yuan shook the man's arm and said coquettishly.

Yi Feng's face was tense. "It's only that one time. There won't be a second time. Otherwise, I'll be too dangerous. That time shouldn't have happened. "

Fang Yuan could not understand Yi Feng's words. "Why? Why can't there be a second time? Why is it too dangerous? Say something! "

"You don't understand. Don't ask anymore! " Yi Feng's tone was unusually cold towards Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan's brows sank. "I don't understand? You're in danger? Is it related to what you said about you not being able to expose your identity? Why on Earth can't you expose your identity? "

Yi Feng raised his hand and pushed Fang Yuan, who was leaning on his arm, away. "You shouldn't ask about these things. I'll help you with anything I can. "

He turned around and walked out of the ward without explaining anything to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan's hands were clenched into fists. If Yi Feng didn't help her delete the posts, she would be scolded to death If she had to endure until the people didn't pay attention to her news, then she would wash the news. How could she endure it for so long?

Her hands pounded fiercely on the bed. She had to think of a way to get Yi Feng to delete all the posts!

She turned her eyes to think of a way... ...


In the Royal Palace of Wales, Willam was walking on a small path in the palace. His figure gradually approached Xi SI's bedroom.

His gaze landed on the low wall in the Back Garden of Xi Si's bedroom. From the top of the low wall, he could see the rockery and trees in the garden. The tall rockery was very big and occupied a corner of the garden. The entire garden was bigger than a school playground.

The trees around the wall were shrouded in darkness. The wind blew past the leaves and made a rustling sound. The night was very quiet, but he knew that the night team he had sent was monitoring every move of Xi Si's bedroom from these trees.

Lian Lian He did not believe that Lian Lian would die. Since his father and he had put on such a big show, he would accompany his father to have fun!

Lian Lian got up from the bed. She turned on the lights in the room and walked into the living room. When she saw the fountain in the Living Room, she was happy. Xi Si was very trustworthy. He had promised to get her a fountain, so he had really bought one for her.

Under the Roman Pillar of the fountain was an iron tray. Under the tray were wheels that could push the fountain anywhere.

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