May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1658 - Chapter 1658: This man belongs to me

Chapter 1658: Chapter 1658: This man belongs to me

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

His fingers knocked on the door. Sorry, he was just unhappy to see Willam hugging Lian Lian so comfortably!

"Get up! The test results are out! "

His voice was not soft, and the knocking on the door was not soft either.

Willam's sleep had always been very alert. Even when he was asleep, his brain was in a half-asleep state. The slightest movement would wake him up.

He opened his eyes and rebuked Sikong Yi, "can't you see Lian Lian is sleeping? Shut up! "

His voice was extremely low, but it did not affect his deterrence.

"She's sleeping, why are you hugging her? Let go! " Sikong Yi reprimanded Willam.

"We're husband and wife, I can hug my woman however I want, why do you care? " Willam retorted.

He knew that Lian Lian had not slept well for him these few days, how could he bear to wake Lian Lian up?

Lian Lian heard the sound and opened her eyes to see Sikong Yi.

"cousin, how's the blood test result? " She asked before she opened her eyes. No matter how tired she was, it was not as important as what happened to Willam.

Willam helped Lian Lian Up. "Don't worry, sit properly first, we'll talk later. "

Lian Lian got up and sat on the SOFA, urging Sikong Yi, "cousin, tell US quickly. "

Sikong Yi was unhappy. Lian Lian had always been a little princess. He did not think that anyone was worth Lian Lian's effort.

"This is the test report, take a look. " He handed the test report to Willam and Lian Lian.

Lian Lian looked at the numbers on the test report. "Why are there so many Voodoo poisons? I thought these voodoo poisons would starve to death. "

She saw that Willam's condition was getting better. He was no longer under the control of the venomous insects. She thought that the venomous insects had already starved to death.

"The venomous insects did not starve to death. They are in a dormant state. I reckon that they are afraid of starving to death. That's why they have allowed themselves to hibernate. When the human body has enough nutrients for them to eat, they will come out to cause trouble. " Sikong Yi explained.

"What kind of monster did Ye Xinghun nurture? How could there be such a thing? " William asked coldly.

When he was in the rainforest, he had pretended to have amnesia. It wasn't true Amnesia. He remembered everything, including how Ye Xinghun had harmed him.

"there are many things belonging to the Voodoo race that can not be explained with modern technology. The current situation is like this. If you eat, they will wake up. If you don't eat, you will starve to death. " Sikong Yi said.

Lian Lian's brows furrowed. "Can we extract Willam's blood and filter out the GU poison? "

She had thought of a solution.

Could it be possible to separate the Gu poison from the blood and remove the GU poison?

"This is one way. I think so too. However, this method can not remove all the Gu poison. At most, it will reduce the number of Gu poison. This is because the Gu poison is everywhere in his body. Not only in his blood, but also in his organs and in his brain. Of course, the amount of Gu poison in his blood takes up a slightly larger proportion. This way, the filtering can reduce the number of Gu poison by about one-third. However, it is necessary to filter his blood every day.

Then, we can measure the growth rate of the Gu poison after he eats. We can try to keep the increase in the number of Gu poison and the number of Gu poison removed stable. This way, we can maintain his life, but not let him be controlled by the Voodoo poison,"Sikong Yi said.

"Do you want to dialysis his blood every day? If it's long-term dialysis, my blood vessels and various organs will very easily fail, " Willam said.

"You should be satisfied. It's already good enough to be able to maintain you for a period of time. Otherwise, if you're so hungry, I guarantee that you'll starve to death in a few days! " Sikong Yi said.

"Alright, I agree with this plan. Every day is a day. Baby, did you hear that? I can live for a few more days! " Willam stuck his head out and kissed the little woman's face.

The man said it with a smile, but Lian Lian's heart ached when she heard it. She could only live for a few more days.

"My cousin and I will continue to think of a way. Don't worry, we will definitely think of a way, " she said. She did not believe that she could not think of a way to save Willam.

"Yes, I will listen to you! Alright, the test results are finished. Lian Lian, let's continue to sleep. Let your cousin go! " Willam said and immediately sent out the order to chase him away.

"Aren't you going to do dialysis now? Do you still want to keep your Voodoo for fun? " Sikong Yi asked. Willam wanted to continue sleeping with Lian Lian. He would LET WILLAM DREAM ON!

"Do Dialysis, he's going to do dialysis now! " Lian Lian said.

"But there's no equipment for dialysis here. We have to buy the equipment tomorrow, " Willam said.

"There's no need to wait. My friend has opened a private clinic here. We can go to his private clinic to do dialysis. It's safe, " Sikong Yi said.

"Then let's go now. " Lian Lian didn't want to waste a minute.

She got up and dragged Willam out of the room.

Willam followed the little woman, but when he saw the little woman holding his hand, he felt beautiful.

Sikong Yi did not want Willam and Lian Lian to be alone, so he said that his friend opened a private clinic. He just did not want Willam and Lian Lian to be together.

They got on the car and went to the private clinic.

The owner of the private clinic was a friend of Sikong Yi. Sikong Yi told his friend that he wanted to use the dialysis machine, but his friend quickly agreed and asked his doctor to perform dialysis for Willam.

The dialysis room was not accessible to outsiders. Lian Lian stood in the corridor and waited for Willam to come out.

Sikong Yi stood beside Lian Lian. "Lian Lian, you don't have to worry about him. He won't die! "

He said.

"I know he won't die. I just hope that he will never die. Cousin, help me save him! " Lian Lian said to Sikong Yi.

"I will do what you asked me to do. This time is no exception! But I really don't like Willam. He doesn't deserve you! " Sikong Yi said.

"cousin, how are you and Du Xi? " Lian Lian suddenly thought of this matter.

"between me and her, I. . . Forget it, I'll tell you. I'll try my best to get her back. Although she hasn't returned to my side yet, I won't LOSE TO BAI BO! " Sikong Yi said.

"Du Xi is a good girl. You have to cherish her well. In the past, it was because you didn't cherish her that she left you! " Lian Lian said.

"I know. It was all my fault in the past. I've changed this time. I'll dote on her well! " Sikong Yi thought of his woman. His eyes were filled with smiles. When he helped Lian Lian to save Willam, he would go and get his woman back!

Lian Lian sincerely wished Sikong Yi and du Xi well. However, she also knew that Du Xi and Bai Bo's relationship was good. It would be difficult for Sikong Yi to Woo du Xi.

"I'll think of a way to help you. You have to live up to your expectations. Bai Bo loves DU XI. You have to love Du Xi more than Bai Bo! " She instructed her cousin.

The doctor walked out of the dialysis room. "Who is the patient's family member? The patient has a condition! "

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