May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1659 - Chapter 1659 this man belongs to me

Chapter 1659: Chapter 1659 this man belongs to me

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"I'm his wife. What's wrong with him? " Lian Lian hurriedly walked over to ask the doctor.

"His problem is that he won't cooperate with us to perform dialysis on him! " The doctor said helplessly.

They had prepared everything, but the patient had fallen out with them on the bed and refused to cooperate with them to perform dialysis. What could they do?

Lian Lian was so angry that the corner of her lips twitched. "I'll go and talk to him! "

"You can change into sterile clothes and come in, " the doctor said.

Lian Lian went to find a nurse to change into sterile clothes and followed the doctor into the dialysis room.

Willam looked at the little woman who walked in. Even if she was wearing a hat and a mask and only had her eyes exposed, he could recognize her at a glance.

"Lian Lian. " He reached out to grab Lian Lian's hand.

In front of so many people, Lian Lian could not argue with Willam. She had no choice but to let Willam hold her hand. "Why don't you let the doctor do the dialysis for you? "

She swore that she would use all of her good temper. Otherwise, she would really slap that d * Mn man unconscious and let the doctor do the dialysis for him.

"I'm scared. If you stay here with me, I won't be scared anymore. " Willam said righteously. He would never give Sikong Yi the chance to be alone with Lian Lian!

Lian Lian's forehead turned black. Would Willam be afraid of this?

She had seen Willam fight against the Voodoo in his body and even hit a tree by himself. How could he be afraid of a little dialysis?

"Is it that if I stay here with you, you can do dialysis? " She asked patiently.

"Yes, if you stay here with me, I'll do dialysis obediently, " Willam said loudly.

"Then start with me. I'll accompany him here. " Lian Lian couldn't be bothered to argue with Willam anymore. She would let him do the dialysis first.

The doctor saw that Willam's mood had stabilized, so he immediately performed the dialysis on Willam.

Outside the Dialysis Room, Sikong Yi sat on a bench and waited. He hadn't waited for Lian Lian to come out, so he probably understood why Willam couldn't do the dialysis properly.

He smirked coldly. Did Willam think that he could bully Lian Lian like this He felt that Willam, this bastard, wasn't worthy of Lian Lian.

Willam, just you wait He said to himself.


In the palace, in Chu Chu's bedroom, Chu Chu dismissed all the maids in the bedroom. There was only her and Arthur in the room.

She touched Arthur's hand. "Are you ready? When are you going to ascend the throne? "

She was anxious to death. It was not easy for her to Seduce Arthur. She wanted to quickly become the queen.

"There's no rush. Half of this country is in my hands now anyway. Those few life-saving ministers won't be able to last long. Who would want their country to be ruled by a child? " Arthur said.

He was afraid of usurping the throne. Every time he usurped the throne, he was caught by Willam, and every time he was on the verge of death.

"You're not in a rush. I'm in a rush. I WANT TO BE THE QUEEN! " Chu Chu said. She had made a cheap son, but in the end, she did not have any status.

Arthur's fingers pinched the woman's Chin. "Haven't you always loved Willam? Why are you in such a hurry to marry me now? is a woman's love so shallow? "

Chu Chu's face stiffened. "It's not that I love shallow, I love Willam very much, but Willam is dead. How can I love him? I can't be a widow for a lifetime, right? "

She ridiculed. She and Willam were not husband and wife. Willam was dead, and she had to be a widow for Willam for the rest of her life. It was simply too unjust.

"Yes, it is very unjust to be a widow for the rest of your life for a dead person. Don't worry, when I become the king, I will definitely let you be the queen. " Arthur's finger stroked the woman's cheek.

"When you were the king, you killed Xin Ba. I don't want him to be the crown prince anymore. You also want your throne to be inherited by your younger brother in the future, right? " Chu Chu said.

"I don't want Xin Ba to come and take my throne again. Isn't he your son? Are you so cruel to your own son? " Arthur asked.

Chu Chu looked around the room. In fact, there was no one in the room, but she still looked at it with worry. She was afraid that this big secret would be heard by others.

She lowered her voice, "let me tell you, Xin Ba is not my son. I am not Xin BA's mother. It was Willam who asked me to be XIN BA's mother!

"when you become the king, I will be your queen. We can have our own children and be the crown prince. We don't need other people's children to be the crown prince. Don't you agree? "

She leaned her head in the man's arms and leaned on him comfortably.

The man pushed the woman in his arms away. "You said that XIN BA isn't a son? Then whose son is he? "

"How would I know? William didn't tell me. I don't know who xin BA's mother is. Anyway, Xin BA's father should be Willam, right? Otherwise, why would Willam Acknowledge Xin BA's son? " Chu Chu said.

Arthur pursed his lips into a straight line. "If XIN BA's mother isn't you, then I remember who his mother is. I didn't think that they really had a child! "

Chu Chu looked at Arthur in surprise. "Do you know who xin BA's mother is? Who is his mother? "

"It's Lian Lian. Back then, Lian Lian lived here for a long time. No one knows if she and Willam had sex, but one thing is certain. She has been in GAIA's palace for two years, and no one knows her situation there. It's very likely that she has given birth to a son for Willam in GAIA's palace, " Arthur said.

Chu Chu's brows sank. "So xin BA's mother is Lian Lian! Damn it! She actually gave birth to a son with Willam! "

Jealousy engulfed Chu Chu's heart. She loved Willam so much and had loved Willam since she was young. If Willam had not died, she would have loved Willam for the rest of her life. In the end, the man she loved had a child with another woman!

"other than Lian Lian's child, how could Willam admit to another woman's child? Moreover, he would not touch another woman, right? Did he touch you? " Arthur asked.

Arthur's words successfully poked Chu Chu's sore spot. Willam had never touched her. He had never even kissed her.

The more Chu Chu thought about it, the more she felt wronged. Only now did she understand that Willam was only using her!

Using her identity, he had given Xin ba a mother and a reasonable heir to the throne.

Only now did she understand why Willam did not give her the title of Queen. He even had to wait for Xin Ba to become an adult before he could make her the empress dowager.

In other words, as long as Xin BA grew up and knew that she was not his mother, Xin Ba would never make her the empress dowager!

And she was like a fool, being used by Willam for her entire life!

"It's not too late for you to know now. It's better than being used by others for a lifetime, right? " Arthur said.

"I was almost used by Willam for a lifetime "I love him so much. From the moment I saw him when I was young, I fell in love with him. I lost weight for him, became a star for him, and for him, I worked hard to change myself. Why did he treat me like this? " Chu Chu cried loudly.

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