May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1657 - Chapter 1657. This man belongs to me

Chapter 1657: Chapter 1657. This man belongs to me

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"If you want to live, listen to me obediently. If you want to die, there's nothing I can do. I actually didn't want to come, but Lian Lian insisted that I come. If I had known it was like this, I wouldn't have come at all. I think your uncle is really stubborn,"Sikong Yi continued.

"You're calling me uncle again? Where did I get my uncle? " Willam roared.

Sikong Yi said in disgust, "I've never seen such a perverted person like you. Lian Lian, if he doesn't want to see the doctor, then I'll go back. There are many things in my company waiting for me to deal with. I don't have time to deal with this animal. "

He shouted towards the door. The door was not closed and he had already seen Lian Lian's figure. Lian Lian was still worried and ran over to see Willam on her own.

Lian Lian was called out by Sikong Yi and could not hide outside the door. She could only walk into Willam's room.

"Who are you calling an animal? " Willam roared. He was furious. He actually scolded him in front of Lian Lian. Where was his dignity?

Lian Lian's face darkened. "You have to take a blood test now. If you don't want to take blood for treatment, you can die if you want. Return my son to me first! As long as my son returns to my side, I'll carry the child and leave. I promise I won't care about your life or death. "

Willam's lips twitched. He had to admit that this little woman was really ruthless. As long as her son didn't want him?

He unwillingly rolled up his sleeves. "I asked you to take blood for LIAN LIAN'S SAKE! "

"What a coincidence. I also treated you for Lian Lian's sake! " Sikong Yi took the needle and drew blood for Willam.

Willam grabbed Lian Lian who was beside him and buried his head in Lian Lian's arms. "It hurts. He's taking revenge on purpose! "

"brother, be gentle, " Lian Lian said.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, a SL * T is just pretentious! How painful can an injection be? And he's a man! " Sikong Yi complained. He didn't believe that Willam would be afraid of this little pain. Willam was obviously being intimate with Lian Lian on purpose to show him.

He pulled out the SYRINGE and Willam's bright red blood medicine entered the SYRINGE.

Willam deliberately moved his face close to Lian Lian's face and kissed her little face. "Baby, it was all my bad attitude just now. Don't be angry! You can hit me or scold me! "

He wanted to show off his affection in front of Sikong Yi and see if he wouldn't anger Sikong Yi to death.

Lian Lian reached out and pushed Willam's head, but she did not dare to use too much strength. She was afraid that at this moment, Willam's arm would move and the needle would pierce through Willam's blood vessels and pierce into his flesh. After all, he was a man that she loved deeply. No matter how much he made her angry, she could not bear to let him feel pain.

"It's done! " Sikong Yi said.

This time, Lian Lian pushed Willam who was leaning on her away forcefully. "How is it? I can see that the color of his blood is not right? "

"It can't be right. The VOODOO poison is black. His blood will be slightly black. I'll take it to test it. We're discussing how to treat him. "

"Okay, thank you. " Lian Lian thanked him. Actually, she felt that she had let Sikong Yi down. He had come all the way here to treat Willam's illness, yet he still had to suffer from Willam's anger.

She could tell that Willam was deliberately angry at Sikong Yi.

"silly girl, do we have to be so polite? You can change any man you want in the future, but your cousin can't, " Sikong Yi said.

He looked at Willam provocatively. What was a man His cousin could have as many men as she wanted, but he was the only one in his cousin's life!

Lian Lian smiled sweetly. "I know that cousin loves me the most. "

Sikong Yi's hand touched Lian Lian's head. "Of course cousin loves you. I'll go for the test. You go back to your room to rest. Don't tire yourself out. "

He took Willam's blood and the first aid kit and walked out of the room.

Willam stood up and stopped Lian Lian. "where are you going? "

He was only one step away from being angered to death by Sikong Yi. He said that he could change any man he wanted and that there could only be one cousin. He would not give Lian Lian the chance to change him!

"I'll go back to my room to rest, " Lian Lian said.

"My room is your room. You don't have to leave, " Willam said loudly.

"Your room is your room. My Room is my room. I don't want to stay in your room, " Lian Lian said.

"I already apologized earlier. Do you want to forgive me? " Willam said.

"You did apologize, but I didn't say that I forgive you! So get out of my way! " Lian Lian shouted angrily. She was angry when she thought of what Willam had done to Sikong Yi earlier.

She kicked Willam's leg, wanting to walk past the man. However, she did not expect that just as her foot landed on Willam's body, Willam fell to the ground.

"OUCH! I fell to my death, my bones are broken! " Willam lay on the ground, covering his arm.

Lian Lian looked at the man on the ground in shock. "stop pretending, I didn't use much strength! "

She really did not use much strength. How could Willam fall the moment she touched Willam?

"It's not like you don't know how weak I am now! If you touch me casually, I will fall. " Willam gave a reason.

Lian Lian's heart softened. Willam's body was indeed very weak.

"sorry, I forgot. Let me help you up. " She reached out to help the man up.

However, just as her hand grabbed the man's arm, the man pulled her back and threw her into his arms!

And the man was her best cushion. She did not feel any pain from the fall.

Willam flipped over and pressed the little woman under him. However, he cleverly avoided the little woman's stomach and did not press down on their baby.

"Baby, you still love me, right? I knew you would feel sorry for me, " he said proudly.

Only then did Lian Lian realize that she had been tricked by the man. Her fist landed on the man's shoulder. "I dare to LIE TO ME! "

"If I don't lie to you, how would you know your true feelings? Lian Lian, let's not quarrel anymore. Let's just love each other properly. I don't have much time left. I only want to love you properly for the rest of my time, " Willam said.

Lian Lian's heart trembled at the man's words. He did not have much time left. He really did not have much time. How long could a person last without eating And whether Sikong Yi could cure willam was something that she was not confident about.

This question could not be considered. Just thinking about it would cause a heart-wrenching pain!

She could not help but wrap her arms around the man's neck and sobbed, "alright, let's not quarrel anymore. We'll spend the rest of our time in love. "

Willam's lips lightly pecked the little woman's lips, "such a good girl! This is my good baby! "

He liked to control everything about her, including her thoughts.

When Sikong Yi finished his tests and came to look for Lian Lian, he saw the two people hugging each other tightly on the carpet. It was as if no one could separate them from each other, and the long-haired carpet supported them comfortably There was no need to worry about them catching a cold.

Sikong Yi's lips twitched violently. He did not understand what William had done to Lian Lian to make her follow Willam so wholeheartedly!

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