May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1594 - Chapter 1594: I Want my child and you 294

Chapter 1594: Chapter 1594: I Want my child and you 294

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Du Xi's head drooped to the bottom. This kind of thing might seem normal, but she knew that Bai Bo would definitely not agree to it.

If Bai Bo could accept it, Bai Bo would not be in a hurry to have her just now. He had to confirm the relationship between the two of them.

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid he would mind. Aunt Qin Sheng, I think if I'm destined to be unable to be together with Sikong Yi, I might as well not give him this hope. Otherwise, he would be even more disappointed, " she said.

"actually, sometimes loving or not loving is a habit. When he is used to loving you, he will not be able to adapt to the days when he doesn't love you. When he is used to not loving you, he will also be unable to accept the days when you are around.

"And now, we have to let Sikong Yi adapt to the days when you are not around. If he can not accept the days when you are not around. Let him accept it bit by bit. "Only then will he be able to face his own life normally after you leave, " Qin Sheng said.

She also knew that since Du Xi had decided to be with Bai Bo, it was impossible for her to be with Sikong Yi again. However, as Sikong Yi's aunt, how could she help her nephew? She could only try to give Sikong Yi a buffer period She wanted him to slowly accept the fact that Du Xi was going to marry someone else.

"But, Auntie, I'm worried that my boyfriend won't agree. " Du Xi's voice was small.

Qin Sheng sighed softly. "Du Xi, I didn't expect you to have really grown up. It turns out that you never cared about other people's feelings when you did things. But now, you're taking into account your boyfriend's feelings. "

"He's really good to me. His parents are also very good to me. They treat me like a daughter. Auntie, you know that I've always been the same without parents since I was young.

"I've never cared about anyone since I was young. I don't care about anyone's feelings because no one has ever cared about me. So why should I care about anyone else? Or who else can I care about?

"But it's different now. I finally feel like I have a home. I feel like they all love me very much. They put me in their hands and pamper me. I care about them because I don't want to lose this love. I want a home. " Du Xi's tears rolled down.

Only when one has nothing would one be without scruples. When one has everything, one would be afraid of losing it. Only then would one have scruples.

Now she was different from before. It was because she did not want to lose the home she had now.

"Yes, I understand what you said. I won't make things difficult for you anymore. You can go back, " said Qin Sheng.

She could see how difficult du Xi was. She knew better than anyone how important a home was to a woman.

A man could not have no career because a man with a career could have a home whenever he wanted. A woman could not have no home. A woman's life's work was to have a home.

"thank you for your understanding, Auntie. I'll go home first. " Du Xi said goodbye to Qin Sheng and walked into her villa.

As soon as she entered the door, she was hugged by Bai Bo.

"Did you promise Auntie Qin Sheng? " Bai Bo asked.

Du Xi was stunned. She didn't know how Bai Bo knew. She only thought that Bai Bo was a god. Could it be that he could tell?

"I didn't promise Auntie Qin Sheng, but how did you know what Auntie Qin Sheng asked me to promise her? " She asked in surprise.

"I don't know what she asked you to promise her, but I know that she came to you deliberately because she must have something to find you. Moreover, you can't let me know about this, so I asked if you promised her anything "What she doesn't want me to know must be harmful to me, " Bai Bo said.

Du Xi only felt that her brain was not enough "Your analysis is very correct. Aunt Qin Sheng asked me to promise her something, but I didn't promise her because she wanted me to see Sikong Yi. Sikong Yi's current condition is very bad. She wants me to see Sikong Yi these days so that Sikong Yi can slowly adapt to the days when I'm not around, " Du Xi said.

"Hehe, does she want Sikong Yi to slowly adapt to the days when you're not around, or to fight for a chance for his nephew? " Bai Bo ridiculed.

"No matter what she's trying to do, I didn't agree to it, " Du Xi said.

Bai Bo lowered his head and kissed the little woman's forehead. "Let's go take a shower and rest. If you've already rejected it, then think about it again. "

He brought Du Xi to the bedroom on the second floor.

Qin Sheng called Chu Xia and reported the situation here. "Chu Xia, I'm sorry. I wasn't able to persuade Du Xi. She was worried that Bai Bo would object. "

"What should we do? My son still needs DU XI's medicine! Is Sikong Yi going to be depressed for the rest of his life? " Chu Xia's heart could not take this blow.

"But I can't make things difficult for du Xi. Otherwise, I'm forcing her to come. I want her to come unless Bai Bo agrees, " Qin Sheng said.

"Will Bai Bo agree to let her come? " Chuxia was surprised. Who would allow their girlfriend to take care of their ex-boyfriend Was she crazy?

Although she selfishly wanted Du Xi to come and see her son, she knew that Bai Bo would not agree.

"I thought about it. If I want Bai Bo to agree, I can only do so if du Rui tells him. Because their family still needs du Rui's funds to support the construction of the hospital. Therefore, Bai Bo should agree to what du Rui says, " Qin Sheng said.

Chu Xia's head hurt even more when she heard Du Rui's name "I heard that Du Rui and Sikong Yi have always had a bad relationship. Can he help my son? Back then, the two of them only hated each other for not dying! I even tried to persuade Sikong Yi from the middle, as if they were doing it for a woman. "

"I've also heard about this matter, but now only du Rui is left as a breakthrough point. We have to try no matter what. Du Rui and my son have a good relationship. I'll get Nangong ye to talk to him. I hope he'll give us some face, " Qin Sheng said.

"Okay, okay! Quickly get Nangong ye to talk to Du Rui! " chuxia quickly said.

Qin Sheng hung up Chuxia's call and called her son, informing Nangong ye to go find du Rui.

Nangong ye did not want to agree at first, but when he heard his mother say that Sikong Yi's life was in his hands, he had no choice but to agree. After all, they were cousins. It would not affect their brotherly relationship if they hurt each other.

He had no choice but to go find du Rui personally. It was even harder to get du Rui to agree to help Sikong Yi!

He gave Du Rui a call and knew that Du Rui was in the hotel. He immediately drove to the hotel to look for du Rui.

The hotel lobby was filled with all kinds of lively scenes. There were rabbit girls performing all over the place. No matter what kind of show it was, it was almost always about taking off one's clothes in the end.

The hotel was bustling with people. Everyone was having all kinds of fun with the rabbit girls. Some of them couldn't wait to exercise in the hotel lobby.

In this extravagant scene, Du Rui was like a Buddha in meditation. He was drinking alone and didn't want a woman by his side.

"Hey, master Du doesn't play with women anymore. Is The Sun rising from the West? " Nangong ye walked to Du Rui's table and sat opposite du Rui.

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