May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1593 - Chapter 1593: I want my baby to be with you 293

Chapter 1593: Chapter 1593: I want my baby to be with you 293

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

After a long struggle, Bai Bo only let go of Du Xi after Bai Bo had almost killed her.

The tie on her wrist was untied, and her hands were free again.

And she was so weak that she couldn't even move a finger.

Bai Bo put on his clothes and took out a tissue from the car to clean the woman's body and put on his clothes.

"Are you tired? We won't be staying at home today. Can I take you to the hotel? " He asked Du Xi.

Du Xi's face turned from red to white. Her mind was still in a mess, and she didn't know how to face Bai Bo.

She knew that the person she was going to marry was Bai Bo, and she would be with Bai Bo sooner or later, but she wasn't ready for that.

"I, I want to go home. Take me home, " she said in a low voice.

The most instinctive reaction of a person was to hide in their own home after being hurt.

"Okay, if you want to go home, I'll take you home. We'll stay at your home! " Bai Bo said as he started his car and drove to Du Xi's home.

On the way, he called his mother and told her that they wouldn't be coming home for dinner today and would be staying at Du Xi's home.

Mrs. Bai had all kinds of regrets. She had also made a big table of dinner to nourish them.

"Are you going to stay at Du Xi's house? Do you want me to send the food over? What do you want to eat? " Mrs. Bai asked.

"No need. We can order takeout! Mom, don't worry. We'll take care of ourselves, " Bai Bo said.

"I just want to know why you're suddenly staying at Du Xi's House. Is it because Du Xi isn't used to my cooking? " Mrs. Bai Tried to find the reason.

"No, mom, you're thinking too much. Du Xi and I just want to stay at her house for a day. We'll go back to our house tomorrow. Save the delicious food you made for us. WE'LL EAT IT TOMORROW! " Bai Bo coaxed his mother. He was afraid that his mother would think too much.

"Okay, as long as you're happy. I'll hang up the phone. " Mrs. Bai hung up the phone after saying that. She looked at her husband gloomily. "Why do you think Bai Bo suddenly brought du Xi back to Du Xi's house? Did Du Xi dislike our house? "

"How is that possible? Du Xi isn't a picky person. Why would she dislike our house? " Bai Bo's father thought for a moment "Is it because you went into the room when they were making out last time and the two children were afraid that you would bump into them again when they were making out? "

Mrs. Bai glared at her husband. "Am I an idiot? Would I do such a thing again? I know they will make out, so I'll knock on the door! "

"Forget it. It doesn't matter where they go anyway. Just think about them making out! " "I've consulted the doctor. Although du Xi's heart is injured, as long as she recuperates well, it's no problem for her to get pregnant and have a child. If you're afraid that her heart can't take it, you can choose to have a caesarean section. This way, the damage to her will be small and she won't have to wait two years, " Bai Bo's father said.

"If that's the case, that would be great. Maybe we can have a grandchild next year! " Mrs. Bai was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth.

When she thought that she was going to be a grandmother, all her worries were gone.

When du Xi and Bai Bo returned to her home, she remembered that she had to return Qin Sheng's call.

She quickly called Qin Sheng. "Auntie, I didn't bring my phone with me just now, so I didn't receive your call. Sorry, I'm only returning your call now. "

She came up with a reason to apologize to Qin Sheng.

"It's okay. Where are you now? " Qin Sheng asked.

"I'm at my villa, " Wen Xin said.

"Yeah, I'll be there soon. Are you alone in the villa? " Qin Sheng continued to ask.

"No, I have my boyfriend, Bai Bo, " Du Xi said.

"Oh, then come out later. I won't go to your house. Let's talk in the car, " Qin Sheng said.

"Okay. I'll call you when you arrive, " Du Xi said.

Qin Sheng hung up the phone and ordered her driver to drive to Du Xi's villa. If Bai Bo was here, she couldn't talk to Du Xi, so she could only call du Xi out to talk alone.

Bai Bo listened to Du Xi tell others that he was her boyfriend, and his heart was beautiful.

He lowered his head and kissed the little woman on the cheek. "Baby, you're so good. You know that I'm your boyfriend. "

Du Xi lowered her head. Until now, she couldn't look at Bai Bo normally. "Aunt Qin Sheng will look for me later. She wants me to go out and talk to her. "

"She wants you to go out and talk to her? What's the matter? " Bai Bo asked.

"I don't know either. Isn't she not here yet? I didn't ask her what she wants to talk to me about either, " du Xi replied.

Bai Bo's eyebrows sank. "what she wants to talk to you alone must be something I can't listen to. Du Xi, we're going to get married. I'm the man you're going to marry. "

"I know. I know who I'm going to marry, " Du Xi said reluctantly.

The music on her phone rang again. It was Qin Sheng calling her.

"Du Xi, I'm here. Come Out, " Qin Sheng said.

"Okay, I'll go out now. " Du Xi hung up the phone. "Auntie Qin Sheng is here. I'm going out. "

She got up and walked to the villa's door.

Bai Bo stood in front of the French Window and watched du Xi get into Qin Sheng's car.

Qin Sheng's car didn't drive. It just stopped at the door of Du Xi's villa.

"Auntie, what did you want to see me about? " Du Xi got into Qin Sheng's car.

"Du Xi, I don't like to beat around the bush. I'm here for my nephew, Sikong Yi. He's in a bad situation. I asked him. He's not alive because of you, " Qin Sheng said.

Du Xi pursed her lips into a straight line. "I've already made things clear with him. We broke up. I'm Bai Bo's girlfriend now. "

"I know you broke up. I've heard some things about you and Sikong Yi. He treats you badly. "However, I think he really can't let you go. He's in a very negative situation right now. "You know that Chuxia and Sikong jue only have one son. They're worried that their son will be depressed from now on and won't be able to walk out of his own world.

"I don't know how much you know about depression. This illness won't take a person's life, but it will make a person's life worse than death. I think if you can't be a couple, you've grown up together since you were young. You have family ties too, right?"Qin Sheng said.

"I, but I, I have a boyfriend now. It's not convenient for me to see Sikong Yi, " Du Xi said with her head lowered.

She had always respected Qin Sheng. She knew that she shouldn't reject Qin Sheng's proposal, but how was she going to explain it to Bai Bo?

"Are you worried that Bai Bo won't agree "If there's really nothing between you and Sikong Yi, he shouldn't make things difficult for you on this matter. It's just a few meetings to give Sikong Yi a hope. First, let him recover his normal state, then let him accept the days without you by his side. I think if you help him, Bai Bo won't disagree, right? " Qin Sheng asked.

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