May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1595 - Chapter 1595 I want the doll and you 295

Chapter 1595: Chapter 1595 I want the doll and you 295

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Du Rui snorted coldly "I stopped playing with women a long time ago. What's the use of playing with women? It's the same even if the lights are turned off. The upper and lower mouths are no different from dolls in the end. They're used to vent things out. If it's not for you, it's for others. None of them are clean. "

Some things were completely seen through once one had an epiphany. When some men used the method of how many women they had to prove themselves, Du Rui had already gone through the lowest method of self-proof.

"Hehe, why do you say that? You played a lot back then. " Nangong ye reached out and picked up a glass of wine. He shook it in his hand and looked at the wine tears that rolled down the glass.

"It's because I played too much that I saw through it. It's boring. It's just that you have more breath than a doll and it will cost you money, " Du Rui said.

"Why do I feel like you like a doll? You're not going to change your interest to a doll again, are you? " Nangong ye said.

"Why would I want that thing? I'm just describing it. No one can arouse my interest now, " Du Rui said.

He felt like a smoker who had suddenly smoked enough and even felt disgusted by the smell of smoke.

"I want to know who can arouse your interest? Yan Wei? Or the current Mu Wei? " Nangong ye said.

Du Rui, who was leaning on the back of the SOFA, suddenly sat up straight. "Do you have news about Yan Wei? "

"Some. Their family's jewelry business has business with my company. I have a venue in France. They will talk to me about renting the venue for a jewelry show, " Nangong ye said.

"How is Yan Wei now? " Du Rui asked.

"She's pretty good. The last time I saw her, her stomach was already big. She was quite loving with Mu Zeyu. Mu Zeyu doted on her as if she was his treasure. "I can see that Mu Yuze has had enough fun. He found a devoted person and wants to live a good life, " Nangong ye said.

"He's very smart. He knows Yan Wei's good, so he loves her. I'm the only dumb one. I know Yan Wei's good, but I still treat her badly. In the end, I forced her to be with another man!

Actually, I'm the dumbest man in the world Am I right Nangong ye, I'll give you a piece of advice. If there's a woman you like, dote on her well. Dote on her so much that she can't even take care of herself. Dote on her so much that she'll make all sorts of rude requests to you at any moment. That way, other men won't be able to stand her and won't pursue her.. She won't have the chance to betray you!"Du Rui said.

"Hehe, good idea. This method is really excellent. For such a spoiled woman, I really don't have to worry about them having the chance to betray you. " Nangong ye laughed softly. Unfortunately, he didn't have a woman he wanted to dote on.

"I'm just stupid. That's why I missed du Xi. If I had treated her better back then, even if it was just a little bit, she would not have left me so heartlessly. "There's only one reason why women can cheat. It's because they were forced to cheat by their men, " Du Rui said.

"However, you can't deny that there are bitches in this world! Some women are not women who can peacefully spend their lives with men. They only look at money and only know how to marry money. They follow whoever they see is rich, " Nangong ye said.

Du Rui raised his head and drank the wine in his glass. "Nangong Ye, you came all the way here. Don't tell me you want to talk about a night of life with me? "

"Anyway, you and I can't be strangers for a night, " said Nangong Ye.

Du Rui almost spat out a mouthful of wine. "Nonsense! My sexual orientation is normal. Stop talking nonsense and tell me what's the matter? "

Nangong ye frowned. This was the most uncertain thing he had ever done in his life. No one knew better than him how much hatred Du Rui and Sikong Yi had.

He scratched his head with his hand. "My cousin got into a car accident. It was because he was drinking too much. His heart attack caused his car to lose control and hit the isolation belt. He almost died. "

Du Rui sneered. "thank you for telling me this good news. For this news, we should toast! "

He snapped his fingers at the waiter. "Give me a bottle of AurumRedGold. I want to celebrate. "

"Yes! " The waiter immediately accepted the order and happily went to open the gold red wine.

Nangong ye's forehead darkened. A bottle of red wine that cost 200,000 yuan was opened so easily. It was clear how happy Du Rui was.

"I'm not here to celebrate with you. "

"Then why are you here with me? It doesn't seem like the two of us can do anything, right? " Du Rui's gaze swept over Nangong Ye's crotch.

Nangong ye kicked Du Rui's leg. "GET LOST! Where are you looking? I'm talking about serious business with you. "

Du Rui lifted his leg to avoid Nangong Ye's kick. "What serious business? Speak! "

"My cousin was disheartened and wanted to give up his life because Du Xi chose Bai Bo and wanted to marry Bai Bo. "Can you let du Xi visit my cousin and give him some hope? You don't want to see my cousin become depressed and torture himself to death, do you? " Nangong ye said.

"Hehe, what does his death have to do with me? When my sister was tortured to death by him, did he think of saving my sister? Why should my sister save him now? " Du Rui snorted coldly.

Nangong ye took a deep breath. He knew that Du Rui hated Sikong Yi for not dying!

"He can't let go of Du Xi now. Actually, I also know about your grudge. If it wasn't for Xiao Ziyan, he wouldn't have done this to Du Xi, " said Nangong Ye.

"since you know about our grudge, you should know that I won't help him! I want my sister to visit him. I'm sorry, he doesn't have any virtue. My sister has no obligation to visit him! " Said du Rui.

"otherwise, I'll apologize to du Xi on his behalf. How about this? " Nangong ye only felt that he had become the best cousin. He even did this kind of work for his cousin.

"Can you compensate my sister for her life? He ruined my sister's life, and you want to let it go? It's not that easy! I'll wait for him to kill himself! " Du Rui snorted coldly.

Nangong ye's hand pressed on his throbbing temple. If Sikong Yi really died, his aunt Chuxia's family would probably be destroyed as well.

"Du Rui, you can only do me a favor. You can pick any business our family has. I'll do whatever projects you like! " He threw out his conditions.

"You think I'm short of money? Although my family is not as rich as yours, my Du family is not short of money to the extent of betraying me, right? My sister is my priceless treasure. I just want to avenge her and watch Sikong Yi die! " Du Rui said fiercely.

Nangong Ye's brows furrowed deeply. If the project could not move du Rui, he really did not know what else he could use to convince Du Rui.

His lips pursed into a straight line. "I'll use a piece of information to exchange with you. Yan Wei's information is information that you will never know in your lifetime. "

Du Rui was stunned. "What other news can there be that I don't know about Yan Wei? Do you need me to use my sister to exchange for it? "

"I can say that you won't regret exchanging with me after knowing the news! " Nangong ye said.

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