May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1394 - Chapter 1394: I Want my child and you

Chapter 1394: Chapter 1394: I Want my child and you

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"How could I forget you! I raised you all by myself. I've always treated you as my own son! " Mu Duo quickly said Suddenly, he thought of something. "Yuze, you also like Yan Wei, right? If tomorrow proves that Yan Wei is my daughter, I have no other requests. You can marry Yan Wei. In the future, when you two have children, my assets can be given to your children! "

Mu Zeyu's heart tightened. His good assets had one more condition. He wanted to marry Yan Wei and also have children to inherit.

However, when he thought about Yan Wei's appearance, this woman was definitely edible. Although there was an additional condition, this condition was still acceptable.

"Alright, then I'll marry her. But the bastard in her belly can't have the right to inherit! "

"Of course. Don't worry. Only you and Yan Wei's child can have the right to inherit, " Mu duo said.

His heart was practically bursting with joy. The adopted son he liked, his unexpected daughter, and his fortune could be passed on to his grandson. It seemed that his life was becoming more and more perfect.

Mu Zeyu told Mu duo not to get too excited and walked out of the room to check on the shop's business. No matter how he thought about it, he would have to wait for the results of the paternity test tomorrow.


In the pharmacy, Sikong Yi woke up early in the morning to practice his martial arts. He saw Xiao Xueyan walking over with a cup of tea.

"brother Sikong, I made tea for you. Try It. " Xiao Xueyan smiled as she brought the teacup to the man.

It was originally just pure green tea, but Xiao Xueyan put a blooming jasmine flower in the teacup, making the entire cup appear more elegant and fragrant.

Sikong Yi frowned, his eyes focused on the jasmine flower.

This was Xiao Ziyan's habit. Xiao ziyan liked to pick a jasmine flower and put it in the Cup when she was making tea.

And in a greenhouse in his backyard, jasmine flowers bloomed all year round.

The man's focused look all fell into Xiao Xueyan's eyes, and the corners of her lips curled up.

"brother Sikong, you don't mind me calling you brother Sikong, do you? I know my status is low, so I should call you Sikong Gongzi, " Xiao Xueyan said softly.

Sikong Yi collected his thoughts, "I don't mind. Ziyan used to call me that too. You should call me that too. "

"Okay. Brother Sikong, drink some tea! " Xiao Xueyan handed the tea to Sikong Yi

Sikong Yi took the teacup and tasted the tea in it. He could tell that Xiao Xueyan had practiced the tea ceremony, so the tea was very fragrant.

"thank you. " He finished the tea and put the teacup in Xiao Xueyan's hand.

"Brother Sikong, your head is full of sweat. " Xiao Xueyan took the handkerchief in her hand and wiped the sweat off Sikong Yi.

At this moment, a figure jumped into the backyard from the wall.

Du Xi's injuries had not recovered yet. She jumped over the wall and pulled on her wound. She was in so much pain that she grimaced in pain.

Sikong Yi's eyes suddenly turned cold. "Du Xi! Who let you in? "

Du Xi stood on the ground and looked at Sikong Yi with a wronged expression. She had seen the way Xiao Xueyan wiped Sikong Yi's sweat just now.

"I let me in! What's wrong? Kill me! " She roared angrily. She did not expect to see Xiao Xueyan and Sikong Yi's intimate feelings after she had escaped from the hospital with great difficulty.

Sikong Yi pursed his lips into a straight line. "Do you think I don't dare to kill you? GET LOST! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you! "

Du Xi bit her lips hard. "You won't kill me. If you wanted to kill me, you wouldn't have saved me yesterday! "

She found a reason to comfort herself.

"You're thinking too much. I saved you yesterday because Xueyan asked me to save you! You can get lost now! " Sikong Yi said.

Du Xi's heart felt like it was stabbed by a knife. Sikong Yi saved her because Xiao Xueyan asked Sikong Yi to save her!

"I don't believe it! Brother Yi, I know that you have me in your heart. Don't chase me away. I will be obedient in the future! " She said.

Sikong Yi completely ignored what du Xi said. He looked at Xiao Xueyan and said, "tell me. I will listen to whatever you want to do with her. "

I want you to kill her This thought immediately appeared in Xiao Xueyan's mind.

"I, I want brother Sikong to treat Miss Du Better. I can see that Miss Du likes brother Sikong very much! " Xiao Xueyan said with a smile.

Sikong Yi sneered, "other than that, I can promise you anything. Xueyan, she is not worthy of you speaking up for her! Kick her out! "

"Okay, I will let Miss Du out now. Brother Sikong, don't be angry. " Xiao Xueyan said as she walked towards Du Xi.

"Miss Du, I think you should leave today. You can come again when brother Sikong is in a better mood one day! "

Du Xi's eyes poked Xiao Xueyan's face fiercely. This woman was obviously mocking her, "since when is it your place to meddle in my affairs? "

She pushed Xiao Xueyan away, wanting to push Xiao Xueyan away.

However, she pushed Xiao Xueyan away, and Xiao Xueyan fell to the ground.

"Ah! It hurts! " Xiao Xueyan sat on the ground and twitched, as if she had touched her wound.

"XUEYAN! " Sikong Yi ran over in a few steps and helped Xiao Xueyan up.

"brother Sikong, don't blame Miss Du. I was the one who lost my footing, " Xiao Xueyan said as she pulled Sikong Yi.

"I didn't push her at all! I didn't push her! " Du Xi roared angrily. She didn't use such great strength to push Xiao Xueyan. How could Xiao Xueyan be pushed to the ground by her?

She firmly believed that Xiao Xueyan was framing her!

"Du Xi! You're still lying! I saw you push Xiao Xueyan with my own eyes, and you're still saying that you didn't push her? " Sikong Yi shouted angrily.

Du Xi's heart twitched violently. When she said she didn't push her, she meant that she didn't push du Xi. However, before she could explain, Sikong Yi called the bodyguard to chase her away.

"I'M NOT LEAVING! I'm not lying. I didn't push her! " Her arm was grabbed by the bodyguard. She was in so much pain that she was about to break down. The bodyguard's hand just happened to pinch her wound.

However, nothing she said was of any use. Sikong Yi's words were an order, and she was thrown out of the pharmacy.

"brother Sikong, I'll go and see Miss Du. Don't let the bodyguard make things difficult for her anymore! " Xiao Xueyan said as she walked out of the pharmacy.

She walked out of the pharmacy's door gracefully. Looking at the miserable Du Xi, she walked over step by step.

Her voice was very low, so only she and du Xi could hear it. "What should I do? I already said that you didn't push me, but brother Sikong doesn't believe me! Hehe, I'm also very desperate! He just doesn't like you. "

Du Xi's eyes were filled with Xiao Xueyan's mocking look. Her entire body was cold. She actually met this scheming woman!

"YOU BASTARD! " She was so angry that she slapped Xiao Xueyan's face.

Xiao Xueyan covered her face in pain and cried, "Miss Du, I really didn't hook up with brother Sikong. We're innocent. YOU'VE MISUNDERSTOOD US! "

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