May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1395 - Chapter 1395 I want baby and you 95

Chapter 1395: Chapter 1395 I want baby and you 95

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Everyone looked at Du Xi, and the crowd burst into discussion.

"What a shrew, she actually reached out and hit someone! "

"Yeah, look at this girl, she was beaten up so badly! Poor thing! "

"Yeah, Miss Xiao is so beautiful and kind, Miss Du is a witch, she can bully people as she pleases! "

"So this is the witch Du Xi who was spoiled by the DU family? "

"You just found out, she is du Xi. She was chased out by Sikong Gongzi yesterday, and now she's here again! Bah! I've never seen such a shameless woman! "

Du Xi could hear the discussions of the crowd. She was so angry that her arms were trembling. Every minute, it was Xiao Xueyan who was harming her!

"You're so despicable! " She raised her hand and continued to slap Xiao Xueyan.

"Miss Du, I really didn't Hook up with young master Sikong. Don't hit me! " Xiao Xueyan cried.

There was no expected pain. Du Xi's hand was grabbed by Sikong Yi as she wished.

"Du Xi! You've gone too far! " Sikong Yi grabbed du Xi's arm with one hand and Hit du Xi's face with the other.

The crisp sound of the slap was imprinted on Du Xi's face.

Du Xi looked at Sikong Yi, who had slapped her, in shock. She stared at him in a daze. He had never hit her before, and this was the first time. Xiao Xueyan, who was beside the man, had a piercing smile on her face. Xiao Xueyan's eyes were clearly filled with mockery.

"Sikong Yi! How dare you hit my sister? I'll beat you to death! " Du Rui's car drove over. He rushed out of the car and kicked Sikong Yi to the side.

The bodyguard who was guarding the hospital reported to him that Du Xi had gone missing. He was sure that Du Xi was looking for Sikong Yi. He drove here to look for du Xi and actually saw Sikong Yi hitting DU XI!

How could he tolerate others beating his own sister?

Sikong Yi was fighting with Du Rui who had rushed over. Neither of the two men was convinced by the other.

"I told you to look after Du Xi. You can't look after your own sister. She deserves to be beaten! " Sikong Yi roared angrily.

"It's not your place to beat my sister! " Du Rui kicked at Sikong Yi. He was so angry that he wanted to kill Sikong Yi.

Du Xi's mind was pulled back by her brother. "brother. Stop Fighting. Let's go! "

She wanted to go up and pull her brother away, but Xiao Xueyan grabbed her arm.

"You're in a hurry to leave. Your brother hasn't been crippled yet! I see that Sikong Yi's martial arts are better than your brother's. You siblings are so cheap. You ran over to Sikong Yi's place to get beaten up! " Xiao Xueyan said with a cold smile However, her voice was very low and could only be heard by Du Xi herself.

"Who are you calling cheap? You Drama Queen! Sooner or later, brother Yi will see through your true colors! " Du Xi said.

"Hehe, when? When you siblings die? Don't worry, I will make this day come quickly! " Xiao Xueyan said.

Du Xi's pupils constricted. "You want me and my brother to die? YOU INSIDIOUS WOMAN! Brother Yi, Xiao Xueyan is a bad person. She wants to kill me and my brother! "

She rushed towards Sikong Yi and Du Rui, wanting to tell them the truth.

Sikong Yi's martial arts were indeed better than Du Rui's. He kicked du Rui's chest, causing du Rui to take a few steps back.

"Don't you deserve to die? You and your brother deserve to die! " Sikong Yi growled.

Du Xi supported her brother who was about to fall. Her Eyes were fixed on Sikong Yi. Not only did Sikong Yi slap her, he also said that she and her brother deserved to die!

"Is that how you see me and my brother? " She asked, choking up.

"Yes, that's how I see you. You deserve to die! " Sikong Yi said in a huff.

"Sikong Yi! I'll F * CKING kill you today! " Du Rui roared and wanted to rush over.

Du Xi pulled her brother back. Her originally clear eyes were as cold as a pool of ice. "brother, let's go. He's not worth fighting with you. I'm sorry. After so many years, I haven't been sensible enough to make you worry about me. "

Du Rui looked at his sister in astonishment, as if he was looking at a monster.

"Du Xi, what did you say? ''

"I said I was too insensible. I actually gave you so much trouble and even made you take a beating for me. I'm sorry, brother. I won't be so stupid in the future, " said Du Xi.

Just treat it as if she was stupid. After so many years, Sikong Yi couldn't scold her away no matter how much he scolded her. She had always loved Sikong Yi foolishly.

But today, she understood that Sikong Yi was the one who hit her, and the one who protected her was her brother.

The pain that Sikong Yi had imprinted on her face finally woke her up.

"Du Xi, brother finally saw that you're awake! Okay, brother will listen to you. I won't hit you anymore. Let's go! " Du Rui was so happy that he was about to explode. If being hit by Sikong Yi could wake du Xi up, he would rather take a hit.

No one knew better than him that it was impossible for Du Xi and Sikong Yi.

Du Xi's hand was held by Du Rui as they got into the car.

Sikong Yi watched as du Rui's car drove away. His hand slowly clenched into a fist.

Xiao Xueyan walked to Sikong Yi's side. "brother Sikong, it's all my fault for making Miss Du Misunderstand us. I'll go find her and explain. "

"There's no need. There's no need for you to explain anything. Go back to your room. It's time for you to change your dressing. " After Sikong Yi said that, he strode back to the pharmacy.

Xiao Xueyan's gaze landed coldly on Du Rui's car. The corners of her lips curled into a smile like a poppy.

Du Rui's car did not drive home. Instead, he brought Du Xi to a coffee shop.

Du Xi looked at her brother in surprise. "Why did you bring me to a coffee shop? My face is still red! "

She touched her face with her hand. It was not her face that was in pain, but her withered heart.

"It's okay. My sister is cute in every way. Today, I brought you to meet someone. Be Good later. " Du Rui instructed his sister. He brought his sister to the innermost part of the coffee shop.

"Brother Du! " A boy saw du Rui coming, so he stood up and greeted Du Rui.

"Bai Bo, this is my sister, Du Xi. " Du Rui introduced du Xi to the boy.

Du Xi's head was about to explode. Her face was red and swollen. Du Rui actually introduced a boy to her?

"Bai Bo, good, " she said reluctantly.

"Did you get hit in the face? " Bai Bo said loudly.

Du Xi forced a smile. She really wanted to ask, how could they still have a good chat She had never seen anyone expose someone's scar the first time they met!

"hehe. " She snorted.

"waiter, give me a boiled egg. I want it to be hot, not peeled, " Bai Bo said.

The waiter immediately ordered the kitchen to boil the egg. Soon, an egg was placed on the table.

Bai Bo wrapped the egg with his handkerchief and walked to Du Xi. "I'll rub it for you. It'll heal faster. A girl with a palm print won't look good if she's seen by others. "

Du Xi looked at the boy who rubbed her wound in astonishment. "You want to chase me? Haven't you heard of me, Du Xi? The little witch, Du Xi. She drinks, fights, steals, and does all kinds of evil things. How dare you chase me? "

"What a coincidence. I'm a psychology student. Your mentality is a disease. I can give you good tutoring. I can groom you into a noble girl and make you fall in love with me, " Bai Bo said.

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