May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1393 - Chapter 1393, I want my child and you

Chapter 1393: Chapter 1393, I want my child and you

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"really? " Yan Wei looked at Mu duo as if she saw some hope.

"Really, I will definitely keep my word After all, I have lost the jade for so many years. I want to know how my jade was lost and whether it was stolen by someone. But don't worry, even if your mother stole my things, I will not blame you.

It's good that the jade is fine. I am just curious,"Mu duo said.

Yan Wei's heart was finally at ease. "Don't worry, my mother definitely didn't steal it. My mother's family is also very rich. She wouldn't steal from others. "

Not to mention that Yan Miao was rich at that time, even when Yan Miao was poor, she wouldn't steal from others.

After all, she was born into a wealthy family. She still had the most basic character.

"then hurry up and call! Turn on the speakerphone. I want to listen to it too, " Mu duo said.

Yan Wei picked up Mu duo's phone and dialed her mother's number. The call was quickly connected.

"Who is it? " Yan Miao's voice came from the phone.

This number was very unfamiliar. Yan Miao did not know who was calling her.

"Mom, it's me, " Yan Wei said.

"It's you? When did you change your number again? What do you want from me? I'm telling you, don't even think about asking me for money! " Yan Miao warned her daughter first.

She wanted some money from Du Rui, but it was not enough for her to spend on herself. Naturally, she would not give it to Yan Wei. What was even more infuriating was that this stinky girl had angered Du Rui, so she no longer had the chance to marry Du Rui. In other words.. This stinky girl was completely useless to her.

Yan Wei's heart stopped. She was now on speakerphone. These words were heard by Mu duo and Mu Zeyu, and she only felt embarrassed.

"I didn't want to ask you for money. I just wanted to ask, whose black jade am I wearing? " She asked.

"How would I know whose it is? I picked it up from a hotel room. It's probably your damn biological father's! That bastard man took advantage of me and left nothing behind. I can't even find him even if I wanted to!

"otherwise, I would have to collect some maintenance fees for raising you up for him, right "Hehe, when I woke up, I picked up such an ugly piece of jade. I'm so sorry!

"It's because of you that I was kicked out of the DU family and lost my position as the young mistress of the DU family "Yan Wei, you f * Cking owe me forever! " Yan Miao roared angrily.

She would be angry every time she brought up this matter. She would never forgive Yan Wei.

After all, she had lost a position as the young mistress. How much did she lose Otherwise, she would still be living comfortably in the DU family, living a pampered life.

Yan Wei did not expect her mother to tell her everything about her bastard child.

"I, I know I owe you. I'm hanging up. " She hung up the phone as she spoke.

She looked up at Mu duo and Mo Zeyu. "You heard it. My Mother didn't steal it. She picked it up! "

"Godfather, Godfather, speak! " Mu Zeyu called out to the absent-minded Mu duo.

Mu Duo's mind was pulled back. "Oh oh, I heard it. "

He paused and looked at the girl in front of him. "your mother said that she found it in a hotel. Ask again, which hotel is it? "

Yan Wei didn't need to make a phone call. She remembered the hotel's name and room number. She had been scolded by her mother since she was young. It was difficult for her not to remember the hotel's name and room number.

She told Mu duo everything she knew.

Mu Duo's eyes became darker and darker. The hotel's name and room number were exactly the same as back then. Even the time was right!

"your mother said that because of you, you lost your position as the young Madam. What's going on? "

Yan Wei's face turned pale layer by layer. This was her humiliation. If it weren't for the fact that she didn't serve Mu Zeyu, she wouldn't have said this to outsiders.

"That's right, that's right. My mother thought that she slept with my father, and then she got pregnant. Later on, she found out that the person who slept with her the whole night and got her pregnant wasn't my father... "

"Just because she gave birth to a bastard child, she was chased out of my father's house and lost her position as the young Madam, " she said softly.

Mu Duo's hands clenched into fists nervously. "Are you sure that she isn't your father's daughter? "

"Yes, she has undergone a paternity test, " Yan Wei said.

In an instant, the entire jewelry shop was so quiet that it was frightening. Mu Duo could not say a single word.

Mu Zeyu understood everything. "Godfather, say something. Yan Wei might be... "

He reminded his Godfather.

Mu Duo nodded. His gaze was like an x-ray as he looked at Yan Wei over and over again.

Yan Wei felt goosebumps all over her body when Mu duo saw her. "Master, you said that after I asked where the jade came from, you wouldn't let me serve young Dong anymore. "

"I, I know. I'm a man of my word. What I want to say is, child, that, that, this jade was lost by me. I lost it in that hotel. Do you understand? " Mu Duo didn't know how to explain this to Yan Wei He felt embarrassed when he said that he was young and frivolous!

Yan Wei was stunned. "Y-you lost it? "

"Yes, I lost it. That day, I went to the wrong room. So, that, do you understand? " Mu Duo stammered.

For the first time, he couldn't even speak. Looking at Yan Wei's facial features, she indeed looked a little like him. In addition to this reliable information, he felt that Yan Wei was his daughter.

Yan Wei was completely knocked out on the spot. She could understand Mu duo's words. "You mean, you are... "

She paused for a moment. "I think we should still do a paternity test. "

She said, "father is not a random person. I want to do a paternity test to clarify things. ".

"Yes, we need to do a paternity test! Zeyu, go and call the doctor. Get blood on the spot for us to do a paternity test! " Mu Duo instructed his Godson.

Mu Zeyu quickly called the doctor. The hair could be used for a paternity test, but the blood could be faster. They chose to take the blood directly for a test.

The doctor took out the blood of Yan Wei and Mu duo and informed them that the results of the test could be taken tomorrow.

Mu Duo held Yan Wei's hand. "child, we will know the truth tomorrow. I wonder if the heavens have pity on me. They actually left me a bit of blood! "

He wiped his tears with his hand and said. The more he looked at Yan Wei's facial features, the more he felt like his mother. It was very likely that his granddaughter would follow his grandmother.

Actually, he did not need to appraise her. He could already confirm that Yan Wei was his daughter.

"I, I think we should wait for the appraisal results. I'm so tired. Can you let me go back to my room to rest? " Yan Wei said.

"Yes, yes! Someone, bring miss back to her room to rest. Help her tidy up the guest room! " Mu Duo said.

However, Yan Wei did not agree to stay in the guest room. She insisted on going back to her maid's room. If the appraisal results were not out, she would not think that Mu duo's life was too rough. She did not think that such a good thing would happen to her.

Mu Zeyu watched as Yan Wei returned to her room to rest. He supported the excited Mu duo back to mu duo's room.

"Godfather, don't forget, You promised me that your inheritance will be mine. "

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