May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1392 - Chapter 1392, I want baby and you 92

Chapter 1392: Chapter 1392, I want baby and you 92

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Mu Zeyu said loudly, deliberately letting all the waiters hear it, in order to get back the face he had just lost.

He did not believe that Yan Wei would not agree to him. After all, the conditions he offered were what all illegal immigrants dreamed of.

Yan Wei's heart stopped. This condition was really good. If she had a new identity, she would not be afraid of being found by du Rui.

But if she were to do it with a strange man, she would not agree no matter what!

"I, I can work and pay you back! You can't force me to do other things! " She stammered.

"Can't? I'll let you see if I can! Since you don't want to be with me, then follow my Godfather! B * Tch, you're shameless! " Mu Zeyu roared. He didn't regain his face, but was rejected by the woman again!

"What good thing? You don't want it anymore? Give it to me? " The man's voice rushed into the shop.

Mu Zeyu saw mu duo walking in, "Godfather, this is really a good thing. When I was playing on the boat, I saved a woman. What do you think of this woman? "

He walked in front of his Godfather. Initially, he was just trying to scare Yan Wei. He didn't expect his godfather to come back so soon. He could only follow his words.

"woman? You went to the boat to find a woman again? Be careful not to get sick from playing, just like me! " Mu Duo said.

Although Mu Zeyu was an adopted child, he had raised Mu Zeyu since he was young and raised him as his heir. Therefore, he truly loved and cared for Mu Yuze.

"Godfather, I know my limits. I won't overwork myself and destroy my body, " Mu Zeyu said.

Mu Duo looked at the woman beside Mu Zeyu and sized her up.

"This woman is not bad looking. She has delicate features and looks. One look and you can tell she's a clean woman, " he said.

After playing with women for so many years, he could tell at a glance whether she was a woman from the secular world, a woman from the underworld, or a girl from a good family.

"Uncle, I'm not that kind of casual girl. I was forced to sneak in. I'll pay you back the money I owe you. Please let me go! " Yan Wei looked at the old man. She didn't know why, but she felt that this old man was a little familiar She wanted to try and beg this man.

"Godfather, this woman is cocky when she comes. If we don't recover the cost as soon as possible, where are we going to get the money if she runs away? " Mu Zeyu said.

"That's right. It's better to recover the cost as soon as possible, " Mu duo said.

"Then I'll send this woman to your room? " Mu Zeyu said.

"Hehe, don't give me that. If you can't educate a woman well, let me help you educate her. If you like a woman, go educate her yourself. As for a woman, sleep a few more times and you'll be satisfied. I'll give you a break today. Go educate a woman well, " Mu duo said.

"Godfather understands me. Okay, I'll educate a woman today. If I don't teach her well, I won't go out! " Mu Zeyu said.

Buying a woman to play with at home was a common occurrence in wealthy families. In fact, even the staff in the jewelry shop were used to it.

Mu Zeyu reached out to grab Yan Wei. She was a woman he bought anyway. He could deal with her however he wanted. Unless this woman wanted to die and was sent back to the country, he could only bear it.

"Girl, let's go! I promise to sleep with you today! I'll let you see this young master's ability! " He said loudly.

Yan Wei was so scared that she knelt on the ground. "boss, I'm pregnant. I can't serve young master. I BEG BOSS TO SPARE MY LIFE! "

"Aiyo, you have a big mouth. You even bought a pregnant woman? Are you afraid that if you play with too many women, sooner or later you won't be able to give birth to a son, so you'll buy one for yourself in advance? " Mu Duo said.

"Holy Sh * T. who wants to buy one for themselves? I'm fine now. If I want to, can't I give birth to one myself When I saved her, I didn't know that she was pregnant. If I knew that she was pregnant, I wouldn't have spent 200,000 yuan to save her,"Mu Zeyu said.

"Sigh, forget it. I've already saved her. " Mu Duo sized up Yan Wei "She's not bad looking. Even though she's pregnant, it's still worth 200,000 yuan! Since she's pregnant, take it easy. It doesn't affect the way you do things. Moreover, pregnant women are more comfortable than ordinary women. That's a different feeling. "

Mu Zeyu's eyes narrowed. "Godfather has a big mouth too. Have you played with pregnant women before? "

"Hey! You'RE YOUNG AND FRIVOLOUS! Haven't you done anything ridiculous? " Mu Duo said as he shook his head helplessly.

"Since Godfather said that the taste is different, I'll give it a try too. " Mu Zeyu grabbed the woman and walked upstairs.

Yan Wei only felt that she was going to lose her child. The child was not even three months old, so she could not do such a thing!

She reached out and pulled on Mu duo's lapel. "Master! Please, save me! My child is still young, I can't do such a thing! "

Her hand pulled on Mu duo fiercely, afraid that she would be pulled away by Mu Zeyu.

Obviously, she used too much strength. Mu Duo's shirt was pulled open by her, and the buttons were all over the floor.

"F * CK! Do you know how much my godfather's clothes cost? This money is also going to be on your head! " Mu Zeyu said.

Yan Wei looked at Mu duo's chest in astonishment. Mu Duo was wearing a black jade pendant necklace on his chest.

"What are you looking at? You Fancy My Godfather? " Mu Zeyu roared in anger. He did not expect Yan Wei to stare at his Godfather.

"that black jade is mine. Why is it with you? " Yan Wei said.

"nonsense. The black jade is my family's heirloom. When did it become yours? " Mu Zeyu reprimanded.

"I really have a piece of black jade that is exactly the same as this, " Yan Wei explained.

Mu Duo raised his hand, not allowing Mu Zeyu to speak. His gaze landed on Yan Wei's face. "You said that you also have a piece of black jade that is exactly the same as this? "

"Yes, my mother gave it to me. I've been wearing it since I was young. Later, something happened to me, so I passed the black jade to my friend Lulu, " Yan Wei said.

Mu Zeyu's eyes flashed. "Your Friend's name is Lulu? Godfather, we bought this piece of jade from Lulu. So Lulu is lying! "

Yan Wei looked up at Mu Zeyu. "Did she say that the jade was hers? "

"She said that the jade was bought by her mother, " Mu Zeyu said.

"No, the JADE is mine! It wasn't bought by her mother! " Yan Wei quickly said.

"Hehe, you should just die of stupidity. You actually got cheated by your own friend! " Mu Zeyu understood the whole matter.

Mu Duo thought of another matter. "You said that you've been wearing this jade since you were young. Do you know where this jade came from? "

"My mother gave it to me. I don't know where she got it from, " Yan Wei said.

Mu Duo handed his phone to Yan Wei. "Call your mother and ask her how she got the jade. If I'm satisfied with the answer, I won't let you sleep with my son. "

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