The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era

Chapter 401 - 401 [BABY’S DAY-OFF] (III)


AS the boy walked towards them, he looked at Astrid with curiosity. When he stood in front of Astrid, he added to what he said earlier, “You don’t look like someone who knows how to cook?”

Astrid smiled and crouched down so he and the boy could be at eye level. “Then, what does young master think someone who knows how to cook looks like?”

“I don’t know. But they won’t be as pretty as you.”

Astrid chuckled at such an innocently child-like response. “Well, there’s a saying that ‘one should not judge a book by its cover’. The same applies to people. One’s ability should not be judged by their appearance. Don’t you think so as well, young master?”

“Then what criteria should I judge them by?” the boy asked curiously. His turquoise eyes were filled with interest. As if he liked how Astrid explained things to him instead of treating him like a child who didn’t know anything.

“Hmm… in my humble opinion, it’s better to just not be swept by the initial impression we have of people. Rather, it’s better to have a bit of understanding of their character before making your initial judgment.”

The boy tilted his head. “But what if I don’t want to understand them?”

Astrid chuckled again at such a childish response. “Then, young master should just keep his opinion to himself and then reserve judgement for later. That way, once you found out that you’re conjecture was indeed correct, wouldn’t it feel good? But if it isn’t, then you would be able to avoid hurting other’s feelings. That in it’s own could also make one feel good.”

The boy was silent for a second before suddenly reaching out his hand towards Astrid. “My name is Oliviel, but just call me Livi. I very much preferred that. What’s your name?”


Astrid smiled. Judging by the boy’s action, it was obvious that he had truly accepted his presence at this moment. Was it because of his explanation just now? Did this kid like it that much? But this also showed how deep his understanding was. Especially for someone his age.

A cute and smart kid, that’s definitely better than the complete opposite. This way, it wouldn’t be hard to get along with the other.

“My name is Astrid. I’m very happy to meet you, Young Master Livi,” he said, accepting Livi’s outstretched hand.

Someone then suddenly cleared their throat – it was the bodyguard. “Young master, it’s already time for breakfast.”

Livi pouted. Whether he didn’t like that the woman interrupted their talk or that he didn’t welcome the news of eating breakfast, the boy obviously disliked this sudden interruption.

Then, as if he couldn’t do anything about it, he sighed and said, “Prepare the meal.”

Livi said it in such a lofty manner, like some lord ordering his servant. If he wasn’t a child, people would probably be annoyed just by hearing the tone of his voice. But because he was, it only looked cute. Astrid could already tell that people who would watch this episode would definitely want to squish Livi’s cheeks because of how cute he was.

When the woman temporary left, probably to call someone to bring Livi’s food here, the boy took that opportunity to whisper something to Astrid who was still at a crouching position at that moment.

“Sorry, I can’t eat the breakfast you wanted to make.”

Astrid smiled because the other seemed really apologetic about it. “It’s fine. Who knows, maybe young master would have a chance to taste my cooking before this day ends.”

Livi gave him a questioning glance, probably wondering what he’s thinking about. But Astrid didn’t elaborate and just stood up.


One of the main ideas of [Baby’s Day-Off] was to let the kids featured in the episode to have a, well, literal day-off. It would be equivalent to them wanting to go to a place they’d been wanting to go to.

A couple of days before the start of the recording, the program team would send a list of places to the parents of the kids. Then, the kids would pick two places at most that they wanted to go to the most. And then, them and their ‘nanny for half-a-day’ would go to those places.

Livi was no exception.

After Livi ate breakfast, he was then helped by a couple of AI robots to wash up and dress for their outing today. Astrid actually volunteered to help but he was stopped by the woman named Kara. Telling how that he would be crossing the lines of proprieties.

It took a lot of self-control just to stop himself from rolling his eyes at the other. Seriously, what proprieties? Would he be doing something that he shouldn’t do just by helping the kid dress up?

Now, he wondered if Livi’s parents even briefed Kara about what the variety program was about. He even wondered if she knew that her actions and speech were being recorded and that there’s a chance it would be shown to the public.

Then, people would see just how strict she was with Livi. But then again, maybe she was simply following orders from her employers. Although if that was the case, then wouldn’t it be weirder? After all, they, or at least one of them, must know how public opinion could go against them if this was shown.

Or maybe Astrid was just overreacting and things like this was pretty normal.

After Livi finished changing clothes, they both got inside a floating car with Kara as the driver. Astrid noticed that as soon as the car they were in left, two or three cars followed them. It must be additional bodyguards.

“Which places did young master choose to visit?” he asked Livi sitting next to him.

Livi glanced at the cameras around them first before holding Astrid’s hand. “Some cafe and a flower garden.”

He was about to ask why those places when he felt the other writing something on his palm using his finger.

[I didn’t choose it. My mother did.]

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