The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era

Chapter 400 - 400 [BABY’S DAY-OFF] (II)


THE woman in suit observed Astrid from head to toe, as if analyzing if he was a threat or not. And then when she saw the cameras following him around, her eyes quickly narrowed at them.

Based on the expression on her face, she wasn’t too keen on letting him into the house. But because her employer allowed, she had no choice but to also agree.

“Please, follow me,” she said, turning around and walking inside the house.

Astrid followed and couldn’t help but look at the back of the woman. The other didn’t look like a housekeeper. It’s not just the way she dressed but the atmosphere around her as well. She looked more like a secretary. No, more than that, being a bodyguard probably suited her more.

It’s the way her stance showed how alert she was. Even the way she looked at him from head to toe earlier was like someone inspecting if he had any weapon with him. And if she noticed anything suspicious about him, she was ready to tackle him to the ground. That’s just the kind of air she’s giving off.

But that’s not all, Astrid also saw a couple of men wearing the same black suits as the land vehicle brought him here. They appeared to be patrolling the premises. There’s probably more of them that he didn’t see. Just based on that, he could tell that they were bodyguards.

Well, the owner of the house was probably just worried about the safety of their family. And since they could afford it, why not hire as many bodyguards as they could, right?

Now, Astrid was starting to get curious just whose child he would take care of today.

Entering the house, the interior looked even more spacious and bigger than how it looked on the outside. The servants were walking inside the house, doing their chores. Most of them, no, maybe all of them, were AI robots.


“The young master is still asleep at this time,” the woman’s voice interrupted Astrid’s observation. “You can wait for him to wake up and then assist him in eating breakfast.”

‘Young master’? So, the kid he was going to take care of today was a boy. This ‘assist’ must mean that he should help the other eat all his breakfast.

“Are you perhaps the young master’s nanny?” he asked even though he knew that the other wasn’t.

Astrid just wanted to make sure that there was the nanny designated to this young master was a human and not a robot. He had nothing against robots. But seriously, would a decent parent let some machine take care of their child rather than a real human who could give the child genuine emotions and warmth?

But then again, most of the people in this era probably had a different set of value from him. Something that he might find weird was most likely just something normal to the people in this era. Like having a robot take care of a child.

Seriously, he and Reas were super lucky to have their Mom and Dad as parents. Since he already had the consciousness of an adult since he was born, he witnessed just how hands-on their parents were when it came to parenting.

To the point that their mother even breastfed them when they were babies. Something that was extremely rare in this era.

“No, I’m the young master’s personal bodyguard,” the woman responded to his question, not elaborating more.

Of course, Astrid wouldn’t urge the other to give him a more definite answer. There were cameras around. He would only look like a nosy person who loved to get in other people’s business in front of the audience who would watch this episode.

But at least, his guess that the other was a bodyguard was indeed correct.

The woman led him to what seemed to be the dining room.

“You can wait here until the young master wakes up,” the other said. “I will be keeping a close distance from you and the young master all throughout the morning. So, if you have any question, feel free to ask me.”

In short, she’d be monitoring Astrid throughout the duration of him being the young master’s ‘nanny’. Which was about four hours at most. Okay, that’s fine with him. Not that it would affect his job or anything.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure I’ll be out of the way of the cameras following you,” the woman added as if some sort of consolation.

Astrid knew that there was no use complaining. So, he just asked instead;

“Then, can I cook breakfast for the young master?”

The woman’s brows furrowed. “The young master’s food is already planned beforehand by his personal nutritionist and dietician. His meals are also carefully prepared by the family chef. I don’t think changing that and letting him eat something unfamiliar would be good.”

Astrid almost frowned when he heard that. Would showing this to the public be really okay? But then again, maybe this was another norm in this era he didn’t know about. Kids of rich people had professionals preparing their meals for them.

But if he thought about it, it wasn’t really that weird. After all, even in his past life, he was sure that there were parents who probably did the same for their child. Especially kids that had weak constitutions. But why did he feel like the ‘young master’ he’s going to take care of today wouldn’t be weak at all?

He was about to say that he understood when a soft voice unique to children suddenly interrupted their conversation.

“I want to try the breakfast that this big brother is planning to make.”

Astrid turned to the direction of the voice and saw a boy who looked to be about four or five years old. His hair was a dark shade of blond that was almost bordering brown and a pair of very impressive turquoise colored eyes.

It seemed that Astrid finally met the ‘young master’ he would be taking care of today.

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