Take My Breath Away

Chapter 755 - She Saved Herself

The man covering Blair's mouth pushed her onto the king-sized bed. Gasping for breath, Blair scrambled back, trying to shrink into a corner furthest away from them.

She looked around the hotel room. Four large, menacing men were there, leering at her with an evil glint in their eyes.

Blair was sure that Megan was behind this.

The four men slowly approached the bed from the side. Their intentions were obvious. Blair racked her brain, trying to come up with a solution. 'What do I do? Dammit, how do I find a way out of this?'

They had confiscated her phone, so she couldn't call anyone. She had to do something to save herself.

But they were four against one. She had no one for backup, and these men looked like they could easily break her in two if they wanted.

Tears threatened to fall from her eyes as fear filled her heart. She tried to appear calm and asked casually, "Hi, guys! I don't think we've met. What do you want?"

Instead of responding to her, the men all began to unbutton their shirts and undo their belts. Blair clutched at the covers tightly, holding her breath.

One of the men finally spoke, and the words made her sick. "We want to fuck you!"

That was what she figured. She had to think fast. Blair feigned a smile and dramatically heaved a sigh of relief. "Oh, I got you. So that's what you want. No problem. I'll just do whatever you want. Just don't hurt me. I'm all yours."

The four men exchanged glances with each other. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. A red-haired man warned her, "Don't try anything!" He moved towards her.

"Hold up, Rex! Who says you get to go first? I can't wait anymore. She's so hot!" one of the other three men said.

"Right! Nice tits, long, lustrous hair, long legs. Man, I've been lonely!"

Blair was boiling with anger. She cursed these four lewd men in her mind a hundred times.

"Fine," Rex said. "Just don't mess her up." Obviously, he was the leader. The three men advanced on the bed.

Blair's face went pale. Still, she tried to keep her cool. "Wait!" she cried out sharply. She sounded too desperate there, so she tried to dial it back. "I-I want to shower first, and you guys need condoms."

"I never use condoms," Rex said evilly.

Blair nodded, "Okay. But I don't think you want what I got. Don't say I didn't warn you." She winked at them.

Burning with lust, one of them took a step forward and put a knee on the bed. But, Rex suddenly stopped him. "Wait."

"What's up, Rex?" The man was impatient.

Rex ignored the man and asked Blair, "You said 'what you got.' What do you mean?"

Blair pretended to be embarrassed. She stuttered, "It's... It's..."

"Spit it out!"

"I have... um, STD... But don't worry. You won't get infected if you use condoms." She crawled closer to them on all fours, trying to look as sexy as possible.

"Shit! Don't lie to me, or I'll kill you!"

Blair said in a trembling voice, "If you don't trust me, then have at it. No condoms. It's been a long time! I've been aching for a man." 'I'm not horny at all. You bastards!' she cursed.

"Okay. Get a shower. I'll go buy condoms." One of them thought it was better to be cautious.

Blair nodded, "Okay. Don't rush me. I won't be long. Please go buy them now."

The man frowned and cussed in a low voice, "Damn! She's more trouble than she's worth!"

Blair got out of the bed and walked to the bathroom. She kept a close eye on the man who was going to get condoms. She shadowed him as he walked to the door.

The moment the man opened the door, Blair suddenly took to her heels, dashing towards the door at full speed.

Meanwhile, after making small talk with an acquaintance, Wesley got back in his car. One of his men told him Blair tried to call, but was disconnected all of a sudden. Wesley instantly had a bad feeling about this. Something might have happened to Blair. He immediately called back but it went straight to voice mail.

Now he was sure Blair was in some sort of danger.

Wasting no time, he quickly ordered one of his men to track down Blair. The man was efficient and knew his job, because it only took a few minutes for him to gather clues. The surveillance camera showed Blair had entered a hotel and never left. Fortunately, the guy already figured out where the hotel was from the location of the camera. Wesley hurried there with a group of soldiers.

In the hotel, Blair dashed out of the room. The four men reacted quickly and ran after her.

Clenching her teeth, she ran as fast as she could. The footsteps behind her were getting closer and closer. As she tilted her head to get a look at her pursuers, she ran straight into someone in the corridor.

"Ouch! That hurt! Who in the world... Blair?"

Niles' whining was like music to Blair's ears. 'Thank God!' She grabbed hold of his arm tightly as if she were clutching at her last straw of survival. "Niles, help! They... They..."

Niles had come with a girl on his arm, but Blair didn't have the time to spare her a glance. She hid herself behind the young doctor, gripping some of his clothes.

"Hey! What's going on?" Niles yelled at the four malevolent men as he covertly put his hand in his pocket. His phone was there. He unlocked it with his fingerprint.

"Mind your own business, boy. Grab that bitch for me and I won't kill you," Rex ordered ferociously.

Niles grabbed Blair and put her hands behind her. Before she could ask, he secretly slipped his phone into her hand. She was stunned for a second when she figured out what he did.

The girl next to Niles looped her arm in his in an intimate manner. She deliberately got between him and Blair and asked, "Who are these people, Niles?"

Behind them, Blair nervously slid her fingers along the screen, opened the contacts and found out an ID named "My Bro." She called that number.

The call was picked up in a second. "What's up? I'm busy now."

"It's me..." She tried to keep her voice low, but the thugs still figured out what was going on. They knew she was asking for someone's help, so they all darted towards her.

Niles looked rather unimposing. But he was a man, after all. He could at least buy her some time. He got between her and the four men, spread his arms so they couldn't move past him.

Blair spoke rapidly. "Elton International Hotel, seventh floor. Hurry!"

"Don't be afraid! I'm on my way!" Wesley hung up the phone and put his pedal to the metal, heading to the hotel at top speed.

The young doctor couldn't hold off the four strong men anymore. One of them pushed him out of the way. Another two advanced on him, fists clenched. He yelled at the two ladies, "Run! Get some help... Ah! You son of a bitch! Quit it! Ow! Not in the face! Even my brother wouldn't hit me there! You are so dead... Ouch!"

Blair anxiously told the girl, "Get a security guard. I'll wait here."

After a little hesitation, the girl nodded and ran to the elevator. She called the police as well.

Blair scanned the hallway, hoping to find anything she could use as a weapon.

She spotted the extinguisher. At once, she took the fire extinguisher from its case, pulled the pin and dashed towards the men who were raining blows on Niles. "Niles! Run!"

Niles caught a glimpse of the fire extinguisher in her hands. Knowing what she was planning, he quickly burst through their ranks and ran down the hall.

Blair pointed the nozzle at the men and squeezed the handle to release the extinguisher foam.

Then chaos erupted. Dripping white frothy goo, two of the four men chased after Niles. The other two wiped the mixture from their eyes and coughed, but they were starting to recover.

She lifted the fire extinguisher and threw the can at them. One of the two was hit in the head by it, groaning in pain. Blair took that chance to run away.

The other man picked up his pace to run after her. In no time, he caught up to Blair and yanked her hair violently. The man who was hit by the extinguisher also came up and grabbed her arms. They had her and she was in pain.

Right on cue, the elevator doors opened and a figure dashed out, bearing down on them.

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