Take My Breath Away

Chapter 754 - I'm With Uncle Wesley

Cecelia smiled and said, "Okay, I see. I'm relieved to hear that."

Wesley came back home at night around 9 p.m. As soon as he came in, he saw the unexpected visitor sitting in the living room. Mother and son stared at each other for a minute, before he broke the silence in the end. "What are you doing here? Do you need something?"

"Yes." Cecelia nodded her head. "I came to see how far you two are with my grandson!"

Wesley's lips twitched. 'Grandson? Blair's not even pregnant yet.' He figured Cecelia wanted a grandson so desperately that she had lost her mind.

He hung his overcoat on the coat rack and said, "Niles is dating a girl. Go to him if you want a grandson."

Cecelia scoffed, "Who knows if he's serious with the girl? I don't trust him. You and Blair are my hope."

Her determined eyes were suggesting that she wasn't going to give in. In fact, she made it sound like she wouldn't leave their apartment unless they gave her a grandson. Wesley averted the topic and asked, "Where is my wife?"

"She's taking a bath." Suddenly, her eyes widened with excitement. "She just went in. Go, go and join her now," she urged.

Wesley was rendered speechless. What a "thoughtful" mother!

Cecelia spent the following days with them in their apartment. She showed no signs of leaving and no one asked her to leave either.

From the looks of it, she had a great time supervising the two kids every day and making sure that they went to bed on time.

Every night she would lean against the door of their bedroom and if she didn't hear a sound, she would knock just to check up on what they were doing. Tonight was the same.

Blair had a face mask on while she was chatting with Joslyn on the phone and Wesley was working on his laptop.

When Cecelia didn't hear the kind of noise she expected, she started banging on the door at once. "Wesley!"

Puzzled, Wesley rushed to the door in his pajamas afraid that something bad had happened. Cecelia peeked inside and said to him, "Where is your wife?"

He sighed and took a step backwards to let his mother see Blair.

The moment Blair looked at the door and met with Cecelia's eyes, the latter waved at her awkwardly. Cecelia pulled Wesley close and muttered, "Stop wasting time and go to bed now. Don't forget your mission. A baby! Are you feeling tired? Maybe I need to get you some Chinese medicines to give you more stamina and power..."

Exasperated, the soldier brought the palm of his hand to his face and sighed, "Mom, please stop whatever it is you think you're doing. Shouldn't you be taking care of Dad? Without you at home, Dad and Grandpa must be very bored. You should go back and take care of them."

Cecelia understood clearly that her son was running out of patience. "I won't bug you anymore. Just try your best, okay? You can do this!" With that, she turned around and disappeared into her room.

Wesley shook his head in disbelief.

After living with Cecelia for a few more days, Blair couldn't keep up with her anymore and neither could Wesley. Luckily, he found an excuse to take Blair to Z Country for a trip again, leaving Cecelia with no choice but to go back home.

After they came back from their trip in Z Country, one day, Wesley received a call from Megan saying that she was in trouble. However, when Wesley asked her what had happened, she didn't give him any details; instead, she insisted that he come see her as soon as possible.

This time, however, without even asking for Blair's opinion, Wesley took the initiative to turn Megan down straightaway. "No, just tell me what it is on the phone. I'm busy." Wesley was, in fact, cooking his beloved wife a nice meal. He wouldn't leave Blair alone to see another woman unless it was a life-and-death situation.

Eventually, after a long pause of silence, Megan hung up the call. The beeping sound that came after was Wesley's cue to realize what had happened and he put his phone away.

Blair was leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen and eating an apple as she gave Wesley a knowing eyeful. "Is she in danger again? Aren't you going to help her?"

Wesley shook his head, as if unconcerned. "She didn't tell me what happened. I don't have the time to try and figure out what's on her mind." Wesley was well aware of how Blair felt about Megan. Taking his previous experience into account, he thought it would be best for him to keep a distance from Megan.

Blair enjoyed the rest of the delicious apple joyfully. She raised the half-eaten apple to his lips. "You can take a bite from my apple. This is your reward," she joked.

"Thanks." Wesley put down the knife and nodded as he moved away from the counter. Then suddenly, he pulled her by the waist and kissed her lips. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be.

After a long kiss, Blair glared at him, panting. "I asked you to bite the apple. Not me!" She pouted her lips at him.

"I was just tasting the apple." He leaned in and licked her lips.

Blair gasped in shock. The color infused cheeks dimpled with the blossoming smile and her eyes shone in a way that only deep happiness could bring. "What are you doing? You shameless oaf!"

"What did you say to me? Say it again?" Wesley stopped cutting vegetables again and squinted his eyes at her, like a predator eyeing its prey.

Blair wasted no time. She made a face at him, sticking out her tongue and ran out of the kitchen. "Nope. I didn't say anything. Please don't let me distract you from cooking."

Wesley giggled as he watched her flee and continued to wash the freshly diced vegetables.

One day, Blair received a text from Megan. "Hi, Blair. Do you know what Wesley is doing now?"

Blair rolled her eyes at the text, clearly annoyed by Megan. The girl just wouldn't stop trying to stir up trouble.

Blair obviously knew what Wesley was doing. He told her that he was going to be busy with the retirement application before he went out, which would mean that he would be in the military base today.

Blair, however, had no intentions of playing nice with Megan. "Get lost!" she texted back.

A minute later, Megan sent her a picture of her holding hands with a man. "I'm with Uncle Wesley. I was feeling uncomfortable so he's taking me to a hotel," she wrote.

The picture didn't show the man's face, but Blair could see that he was dressed in a green uniform. Judging by the background, the picture seemed to have been taken inside a building. The decoration suggested that it was a hotel.

Blair remembered that Wesley was wearing the same green uniform when he went out this morning.

Before Blair could text back, Megan sent another message. "We're entering a hotel room now. Room 301 on the seventh floor, Elton International Hotel. I'll let you know later how your man betrays you."

Blair's brain stuttered for a moment and every part of her went on pause while her thoughts caught up. She immediately called Wesley's phone. "Sorry, the number you've dialed is not in service..." His phone was switched off.

Blair paced back and forth in the study. Her brain formulated no thoughts other than to register that she was shocked.

It wasn't that she didn't trust Wesley, but Megan and Patty were both special cases. Wesley would surely refuse any indecent suggestion from Megan, but that girl was so good at acting that she couldn't be trusted at all. The mere thought of Megan flirting with Wesley made Blair feel uncomfortable.

'Maybe I can just go and take a look. It will help stop my worries, ' she thought.

She put on her overcoat, changed into her shoes and left the apartment in a jiffy. She hailed a cab and went straight to Elton International Hotel.

Before long, Blair found herself standing in front of Room 301. She took a deep breath and called Wesley's phone once again.

This time, however, the call went through on the first go. "Wesley?"

The noise from the other end made it difficult for her to hear clearly.

She raised her voice and called out, "Wesley? Where are you now?"

"Mrs. Li? Chief left his phone here. He got out of the car to talk with an acquaintance. Do you need to talk to him now?" A man's voice came from the other end. It sounded like one of Wesley's subordinates.

At long last, she heaved a sigh of relief. "So, where is he now?"

"We just finished an urgent task. We're heading back downtown now."

'Heading back downtown?

Oh, crap!'

Suddenly, Blair realized that this must be one of Megan's tricks and she quickly turned around to leave. However, before she knew it, the door to Room 301 flung open and someone grabbed hold of her neck and covered her mouth before dragging her inside the room.

Blair dropped her phone on the floor, but the man kicked it inside. There was another man inside the room with them. He picked up her phone and disconnected the call at once. Standing with his back to Blair, the man secretly did something on her phone before closing the door.

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