Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 1248

Chapter 1248: Monthly Pass

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Ye Zhiqing’s expression suddenly changed and a gentle smile appeared on her face.

“Isn’t this… announced at the last minute? I’ve already said that I don’t plan to hold a big celebration…”

“Don’t tell me you’re hiding it from your family? What is your Yuan family up to?! Or did you not treat Muran as a member of the Yuan family, so you deliberately didn’t tell her? Speaking of which, why is there only the two of you in the Yuan family? Where are the rest?”

Two friends. If one was weak, the other had to be strong!

Yuan Muchun wanted a stable life and had never fought for anything. However, Bo Anxi was always the one who stood up for her when she was bullied.

Bo Anxi’s words made Ye Zhiqing, who thought that she was calmer than others, nervous.

“How can the rest of the Yuan family not attend the engagement? They must be here. They should be resting backstage, right, Mrs Yuan?”


“Even if she’s resting backstage, isn’t it natural for Second Miss to come? Why was she so agitated just now?”

Ye Zhiqing’s face turned pale. She didn’t know how to answer this question.

The rest of the Bo family didn’t come, but if they didn’t, what would people think of this engagement party?

But since she was here, she was not surprised by Yuan Muchun’s appearance.

She had raised her guard because she was worried that Yuan Muchun would spout nonsense. But now…

Yuan Muchun didn’t think too much about it. She looked at Yuan Sichun and said gently,

“Sister, aren’t you going overboard? You know that today…”

“Muchun!” Seeing that the situation wasn’t good, Yuan Sichun immediately interrupted her. Then, she put on a pitiful expression and said, “I’ve already suffered enough today. Are you sure you want to pour salt on me? It’s fine if I lose face, but what about the Yuan family? How are you going to explain to Father?”

Yuan Muchun’s expression changed slightly.

She had always yearned for her father’s care and love since she was young, but her father’s thoughts were all on her sister.

She had comforted herself that her sister was the eldest daughter of the Yuan family after all. It was understandable for her father to pay more attention to her.

However, she was sensible and considerate. She still yearned for the love and protection of her father, who had disappointed her time and time again.

She also didn’t want the Yuan family to be humiliated.


“But… is it really appropriate to announce the engagement at the last minute? Besides, this is someone else’s venue. Even the guests are other people’s guests. Don’t you think it’s too much?”



These words made Yuan Sichun feel embarrassed. After all, no one wanted to be involved in someone else’s wedding.

But on second thought, she felt extremely smug.

Weren’t these things that Shen Fanxing wanted but couldn’t get?

Her fiancé had now announced that he was hers.

Her engagement venue was now hers.

She had invited guests who hoped to receive their blessings. Now, the blessings and compliments belonged to her.

Thinking of this, she felt that everything she had experienced in the past and even the difficulties she would face in the future was worth it. She would never regret it.

“Muchun, she didn’t reveal that CEO Shen had canceled the engagement. We all thought that everyone had already received the news. We originally planned to have a gathering at home, but Grandpa felt that it was unfair to me. Later on, when he found out that the wedding banquet had been canceled and the guests hadn’t left, he wanted to occupy this banquet hall…”

There were two meanings to her words. The first was that these people already knew and the reason why they didn’t leave was because they wanted to attend her and Bo Jinchuan’s engagement party.

The last sentence was that the Old Master was thinking for her and wanted to take the opportunity to organize a grand event. Although it was a little inappropriate to take advantage of Shen Fanxing, she felt that the Old Master’s actions had given the people present a huge blessing.

The few people at the side also felt that attending such an engagement party was indeed a great thing.

Hearing someone’s accusation, she couldn’t help but say,

“It’s our honor to attend Miss Yuan and the CEO’s engagement party. There’s nothing to dispute about this matter.”

“That’s right. Besides, we’re here to attend the engagement party today. If we don’t attend CEO Shen’s event, it’ll be more meaningful for us.”

Ye Zhiqing hurriedly smiled and said,

“Since you know now, I’ll represent the Yuan family to invite everyone to the engagement party of the eldest daughter of the Yuan family and the eldest grandson of the Bo family.”

“Good, good, good! It’s an honor!” Most people naturally couldn’t wait for this and nodded in agreement.

Someone was even more willing to show off.

“But CEO Shen, there was still news when the news was announced. Why was it canceled? There’s no news at all. Otherwise, why would there be such a huge misunderstanding?”

Ye Zhiqing smiled. “I’m not sure…”

“Who said that today’s engagement party has been canceled?!”

As Ye Zhiqing spoke, her face was full of smiles.

Before he could finish speaking, a cold voice sounded.

Every word was clearly heard by everyone present.

Everyone turned to see Lou Ruoyi standing in front of the door that led to the backstage lounge.

His expression was cold.

A few sharp-eyed people recognized her. “Isn’t this Madam Bo?”

“Madam Bo? The CEO’s mother?”

“What else could it be?”

“Then what did she mean by what she said just now?”

“What wedding banquet hasn’t been canceled? The CEO’s engagement banquet? Isn’t that… right? She didn’t say anything about it being canceled.”




“What’s the situation?”

Ye Zhiqing and Yuan Sichun suddenly became nervous.

Didn’t the Old Master say that he wouldn’t let her appear?

Why did he suddenly appear?

Lou Ruoyi’s foot was still hurting!

The wound on her arm hurt so much that she wanted to cry!

Ever since she got together with Bo Sichen, other than giving birth, when had she ever suffered such pain?

Who knew how much anger she had accumulated in her heart!

In order to let this impromptu engagement party proceed smoothly, Old Master had actually gotten someone to lock her in the lounge and guard her.

If she hadn’t kicked the door open forcefully and even used a knife to cut her arm to threaten the guards, how could she have appeared here?!

Now that Si Chen had not appeared, she was certain that he must have been trapped by the Old Master!

When Old Master Bo saw her, his face darkened.

“How did you get out?!”

Lou Ruoyi endured the pain and looked at the old man coldly.

“You’re asking how I got out of my son’s engagement party?”

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