Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 1247

Chapter 1247: Untitled

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“My sister-in-law is…”

Yin Ruijue had just spoken when a voice echoed throughout the banquet hall.

“I’m sorry to disturb everyone. Because Miss Shen Fanxing canceled the wedding banquet today, the Bo family will take over the venue today. It’s the engagement ceremony of my eldest grandson, Bo Jinchuan, and the eldest daughter of the Yuan family.”

The moment he said that, everyone’s gazes landed on the stage.

When Yuan Sichun heard the old man’s words, she felt nervous and excited.

Here it comes!

As long as she announced her identity, what awaited her after tonight would be the life she had dreamed of.

“That’s… Old Master Bo?”

“Yes, it’s his grandson’s engagement party. There’s no reason for him not to attend.”

“It’s just that… President Shen’s engagement ceremony has been canceled? What happened?”

“That’s right. I’ve been looking forward to that mysterious fiancé for so long. I thought that I would find out who he is today, but he canceled the wedding. What a pity.”

“But it’s not bad to attend the Bo Consortium’s CEO’s engagement party.”

Old Master Bo faced the audience and smiled kindly.

“I’m sure everyone knows that our Bo family and the Yuan family have always been on good terms. It’s only natural for Jinchuan and Sichun to be together. Seeing the two of them together in the end is what I want to see the most. I have no choice but to announce the engagement at the last minute. Since everyone is here tonight, we naturally can’t return disappointed. Let’s eat and drink well!”

“F*ck! This old man really dares to do that!”

Yin Ruijue turned around angrily and strode towards the stage.

What nonsense was this?!

Bo Anxi stomped her feet anxiously. “What is Grandpa doing?! Why would my cousin fall for his nonsense?”

Xu Han sneered at the side. “I don’t buy it, but Sister-in-law was bullied tonight. This kind of thing can’t be salvaged no matter what. Even if she helped to bully him back, she would only be injured. Both sides would suffer.”

Old Master stood on the stage and it was easy to see the furious Yin Ruijue striding towards the stage. His eyes narrowed slightly and he gave a look to the side. Immediately, two people quickly walked to Yin Ruijue and stopped him.

“Young Master Yin, the seats are at the back.”

“Get lost!” Yin Ruijue slapped one of them on the head!

The commotion was not small, and a few people nearby saw it.

Old Master Bo frowned and wanted to get someone to forcefully bring Yin Ruijue away. However, Yin Ruijue said,

“Who said that Brother Bo is getting engaged to that woman?”

Everyone was puzzled. “What happened?”

Seeing the commotion below the stage, the old man said calmly,

“I received news just now that Jinchuan has something on at the last minute. He might not be able to attend the engagement banquet tonight. Fortunately, he didn’t plan to make a big fuss at the engagement banquet…”

Although Yin Ruijue had the personality of a rich young master, he still respected the old man.

Moreover, he was Bo Jinchuan’s grandfather.

But today, he was really infuriated by this old man!

“Do you think we’re fools?! Since you know you can’t come, why did you send the news of the engagement?!”

This time, it wasn’t just Old Master Bo. Yuan Sichun and Ye Zhiqing also became nervous.

This was indeed something they had always wanted to cover up. Why did they announce the engagement at the last minute?

Of course… it could only be announced at the last minute.

Otherwise, Bo Jinchuan would have rushed back even more eagerly.

There was also the Divine Translator. They had to admit that she did have some brains. If she announced it in advance, there was no guarantee that she would take any countermeasures.

Hence, he could only catch them off guard.

In case she had the time and energy to do other things to stop them.

Old Master was extremely meticulous in this aspect. She only found out about Yuan Sichun at the last minute.

However, when this matter was brought up, some people would naturally think in this direction.

“That’s right. Miss Yuan said from the start that she might not be able to come. Since she can’t come, why didn’t she cancel the engagement?”

Yuan Sichun felt nervous. “That… that’s because… our engagement date was set in the past. How can we change it so easily? I…”

She stammered and couldn’t find a reason to convince these people. She was so anxious that she almost cried.

It was precisely because of this sobbing and helpless look that she became a pitiful woman in the eyes of others.

“I see!”

Before she could finish speaking, everyone around her nodded in agreement.

“Miss Yuan is really pitiful. After all, it’s one of the most important days in her life. In the end, her fiancé didn’t come. No matter who it is, it won’t feel good!”

“It’s not just uncomfortable. There are only a few unforgettable days in a woman’s life. It’s clearly the best memory, but it turned out like this.”

“Miss Yuan, don’t be too sad. We understand…”

She was the eldest daughter of the Yuan family and the future mistress of the Bo family. With either of these two identities, there was no need to worry that no one would cozy up to her.

Moreover, it was a combination of the two.

Yuan Sichun didn’t expect anyone to cooperate with her like this. She was stunned for a moment before an aggrieved and sad expression appeared on her face. She bit her lips and shook her head stubbornly, but tears fell at the right time.

“I understand Brother Bo. I believe he definitely wants to rush back to his engagement party. He’s just delayed by something. Compared to me, he’s suffering more…”

“Sigh, Miss Yuan is the most understanding…”

Yuan Sichun pursed her lips and thought to herself, ‘No wonder women like to pretend to be weak and kind.’

So these people really fell for it.

Ha ha.

She sneered in her heart. So these things were actually that simple.


She was feeling smug when a gentle voice sounded.

When she saw Yuan Muchun standing beside her with Bo Anxi, Yuan Sichun frowned slightly.

Ye Zhiqing even went forward to stop Yuan Muchun with a cold expression. “Why are you here? Who asked you to come here? Why didn’t you greet me when you came to Ping Cheng?”

When Bo Anxi saw this woman who had never treated Yuan Muchun nicely, she retorted angrily,

“Didn’t you say that Yuan Sichun is getting engaged today? What’s wrong with Mu Chun attending her sister’s engagement party? Or did you not treat her as a member of the Yuan family?”

Ye Zhiqing’s expression suddenly changed and a gentle smile appeared on her face.

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