Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 1219

Chapter 1219: Get Lost

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“How dare you!”

Shen Fanxing lashed her whip again!

“I really… Ouch!!”

Raith realized later that this woman didn’t give him a chance to speak. If he tried to defend himself, her braid would fall even harder.

Leith’s wails could be heard from the reception room, but there was no movement from the eight bodyguards.

“Guards! Guards!”



“Howl howl!”

No one had come to save him!

“You liar! Who asked you to cheat a woman of her feelings!”


“Small! I told you to call him small! Your entire family is small!”

Raith was in so much pain, he scrambled for the door.

The moment she opened the door, she was whipped again.

“Ouch… Ouch… Ouch… It hurts…”

Raith cried out in pain, expecting his bodyguards to rush up to protect him when he opened the door to the reception room.

In the end, he realized that his bodyguards had all fallen to the ground. Standing straight in front of him were a few bodyguards in black whom he did not know.


“They fainted!” The lead bodyguard said expressionlessly.

“How could this be?” Leisi looked at the few people who had fainted. Shouldn’t they be groaning on the ground?

Even if she couldn’t win in a fight, she should have some awareness, right?

“Yes. He was drugged,” the lead bodyguard said again, shaking the white handkerchief in his hand.

The other bodyguards also raised their hands to shake the white handkerchief in their hands.

The drug given by their Madam Bo just now.

Although they said that they could win, Madam said that it was tiring to waste so much energy!


He thanked his understanding wife on behalf of the entire Bo family.

“Ow!!” Viscount Raith, who had always maintained his gentlemanly style, suddenly howled in pain.

Shen Fanxing whipped him again and kicked his butt.

“Get out of here!”

“Ah! How dare you…”

“How dare you pretend to be a noble viscount from another country? How shameless! Get lost!”

Shen Fanxing whipped him again.

Unable to stand the pain, Raith grabbed his head and ran toward the elevator.

When the employees hiding in the company saw this scene, their mouths gaped in shock. They couldn’t believe that their CEO Shen would dare to hit a Viscount from Country Y.

The bodyguards couldn’t help but gulp when they saw Shen Fanxing waving her whip behind Leisi.

He didn’t find it troublesome to let them save their energy. It was great to travel light.


Just now, they could vaguely hear what was said in the guest room, especially when Madam opened the door. “Small! I told you to say that he’s small! Your entire family is small!” It completely confirmed their guesses.

It seemed…

Their master was really… not young.

At the very least, Madam was very satisfied.

Downstairs, the reporters remained rooted to the ground.

All of them waited expectantly at the entrance of Stars International.

“I wonder how the conversation is going?”

“It’s useless to talk too much, right? Who would be willing to give up the two billion yuan? Unless CEO Shen repays the two billion yuan for Jiang Rongrong alone.”

“How is that possible?! We’ve already burned it. How can we make up for the losses? If I had known that the two billion yuan would fall on me, CEO Shen wouldn’t have set the fire, right?”

“What else can we do? I can’t imagine how President Shen will reject Viscount Reis’ marriage!”

“That’s right… I’m so worried. I really don’t know how CEO Shen is going to resolve this matter!”

“Hey, hey, hey! Look, it’s out!”

“It’s out! It’s out!”

Someone shouted in the group of reporters, and all of them squeezed towards the door.

“Get lost!”

A cold shout stunned all the reporters. Their eyes widened.

She watched as a woman chased a man out with a whip. At the entrance, she kicked the man to the ground.


The man lay on the ground and was about to struggle to get up when something hit him again. He fell to the ground again.

Then, there were seven bangs. He turned his head and saw that the bodyguards who had followed him in were thrown out mercilessly.

And the thing that had just hit him was undoubtedly his bodyguard.

Pushing the man away, he stood up and glared at Shen Fanxing.

“B*tch! How dare you treat me like this!”

“You can go out and ask around. What have I, Shen Fanxing, been afraid of? You pretended to be a viscount from another country and came here to swindle me. Beating you up is a light punishment!”

Raith stomped his feet in anger!

“I’m not an imposter!”

“I only know that you’re a gambler and a hooligan! Get lost! Otherwise, I’ll cripple you!”

“How dare you!”

“Do you think I dare?!” As she spoke, she raised her whip and swung it at him!

“Ah!!” Even if Leisi wanted to dodge, he couldn’t avoid Shen Fanxing’s whip. He screamed when he was hit again.

“Are you getting lost?” Shen Fanxing raised her whip again.


Leisi hugged his head and shouted. Shen Fanxing’s hand that was holding the whip stopped in mid-air.

Seeing that the whip didn’t fall, Leisi slowly opened his eyes. His gaze landed on Shen Fanxing and he saw her waving the whip again.

He quickly took a few steps back, found a car he had brought and opened the door.

“You… Just you wait… Your grandmother has already sold you to me! You must return to my country with me!”

Shen Fanxing’s expression turned cold and she took two steps towards him.

Raith ducked back into the car.

In the end, she was too late. Shen Fanxing pulled the car door shut.

“What… do you want?!”

Reiss pretended to be calm as he looked at Shen Fanxing, but he didn’t want to give up on her.

The more it was like this, the more it aroused his desire to conquer.

Shen Fanxing threw the whip at him.

“Remember to take your bodyguards away!”

With that, he slammed the car door shut!

Eight unconscious bodyguards were carried into the car. The last few dozen luxury cars slowly moved away from Stars International.

Seeing the cars leave, even though there were many reporters and passers-by at the entrance of Stars International, it seemed much emptier than before.




Silence reigned.

The reporters were still dumbfounded.

She couldn’t react at all.

What kind of development was this?

What kind of negotiation had led to such an outcome?

As the Viscount of a noble family in Country Y, he was actually kicked out of the room.


Someone suddenly laughed, and the crowd around them started laughing as well.

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