Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 1218

Chapter 1218: Small Size

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Not long after, Shen Fanxing appeared at the door again.

Behind her were the bodyguards arranged by Bo Jinchuan.

When Leisi’s bodyguards saw the bodyguards behind Shen Fanxing, they became alert.

The bodyguards who objected to Shen Fanxing followed her into the guest room.

“I’m fine. Wait here.”

Shen Fanxing said calmly. The lead bodyguard gestured and stopped outside.

Shen Fanxing pushed the door open and entered the guest room.

At that moment, Reiss was standing by the window with a cup of coffee and looking at the scenery downstairs.

Upon hearing the voice, she immediately turned around.

Upon seeing Shen Fanxing, his eyes lit up.

“Hi, darling…”

“Who the hell are you?”

Shen Fanxing closed the door and spoke calmly.

Smiling, Raith walked to the coffee table and set the cup down.

“I’ve already introduced myself. My name is Reis, the Viscount of Country Y. And you will be my future Viscountess.”

Shen Fanxing smirked coldly and remained silent for a few seconds.

“You said you’re a viscount. Is there anything to prove that?”

Leisi smiled as he walked towards her. His blue eyes were fixated on Shen Fanxing’s face, full of aggression.

The look in a foreigner’s eyes easily revealed his desire.

“As long as you return to my country with me, I can easily prove my identity to you.”

“What if you’re not? If I go back with you, won’t I suffer?”

“Haha, darling, I don’t have to lie to you. There should be news of me online.”

“No, I don’t believe in the Internet. The Internet is a world of lies.”

Shen Fanxing watched as Leisi approached her. She suddenly stood up and walked in.

“Darling, some things on the Internet are true.”

“Really? Including the fact that you already have a wife and countless lovers, and that you’re a gambler?”

Raith shrugged nonchalantly. “You’re the one I love the most. You don’t have to worry about me losing badly. I can guarantee you a good enough life.”

Leisi handed the box to Shen Fanxing.

“This is a gift I meticulously made for you. You look so beautiful when you ride a horse on the racecourse in the western suburbs. Of course, you’re also beautiful when you train others.”

Shen Fanxing raised an eyebrow and took the box. When she opened it, she realized that it was a whip.

The handle of the whip was inlaid with red gems. The sound of the whip was smooth and beautiful.

She didn’t know much about whips, but this one looked good.

Shen Fanxing took the whip and said, “I don’t ride horses or… hit people.”

“You must have a lot of opportunities to ride a horse with me… Darling… I love the way you ride a horse. You have no idea how much I want to kiss you and own you when I see you riding a horse…”

As Leisi spoke, his voice became more ambiguous. The desire in his eyes was about to explode as he opened his arms to hug Shen Fanxing.

Shen Fanxing kept retreating.

“I hope you can show some respect. I don’t like you. Besides, I have a lover now.”

“That doesn’t stop me from liking you, loving you, and having you. Darling, perhaps you don’t know me very well. I feel that it’s necessary for us to communicate more deeply.”

Shen Fanxing pressed her body against the cabinet behind her as Leisi inched closer to her. He was only a step away from her when his hand reached for her waist.

“Is your lover an Easterner?”


“Hehe, are you satisfied? I heard that Eastern men are all very small in size. It’s rare for women to climax…”

Shen Fanxing’s eyebrows twitched violently.

His face was terrifyingly cold.

“Perhaps we’re the most compatible couple in the world. I can give you a pleasure that you might not experience in your entire life…”

There was a loud smack.

Shen Fanxing slapped away the hand that was about to touch her waist.

His hand grabbed Les’ hand that had just touched her waist. He bent down and went behind him, forcefully pinning his hand behind his back!

Raith screamed in pain.

“What are you doing?! Awoo!”

Shen Fanxing’s face was cold as she twisted Leisi’s arm again. Screams sounded in the guest room again.

As Leisi howled, Shen Fanxing kicked his knee again. Leisi bent his legs and knelt on the ground.

Shen Fanxing pulled him to the ground and stepped on his chest.

Squatting down, Shen Fanxing narrowed her eyes at the man, her voice cold.

“Small size? Hmm?”

As she spoke, she stepped harder on his chest.

Leisi groaned and looked up at Shen Fanxing, who was half-squatting on him.

She bent down to look at him, as well as her agile movements and current posture. In his eyes, she looked handsome and cool.

That cold heroic spirit really made him infatuated.

He had never seen a woman like Shen Fanxing. She was versatile, but she was unique and perfect in every aspect.

Even though he was being stepped on by her now, he felt that this might be an alternative enjoyment.

His lips curled into a smile as his gaze landed on Shen Fanxing’s face. “There’s a world ranking for this! Eastern men are generally smaller in size, while Eastern women rarely have orgasms… I’m telling the truth!”

Shen Fanxing’s eyes darkened and she pursed her lips, her eyes gleaming coldly.

She wasn’t sure about the rankings, but the thought of Bo Jinchuan being questioned behind her back made her furious.

She had never thought about how awkward this question was.

She only knew that her man, who was almost perfect, had his dignity challenged.


“You’re really the itching type. You’re asking for a beating!”

Being stepped on forcefully, Raith found it difficult to breathe.

“You can… I’m a noble viscount from Country Y… You shouldn’t treat me like this…”

Shen Fanxing smiled coldly and stood up slowly.

Seeing this, Leisi knew that she was afraid of his identity. Just as he was about to struggle to get up, Shen Fanxing raised the whip in her hand and whipped him fiercely.

“Ouch…” Leisi held his arm that had been slapped and grimaced in pain.

Shen Fanxing rubbed the ruby on the handle and glared coldly at the man who was glaring at her.

“You’re quite bold to pretend to be a noble viscount in my country!”

Raith froze. “I’m serious… Ow!!”

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