Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 386 - Chapter 386: City of monsters (Part 2) 1

Chapter 386: City of monsters (Part 2) 1

Translator: 549690339

“Hahaha …” this is the first God we created and brought to the world!

Zhao Shiming’s maniacal laughter attracted the attention of all the aptitude users in the joint team and the researchers in the office.

It had a green human-shaped body and a soft head with countless tentacles. On both sides of its head, there were three parallel eyes, strong limbs, sharp claws, and a pair of tattered wings on its back … The most obvious one was the bulging heart on his chest, which was constantly contracting with force and giving off a strong echo.

Everyone who saw its image felt an indescribable pain.

It was as if countless steel needles had pierced into his brain. The blood in his body seemed to have a life of its own as it collided with his blood vessels.

They felt a sharp pain in their eyes as blood flowed down.

His brain seemed to be suffering wave after wave of heavy blows. The huge noise drowned him completely.

He couldn’t do anything.

When they saw the monster that crawled out of the pool, they felt a sharp pain in their eyes and couldn’t see anything.

His brain had been invaded by something and was thrown into confusion, making it impossible for him to think.

His ears produced a huge roar, but he couldn’t hear any sound from his teammates.

They just lowered their heads subconsciously, not even knowing if death was already coming …

Or perhaps, it would be a fate more terrifying than death!

The laboratory staff in the office were already under the control of the Gothic lady and knelt in a row. However, when the monster appeared, everyone screamed uncontrollably and fell like a row of straw.

Some people’s eyes were bloodshot, and they jumped up like crazy, banging their heads against the wall.

There were also people who tore their clothes apart with all their might, revealing their hearts that were covered in blood, as if something was squeezing out.

It was their hearts that resonated and were beating faster.

They didn’t even have the right to look at the things they created.

“Shrink … All my spiritual energy …”

Captain summer bug …

“Back …”

In the midst of the indescribable rumbling, they suddenly heard a soft voice.

The sound was drowned out by the noise, and they could hardly distinguish it.

However, the voice seemed to have come directly from their minds, so they could barely understand the meaning.

It was a doctor with the code name “scalpel.”

He was also enveloped by the indescribable distorted mental power, but he reacted faster than the others.

When the monster in the pool appeared, he had already noticed something.

Because of his intuition, he quickly lowered his head the moment the monster came out of the pool.

That was why he did not see the monster directly.

Of course, the spiritual distortion that followed also enveloped him.

However, he managed to buy a little more than a second.

He used this second to slide the scalpel in his sleeve into his hand and then clenched it tightly.

Because of the force, the hand knife technique almost cut his bones.

The intense pain had bought him a little more time, so he activated his ability and sent a signal.

Due to the distorted spiritual force field, his ability was greatly affected, and his voice was intermittent.

But it still spread.

Everyone who heard his voice immediately retracted their mental power.

This was a knowledge learned from formal aptitude user training courses, and it was also an application of mental power.

To put it in simpler terms, it was to do your best to keep calm.

Don’t try to see, don’t try to sense, don’t even think.

After doing this, they closed their eyes and quickly retreated.

Immediately after, they heard a ” bang ” and the rumbling sound in their ears became even more serious.

There was even an intense blast of air that pushed them out.

They opened their eyes when they felt the pain all over their bodies. With their blurred vision, they could roughly understand what had happened.

It was the exquisitely dressed man.

When the monster appeared, he waved his handkerchief, trying to subdue Zhao Shiming with the help of the lizard and the Gothic ladies. However, because of the monster’s appearance, the twisting force field he released was bounced back.

The rebound sent him flying out of the door. He was quite far away, so he wasn’t seriously affected.

The cobblestone flew past the group and exploded when it landed.

The powerful blue electric arc produced by the explosion temporarily disturbed the distorted spiritual force field in the field.

The huge impact made everyone fall out of the door even faster.

Fortunately, this was a new type of plasma bomb that was designed to deal with mental monsters and pollution sources. There was no shrapnel, and the impact was reduced. Otherwise, at such a close distance, they would not have been pushed out. Instead, they would have been pierced through by the shrapnel that spread out.

In any case, they were temporarily out of the control of the distorted force field.

His mind was also like a drowning person, temporarily awake.

I’ll use all means to escape …

hurry up and report to the outpost. Things have gone out of control. Increase the threat level …

The moment the summer bug regained consciousness, it shouted loudly and pounced forward.

“You should be the one leaving …”

A slender white hand grabbed Xia Chong’s arm. It was the delicate man who had rushed up. He grabbed the blood on his hand and frowned. He wiped it with a handkerchief and said loudly, we don’t have the ability to escape. Only you have a chance …

Because their ears were still ringing, they subconsciously raised their voices.

The doctor nodded his head repeatedly. This was also the reason why he had specifically mentioned summer worm just now.

I don’t have the strength to open the door anymore …

“Besides, none of you have the strength to cover our retreat,” summer bug roared expressionlessly.

As she spoke, she rushed forward. Her two tender hands threw the guns to the side and she clenched her fists in front of her chest.

“Come out … Come out …”

Wuah .

A power that was beyond the understanding of ordinary people appeared around her.

For a moment, the people around them felt that an invisible crack had appeared beside Xia Chong, and it could attract their attention.

However, the next moment, beside the invisible lie crack, an extremely terrifying twisting force field appeared. It was as if something invisible had crawled out of the crack. The moment it appeared beside the summer bug, a

terrifying force field erupted.

This force field instantly pushed her teammates out of the corridor behind the door, sliding far away.

Then, summer bug clenched her fists and stomped on her military boots, rushing toward the laboratory.

so she’s an ability user from the abyss group …

Chen Jing and the lizard also fell far away. Chen Jing turned her head sharply, her face a little startled.

Without further ado, she strode to the end of the corridor with the others and ran back the way they had come in.

In the laboratory, Zhao Shiming sat in a glass room and looked at the tentacle-like monster outside with a fanatical gaze.

The way the aptitude users ran away in a sorry state gave him a sense of pleasure from comparing their strength on different levels.

This was the first time since he started his research that he was no longer in awe of an ability user’s power. Instead, he found it ridiculous.

He didn’t know if he was under some kind of influence at this time. He just looked through the thick glass and admired the monster that climbed out of the pool. He slowly put on a helmet full of cables and copper pipes and then laughed at the top of his lungs.

“Why are you in such a hurry to escape?”

“Are you going to tell the Research Institute?”

I’ll tell them myself. I’ll tell them immediately …

but you can’t leave. If you leave, you’ll expose the fact that I’m not being forced to do experiments .

As he shouted these words, his pupils suddenly contracted, turning into needle-sized dots.

At the same time, the six eyes on the monster’s head blinked at the same time. It was leaning on the pool, dragging its dark green body and tentacles. Then, it focused and aimed at the summer bug that was rushing toward the laboratory.

“Chi …”

The moment the six eyes focused on the summer bug, a powerful spiritual attack appeared.

Like an invisible tide, it instantly rushed to the front of summer bug. Behind summer bug, something seemed to have rushed in front of her and created a twisting force field.

As the two force fields clashed, blood gushed out of Xia Chong’s nose and she was sent flying.

Even the invisible mental power around her dissipated instantly.

you’re just a bunch of lunatics. You don’t even understand your own power.

What’s the point of risking your lives? ”

Perhaps Zhao Shiming did not know how he looked like at this moment.

His pupils shrank to the size of tiny dots, and the whites of his eyes were covered in worm-like blood vessels.

He seemed to want to use his usual rational and proud tone to speak, but in fact, even he himself did not know that his tone had become cold and sinister, hiding an indescribable strong madness and indifference to humans.

He raised his hands slightly.

At the same time, the monster also raised its hands and the tentacles around it.

Hualala …

In that instant, the entire city of Buffalo was suddenly filled with the heavy sound of a giant Python slithering quickly on the ground.

There were many monsters hidden in many places in water buffalo City, especially near this building.

It was a kind of flesh with all kinds of strange tentacles and human-shaped outlines.

Originally, the flesh and blood showed a faint respect for aptitude users, and did not dare to attack them. Moreover, when the aptitude user teams from Central City and Qing gang rushed into the laboratory, they had already destroyed countless of this strange flesh in various rooms and corridors …

However, at this moment, all the flesh and blood suddenly showed signs of life.

Then, they twisted and rolled on the ground like giant pythons. Even the flesh and blood that had been burned to ashes grew tendrils of flesh. Then, they began to crawl toward the laboratory with their biological instincts.

Just as they reached the end of the corridor, Chen Jing and the central city aptitude user team, who were about to rush out, stopped in their tracks.

They all saw the huge tentacles and monsters coming out of the corridors and rooms.

These monsters filled every single path that they could take to escape.

“Chi, Chi, Chi.”

At the same time, outside great Xia, the Crimson Moon was shining on the ruins of water buffalo City.

There was a violent noise everywhere, and thick and ferocious tentacles stretched out from the dark streets.

They were raised high, as if they were stretching their bodies to touch the moon.

boom boom boom …

The tall buildings slowly fell down one by one, sending mud and dust into the air. In the mud and dust, the swollen flesh rolled and stretched like red waves. This abandoned city had awakened at this time and turned into a city of monsters.

Ten miles to the East of buffaloes city, at the special pollution clearing outpost in the central city.

A white-haired old man gently put down his telescope. He could already see the city of monsters directly.

“Tell the higher-ups!”

He gently touched his face and said, “”We … They’ve succeeded..”

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