My Husband, Warm The Bed


His appearance has changed, his voice has changed, but his feelings for her have not changed, still as strong as before. Ggaawwx

strong enough that he can offend the whole world for her!

Does she know?

Longyi quietly looks at Shen Lingxi. He sees what he looks like from his beautiful eyes, which are crystal clear and stained with water.

Yes, he admitted that his appearance was completely changed, and there was no trace of similarity with the past.

After the operation, he looked at the mirror for the first time, which scared him to break it. Later, it took him a long time to accept the face.

For a while, he couldn't accept the strange face, let alone Shen Lingxi who had been hurt by it.

Shen Lingxi will doubt him after receiving a call from the suspected "Dragon Wing". He can understand and will not blame her.

"Are you really Dragon Wing?" After a long time, Shen Lingxi opened her mouth again, asking questions that she had just asked several times.

She didn't know who she should believe, but the sixth sense of a woman told her that what the man said to her at present could be believed.

By believing in the man in front of her, she means that she believes and admits that the man in front of her is the real dragon wing.

But the man who called her not only had the same voice as longyi, but also knew the things between them that only she and longyi knew. That person might also be her longyi.

A man with a voice like Dragon Wing, a man who doesn't look like Dragon Wing at all is just her intuitive belief. It is difficult for her to make a choice between the two.

Because she couldn't make a choice between the two people, she was so confused that she could only look at the man in front of her eyes and look into his deep eyes: "can I really believe you?"

"Well!" Longyi holds her hand tightly in her hand while looking at her, and nods heavily, "Xiaoxi, you can believe me!"

"But..." Shen Lingxi still has her worry. What if she believes the wrong person and misses the real dragon wing?

"You said." He knew she had something to say.

"I want to go to an appointment. I want to see it. I need to witness it in person. I can rest assured." She bit her lips and said firmly.

"Well, I'll go with you." She wanted to see the man and confirm it in person because she was suspicious of him, but longyi didn't find out.

At the same time, he also wants to know who the man is. This time, they will never let those villains hiding behind sneak away.

"Are you going?" Shen Lingxi didn't know what she was worried about, but she didn't think it appropriate for him to go to see that person with her.

"That's the decision. I'll go with you." Dragon Wing overbearing announced their decision, do not give Shen Lingxi the opportunity to oppose.

Shen Lingxi: "..."

In the past, he was so decisive and domineering in some matters that he made a decision without consulting her.

Longyi said, "go back to your room and change your clothes. I'll prepare for it. When I have arranged, we will go out to the moon tower in the south of the city in a moment. "

"You You know the moon tower, too! " Although Shen Lingxi's heart is willing to believe that the man in front of her is the real dragon wing, it can still make her feel relieved to hear the place name from his mouth.

"Shouldn't I know?" Longyi raised his eyebrows.

"No, not..." As a coastal city person in country a, it's not surprising to know the moon tower. What reassures Shen Lingxi is that he knows that the person on the phone refers to the meeting place here.

The moon tower is not the tallest tower in Linhai City, but it has the longest history and is also the best place to watch the moon in the Mid Autumn Festival.

The official name of this tower is the moon tower, but it has another name widely spread among the people - the tower.

Popular folk names are often more familiar, so many young lovers come here to make a wish together, hoping that their lives will last for a long time.

Both men and women in love want to hold each other's hands for a long time.

Long Yi and Shen Lingxi are no exception. They and many couples hold hands and make their wishes here.

So this place has become the main place for them to date, not one of them.

Just now, the person on the phone asked Shen Lingxi to meet in the old place. Then the old place must be the moon tower. There will be no second place.


While Shen Lingxi went back to his room to change clothes, Long Yi called Quan Nanzhai: "the clowns behind the scenes started to do it again. This time their trick may be to pretend to be me."

"Those people can't sit down at last. This time, we must catch all of them. We can't let go of any fish that missed." There was a calm voice from Quan Nanzhai on the phone. Listening carefully, it was so fierce that people felt cold inside. "Since they want people to pretend to be you, we'll let them pretend to be you. I'll see what tricks they have."

Longyi's eyebrows are locked. He is not as calm as Quan Nanzhai. He worries: "I don't worry about any means they use. I only worry that Xiaoxi will be deceived."

Because Shen Lingxi doesn't have 100% trust in him now, he is worried that she will be instigated by the enemy and won't trust him any more.

He didn't dare to think that Shen Lingxi didn't want to believe that he was longyi. What would he do

Longyi is worried about this. Quan Nanzhai delivers a quick fix in time: "longyi, if you think Lingxi is so easy to be cheated, you should spend more time to understand her."

Dragon Wing a Leng: "this words how say?"

"Because she loves you, she will never recognize other people as you," Quan added

I don't know why. Quan Nanzhai firmly believes that Shen Lingxi can't recognize who is the real dragon wing.

Maybe it's because Quan Nanzhai's heart is filled with a man. He loves Qin lelan, and naturally knows everything about her. Of course, he won't mistake others for his lover.

Love a person, that person in the eyes of each other is unique, is irreplaceable.

Even if his appearance has changed, it is only a matter of time before the other party can find out the person she is familiar with in him.

After listening to Quan Nanzhai's words, longyi was relieved and said: "someone pretended to be longyi to call Xiaoxi and ask her to meet her in the old place. We will go there in a moment. You can arrange someone to visit the tower."

Quan Nanzhai said, "I'll send someone over here. You two should also pay attention to safety and not expose the address where you live now."

After all, Shen Lingxi still has a murder case on her body. She can't appear in front of the public until this matter is completely solved.

The best way to protect her is not to appear in front of the public and let the public forget her temporarily.

Long Yi nodded, "don't worry about that." /p

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