My Husband, Warm The Bed


The attack power of this sentence to Shen Lingxi is even more powerful than that of a bomb to Shen Lingxi by hundreds or even thousands of times.

Before she had time to buffer her brain, a male voice came back from the phone: "Xiaoxi, I'm back!"

Xiao Xi, I'm back!

It's another heavy bullet that blows at Shen Lingxi so hard that she doesn't know where she is, or even what day it is today.

It took Shen Lingxi a while to recover from her shock. She took a breath of cool air and said, "who are you?"

Maybe the person on the other end of the phone has the same voice as longyi, maybe someone deliberately learned the voice of longyi, maybe there are many

In a word, the man on the phone has nothing to do with her Dragon Wing. The man in front of her is her Dragon Wing.

Shen told herself so, but the next moment, the familiar voice on the other end of the phone gave Shen a very positive answer.

He said in a very familiar voice of Shen Lingxi: "you once said to me that you will be my long wife in this life, but I firmly remember that you must not forget."

Yes, she once said to his dragon wing that she must be his dragon wife in this life and let him marry her home. She remembers, clearly remembers.

She always remembered that even if the sky broke, she would never forget what she had said to him.

But how does the person on the other end of the phone know?

Only she and her longyi know about this matter, and only they two know about it. How does that man with the same voice as longyi know?

Just when Shen Lingxi's thoughts were in a mess, the person on the other end of the phone said: "Xiaoxi, I am back alive, are you happy?"

Shen Lingxi: "..."

Her Dragon Wing came back alive, of course, she was happy, but there was a Dragon Wing beside her.

Just when Shen Lingxi couldn't figure out the situation at all, the voice of longyi came from the phone again: "Xiao Xi, come out quickly, I'll wait for you in the old place, see you all."

After that, the man on the other end of the phone hung up and refused to give her a chance to talk or refuse.

In the past, when longyi called to ask her out.

Long Yi calls her for a long time and never gives her a chance to refuse him. As long as he calls to ask her out, he must wait until she goes to see him.

And longyi will shut down after hanging up the phone, which is the way he refused to call back and refuse to ask her out.

Thinking of this, Shen Lingxi immediately calls back. Unexpectedly, the voice of the cold machine is coming from the mobile phone - the subscriber you dialed has turned off, please play it later!

The voice, the past events, and the way after the phone call, the man in the phone is infinitely consistent with the Dragon Wing in her memory.

What's the matter?

Is she hallucinating?

Isn't her Dragon Wing standing right in front of her?

what makes a phone as like as two peas in the dragon?

Why does Dragon Wing know what only she and Dragon Wing know?

Which Dragon Wing is the real one?

Shen Lingxi didn't understand. She was eager to see the man and confirm whether he was her Dragon Wing.

She holds her cell phone, turns around and runs, but as soon as she steps, she is pulled into her arms by longyi. "Xiaoxi, calm down. I'll deal with what happened today."

"You let go of me! You devil! I want to find my dragon wings! " Shen Lingxi pushed and beat him, making a noise and roaring, just like a madman who lost his mind.

This man is the devil who hurt her. This man's face is totally different from that of longyi. This man's voice is totally different from that of longyi. He doesn't look like her Dragon Wing at all. How could he be her Dragon Wing?

He was a devil who forced her against her will.

It's because she wants to be crazy about longyi that she mistook a man who imprisoned her and hurt her for her longyi.

"Shen Lingxi, calm down!" The Dragon Wings roared.

Although the woman is thin, she usually has no strength, but the strength of struggle at this time is not small, almost from the arms of dragon wings.

"I want you to let go of me! I want to find my dragon wings! " Shen Lingxi picked up his hand, opened his mouth and bit him hard.

Usually, her strength is not strong, but the person she wants to see may be the real dragon wing, so her body erupted with unimaginable strength.

Dragon Wing let her bite, the other hand still tightly held her: "Xiao Xi, listen to me. No matter who you received the call, no matter what the people over there said to you, you should calm down for me. Now that I'm back, I'll take care of your business. "

This year, he was not around her, she lived a life of fear every day, so that she could not find a sense of security. Now that he's back, she's never going to face those terrible plots alone.

Listening to the voice of Dragon Wing, Shen Lingxi gradually recovered some sense. She looked up at Dragon Wing and looked at him.

It took a long time to mumble a few words from her mouth: "who are you?" Without waiting for longyi to answer, she smiled again. "You must say that you are also my longyi."

"Xiaoxi......" The Dragon Wing encircles her. Seeing her lost in spirit, his heart aches as if someone is beating her hard with a whip. "I am the Dragon Wing!"

"Ha ha You are not like my Dragon Wing at all. How can I believe you are my dragon wing? I must be crazy. " Shen Lingxi is laughing. He laughs at himself. He laughs bleakly. "Do you really think my life is too good? Why are you always playing tricks on me? "

Longyi hugged her and patted her on the back: "no one can tease you anymore, and I will never let you disappear from my eyes."

"Are you Dragon Wing?" Shen Lingxi asked again, and then gave himself the answer, "you are not dragon wings, you are not like dragon wings at all, how can you be dragon wings?"

"I am the Dragon Wing!" said the Dragon Wing! It's your Dragon Wing! "

"Are you Dragon Wing?" She looked at him and couldn't see the Dragon Wing in his face. She couldn't find the shadow of the Dragon Wing. She pushed him hard. "You're not the Dragon Wing. Let me go. Let me find my dragon wing. He's waiting for me. He won't leave without me. "

Before, because she was once forbidden by grandpa, longyi asked her about, but she failed to see longyi on time. That day, longyi waited for her day and night, and finally climbed the wall to find her at Shen's house.

Everything in the past is still in my mind, but now everything has changed, even she can't tell who is true or who is false!

Longyi grabs Shen Lingxi's hand and lets her caress her face: "Shen Lingxi, my appearance has changed, but my heart has not changed!" /p

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