My Husband, Warm The Bed


Ji Rou thinks she's funny. She hates Qin Yinze so much that she hates him to the core. Sometimes she feels sorry for him.

She wanted to tell him how beautiful the past was and how it ended in divorce, but she didn't know how. When she said it, she just couldn't say it.

She thought that she should still have a little conscience, and didn't want to sprinkle a handful of salt on the wound of the man who had been abandoned since childhood.

At this time, Qin Yinze suddenly reached out to hold her and held her hand in the palm: "later, they had children and experienced a lot of bad things, but they all held each other's hands and walked well. Now when children grow up, they live a peaceful and sweet life. "

In Qin Yinze's view, the love of his parents was not vigorous, and even he never heard his father say that he loved his mother, but the love between his father and his mother was something that all of them could feel.

Living a peaceful and sweet life now?


When she had this idea, Ji Rou had already blurted out: "your parents are divorced, aren't they?"

"Who told you they were divorced?" Qin Yinze tells her that her parents love each other well, but this girl can destroy the atmosphere as soon as she exports.

"Isn't it?" If his parents are not divorced, if their parents love each other so much, why is there no rumor about his mother in minluo city? Why can raise Qin Yinze such a pervert?

A lot of questions, Ji Rou can't give her answers, Qin Yinze is more unlikely to give her, but I don't know why, knowing that his parents are very loving and have not divorced, she is so happy for him.

Qin Yinze raised his hand and poked her forehead: "stupid woman, what are you thinking about all day long?"

Jirou kicks him with her feet: "do you mind what I think?"

Qin Yinze raised her leg and pressed it against her: "I told you so much today. Do you know what I want to say to you?"

Ji Roubai glanced at him: "I'm not stupid!"

Qin Yinze: "let's talk about it."

Ji Rou snorted and tooted: "your parents are very kind. What do you show off in front of me? I'll tell you, my parents are also very kind, and they still love me very much. "

He told her so much that she didn't understand what he was going to say to her. She thought he was showing off in front of her. Qin Yinze was a headache. Why is it so hard to communicate with this stupid woman?

"What are you staring at me for? Your eyes are not as big as mine. Can you stare at me This man's mood is always cloudy and sunny. He can make fun of her later. Now he looks at her with gloomy eyes. His mood changes faster than the current weather.

"Forget it, forget it..." After staring at him for a while, Ji Rouyan said, "I'm in a good mood. Please treat me to some food."

Qin Yinze: "you haven't answered my question."

"What's the problem?" Did he ask her anything? Why didn't she hear.

This stupid woman always has a way to provoke him. Qin Yinze sinks: "do you know what I want to say to you?"

"Don't you show off in front of me..." Ji Rou looked at him discontentedly. "Since it's not a show off, why do you say so many things in a roundabout way? Just say what you want to say to me. You know my brain sometimes doesn't work. "

Qin Yinze suddenly felt that he was talking to this woman. He was playing the Qin against the ox. forget it. He didn't care about such a stupid woman.

He added: "I want to tell you that I am your husband and the person you can rely on wholeheartedly in the future. No matter what happens, you can ask me for help."

"I didn't admit you were mine..." Under Qin Yinze's fierce gaze, Ji Rou didn't dare to say anything more. She smiled awkwardly. "I can really ask you for help in any future?"

"Well." Qin Yinze nodded heavily, then repeated, "anything is OK."

"Can you..." His family has power and power. It should be easier to find someone than her. But no way. How can she let him know the existence of brother Feng? She stopped her emotion and smiled at him. "Can you let me eat meat?"

Qin Yinze replied decisively, "yes."

"Really?" Ji Rou just said it casually, never thought that he would agree, who knows that he agreed, happiness came too suddenly, she didn't believe it was true.

"Well!" He nodded and smiled, and tugged her into his arms with a big hand. "I'll let you have enough tonight!"

"What are you doing I want to eat meat, Wuwu... " Where is his hand touching? It's disgusting. She didn't mean that. He deliberately misinterpreted and didn't say, "Qin Yin Ze... Whining... This is the gym. Don't mess around! "

This man is really a beast. She doesn't talk about him in the study and bathroom. Now he is in the gym. What if someone breaks in?

"This is my private place. No one dares to come in at any time except that someone cleans it every morning!" His voice is low and sexy.

"Don't be here..." Jirou refuses, but there is a burning fire in her heart. The more the fire burns, the more uncontrollable it is. Who calls this place so exciting.

Later, Ji Rou fainted. When she regained consciousness, she was already in bed, and still in the strong arms of a man.

He tightly hugged her with his strong left arm, and let her face just stick to his chest. She felt a little uncomfortable. She moved, and immediately heard his still hoarse and sexy voice: "wake up!"

Two people's posture is too close, her surroundings are full of his breath, in an instant, Ji rouhong's face, buried in her chest: "liar!"

Qin Yinze: "hmm?"

Ji Rou pinched his waist and said, "you can help me with everything I said to me not long ago. You can't help me with the small things I want to eat meat. In the future, you can use these sweet words to cheat your girlfriend outside. Don't cheat me."

Qin Yinze smiled gently, could not help but bow down and kiss her: "is it I haven't fed you?"

Ji Rou bit him: "hooligan!"

Qin Yinze smiled and patted her back: "don't you like it?"

"I......" Jirou pinches him hard again. Damn it, it's just because she likes it so much that she's upset.

Her lovely and shy expression fell into Qin Yinze's eyes, which made him laugh heartily: "darling, go to bed, or you won't be able to get up again tomorrow morning, and you will be late for school again!"

Jirou was embarrassed and wanted to tear his heart. Look at the late night welfare movies, please pay attention to WeChat official account: OK movie paradise

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