My Husband, Warm The Bed


It's nothing to do with him again!

This reply made Qin Yinze frown, and he could not help but have a rage rising from his heart: "Ji Rou, you are my wife, I am your husband, we are legal husband and wife. As I said, your business is my business. Don't turn your back on me. "

He speaks well, and Ji Rou feels a little guilty. When he gets angry, Ji Rou wants to stand up and fight with him: "am I just listening to him? So what? "

"You..." He had never seen a woman so unreasonable and disobedient. There was no merit in this woman's whole body. He was also fascinated for a while before he married her.

Jirou is more fierce than him: "what happened to me? This is what I grew up looking like. I can't stand it. You can ask the person who handles the divorce to come to our door and handle the divorce for us! "

"You owe it!" Although this woman does not have a bit of merit, but the person is his choice, he does not plan to let her go, must take good care of!

"Ah You can hit me! "

Qin Yinze: "..."

She really thought he couldn't clean her up.

Qin Yinze dragged her to the room and walked into the room. He swung the door up, threw her away and took off his shirt buttons.

Ji Rou stammered nervously: "Qin, Qin Yinze, what do you want to do?"

Qin Yinze ignored her and turned into the dressing room. When he came out again, he put on a loose white sports suit and threw her a pink one: "put on!"

"No!" Not to mention why he asked her to change clothes, but the pink and tender colors are not her favorite style. She should never wear them.

Qin Yinze said with a smile: "do you want me to help you wear it?"

Damn, and threaten her, who is afraid of who, have the ability to really help her wear ah!

Ji Rou doesn't act. Qin Yinze approaches her decisively. It seems that she really intends to change clothes for her. Ji Rou sees that the power is wrong, and grabs the clothes and runs away.


To be thicker than her face, she can't match Qin Yinze!

Ji Rou goes back to her room and puts on her clothes honestly. She looks at herself in the mirror, which is set off by the pink color. How can she see it? She looks so like a girl. It's not her style.

She doesn't like this kind of self, doesn't like this kind of dress, but has no way, falls into the devil's hand, she has lost the freedom, has no free choice the leeway.

Dong Dong -

suddenly, there was a knock on the door, followed by Qin Yinze's domineering voice: "not good yet?"

Ji Rou walked over, opened the door and shouted angrily, "I'm ready, young master. What can I do for you?"

Qin Yinze looked at her coldly: "follow me."

"Where to?" Don't want to go, don't want to go at all, but if you don't go, you will be carried by him like a bag of goods. Ji Rou has to follow him.

He didn't pay attention to her. His face was as black as a bag of charcoal!

I have lived here for so long. Ji Rou doesn't know that the third floor is a gym. There are more fitness equipment in it than in the gym.

Without giving Jirou a buffer time, Qin Yinze's demonic voice sounded in his ear: "do a hundred supine seats first."

Shit, this is disguised murder!

She is so hungry that she has no strength to walk. She has to do a hundred sit ups. If she doesn't squeeze the last breath, he won't give up.

No, I can't. I really can't wait to die. Otherwise, she may not see the sun tomorrow.

"My head is so dizzy!" Ji Rou has an idea. She sits on the ground and lies on the ground casually. Her eyes are closed and she pretends to be hungry and faint.

But Qin Yinze not only didn't worry about her, but also said in a cold voice: "do you want me to give you artificial respiration?"

People like this really need to be beaten. Ji Rou can't beat him. He silently curses him for choking on cold water.

Soon, Jirou felt that the man was approaching her, and then she felt his warm breath This man's breath smells wonderful.

At the time of Ji Rou's distraction, two pieces of warm lips were pasted on her lips, and she kissed her forcefully.

Ji Rou suddenly opened her eyes, saw a smile in his eyes, and pushed him away in a hurry: "Qin, Qin, are you still human? Not even the comatose? "

"I haven't seen anyone in a coma speak." Qin Yinze turns over and lies beside her, and suddenly laughs. The only advantage of this girl is that she is a little cute!

"What are you laughing at?" Such a bad way, he will definitely see through. Ji Roufen's face is scarlet. He reaches out and pinches him. "Don't laugh at me!"

"Ji Rou..." Calling her name, he reached out his hand and rubbed her head, looking up at the ceiling. "My father and my mother are also flash marriage. My mother went to the Civil Affairs Bureau with my father to get a marriage certificate after seeing him for the second time. "

Listening to Qin Yinze's saying, Ji Rou confirmed the previous speculation about Qin Yinze's family. He was indeed the poor child left behind after his parents divorced.

After the second meeting, he went to get the marriage certificate. His parents were very brave and brave, but finally he got divorced and left Qin Yinze as a child, which made him grow up abnormal.

Jirou suddenly sympathized with him, clapped him on the shoulder, and comforted him with the voice of the past: "don't be sad, learn from them, and don't repeat the mistakes. Flash marriage is not reliable. Don't learn it. Learn something good. "

Qin Yinze looks at her from the side: "what?" What exactly does this woman have in her mind?

Jirou patted him on the shoulder again: "don't say it, I know all about it!"

This woman's brain circuit is different from others. Qin Yinze doesn't want to explain it to him, but suddenly wants to tell her about the relationship between her parents, so that she can know that flash marriage can also have a good life.

After a long pause, he said slowly, "I once heard my mother talk about something. After marriage, she thought the marriage would not last long. Until one time when her father was ill, he said to her that a wife is not only an identity, but also a life-long partner. From the day they registered, he gave his life to her. If anything happened to him, she was the only one who signed in the column of family members' signature. "

Jirou never thought Qin Yinze's parents had such a beautiful and romantic past, but the marriage without emotional basis still failed to withstand the impact of the years, and finally fragmented.

Jirou looks at the ceiling, but her eyes are calm and gentle. She doesn't look like a child left by her parents.

At this time, he is also sideways. Their eyes collide in the air. He seems to be fine, but Ji Rou's heart aches for a while. She doesn't like this feeling very much! Look at the late night welfare movies, please pay attention to WeChat official account: OK movie paradise

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