My Husband, Warm The Bed


For the first time, Jirou knew that when a man kisses a woman, he can be so gentle and attentive, and so domineering and lingering, as if there were only two of them left in the world.

He kisses her, and she responds to him. Both of them are immersed in the long passionate kiss, and neither of them wants to quit first, and both want the kiss to last longer.

I don't know how long it's been like forever. They end the passionate kiss with longing.

At the end of the day, Ji Rou is so weak that she can't stand stably. She lies on Qin Yinze's chest, slowly and steadily.

"Awake?" Qin Yinze's voice suddenly sounded on her head, which made Ji Rou's body slightly stiff. The man dared to wake her up in such a way, but she even lost her identity in his kiss.

She knew clearly that this man was a poison, which she could not provoke, but she would still be confused by him, involuntarily sink into the false gentleness he made for her.

"Not awake yet?" He asked again.

Jirou closed her eyes tightly, ready to pretend to be dead. No matter what he asked, she was right not to answer.

Ji Rou doesn't answer. Qin Yinze kisses her again. This time, it's more aggressive and lingering than that time. Just at the beginning, Ji Rou can't bear it.

She pushed him hard, but he held her tighter. He held her arm like an iron wrist, strong and powerful.

Later, Ji Rou was stunned by his kiss, lying in his arms dizzily, and didn't want to move.

He carried her upstairs, he carried her back to his room, he carried her back to his room, he put her on his bed

Because from the beginning to the end of Ji Rou's eyes were closed, he did not see the scarlet in Qin Yinze's eyes, and did not see that he was bound to get her firm.

Anyway, it's not the first time to sleep in Qin Yinze's bed. Ji Rou is not embarrassed either. She is ready to sleep with her eyes closed.

But at the next moment, Qin Yinze reached out and hugged her waist to his arms, and she rolled into his arms.

His big palm moved restlessly on her body. Ji Rou grabbed his hand, slowly opened his eyes, and looked into his blood red eyes: "Qin Yinze I... No! "

I don't know why, seeing him like this, she would think it's very cruel for her to refuse him.

Why does she feel guilty when she refuses to do it? Ji Rou doesn't understand!

He bit her earlobe and stressed, "Jirou, you are my wife!"

"I'm not." Identity is, but her heart can never be, she has a beloved man, she will never be moved by him.

"Then tell me whose wife do you want to be?" His big hand is more and more excessive, and he has no plan to stop.

Again and again, he was forced by this man. Regardless of her wishes, he made Jirou angry: "anyone can, but it's not you."

"Anyone?" Or just the man named Xiang Lingfeng? In the second half of the sentence, Qin Yinze didn't say it.

Once upon a time, there was a woman who wanted to think of others and refused to hate him. Now, the same experience is repeated in Qin Yinze's mind, making him afraid for the first time in his life.

This time it doesn't matter who she loves, who she wants to marry, how reluctant she is to be his wife.

He only knew that she was his wife and that he was the only man who owned her. No matter what means he used, he would keep her by his side forever.

"Yes Anyone can, but it won't be you! " Because of his inexplicable guilt, Ji Rou shouted angrily.

"Ji Rou, your man can only be me." He used the most direct way to brand his mark in her life, so that she would never forget him in her life.

"Well..." Ji Rou groaned with pain, but she clenched her lips tightly, unwilling to make more noises.

She hated this, hated that he forced her, hated that he was always conceited, hated that he thought he was her husband and he could dominate her. Most willing to marry him,

is not an accessory. She is not an accessory. He can't arrange everything. He has the final say that he can't do everything.

He is still going on, mercilessly, and she is still biting her lips, unwilling to cooperate or beg for mercy.

He possessed her in his way, and she resisted him in her way. They were very close, twenty centimeters away, but their hearts were far away, far away.

I don't know how long it took, when all this finally ended, Ji Rou turned to go, but Qin Yinze pulled her back and held her in her arms: "don't go! Let me hold you! "

Mingming is that he is bullying her. Mingming is that he forces her regardless of her will. He is the worst villain. But why does he talk to her in such a pitiful tone?

Did he think that if he pretended to be pitiful, she would forgive him and forget all the terrible things he had done to her?

No, she doesn't. she hates that he's too late. How can she forgive him.

"Don't go! Don't leave me! Let me hold you! " He continued, his voice seemed to contain deep pain and affection.

Why did he bully her, and let her let him. Ji Rou was angry, but she opened her mouth and bit him on the chest. He made her hurt, and she also made him hurt.

Son of a bitch!

How can I bully her like this and make her feel guilty.

This feeling is too bad. Ji Rou kicks him again: "son of a bitch, you can't bully me. All the people in the world can bully me, but you can't! "

He didn't say that he was her husband, so why can't he let her have some? Don't he know that girls need to be loved and hurt?

"Don't cry!" He stroked her face, lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead. "Be good, be good."

"Pets will be obedient, I don't want to be obedient!" She is his wife, not his pet. Why should he listen to him.

"Don't go!" Qin Yinze holds her tightly in his arms, lets her stick to him tightly, lets him smell her breath.

He can keep her as long as she stays by his side, doesn't leave him, doesn't let his heart wander around, doesn't let him bear the loneliness night after night.

A person's night is too lonely, as if it is a huge abyss can swallow him at any time.

No one can pull him out except her, so he must hold on to her, no matter what means. /p

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