My Husband, Warm The Bed


The attractive food is on the kitchen table. Jirou moves two steps to the left and reaches for the food. But when she touches the lid, she hesitates.

If this food is put in such a conspicuous place, will it be the trick that Qin Yinze deliberately made?

Or the food may be added with poison, as long as she steals it, it will be poisoned to death. Then Qin Yinze can say it's a poisonous mouse. She steals it, and it's deserved to be poisoned to death!

"As the saying goes, the heart of the most poisonous woman is more poisonous than that of the woman. If he doesn't poison me, he will never give up. "

When Ji Rou criticizes Qin Yinze severely in her heart, she goes to the kitchen door and looks around to make sure that no one is peeping in the dark. She goes back to the kitchen.

Remove the lid, and put two bowls under the lid. There are two bowls of paste that Jirou can't name.

The black paste smells delicious. It should be food.

Jirou sniffed it closely and determined it was the smell of the food.

It's the food. She has to bear not to eat it. She also needs to see the color and confirm whether Qin Yinze has made medicine in the two bowls of paste.

Jirou would like to observe more for a while, but her stomach doesn't agree, and Gulu Gulu calls to urge her.

"The taste is not abnormal. There should be no problem." Jirou takes a spoon and scoops it into her mouth. She has no appetite, but it tastes delicious.

Ji Rou took a bite, then another. After a while, two bowls of paste that she couldn't name went into her stomach.

"Burp -" she was so full that Ji Rou gave a big burp without any image. She rubbed her stomach. "I'm good. I'll eat it if I'm not careful. I still don't have any smell of oil."

In the past, she didn't take a look at the dark food. This time, she was really hungry and couldn't care so much.

Pa -

there is a sudden noise in the dining room outside the kitchen. It is the sound of the light switch. The light suddenly lights up the whole dining room and the kitchen where Ji Rou is.

"Bad!" Ji Rou says it's not good. She stretches her head and sees that the person who turns on the light wants to kill Qin Yinze every day.

In the middle of the night, what does this bastard come to the restaurant without sleeping?

Did he know she was stealing in the kitchen? Did he come to catch her?

No way! No way! We must not let Qin Yinze catch this bastard!

Jirou wants to find a place to hide, but the kitchen is big but there is no place to hide.

Seeing Qin Yinze coming to the kitchen, he was getting closer and closer. In a hurry, Ji Rou opened the refrigerator door and tried to hide in it.

But before one foot stepped in, she was scared back by the powerful air conditioner in the refrigerator. In case Qin Yinze didn't leave for a while, she would be frozen to death in the refrigerator. Such a risky behavior can't be done.

Unexpectedly, in the moment of Ji Rou's hesitation, Qin Yinze had already stepped into the kitchen with one foot, and he also saw her.

His eyes fell on her first slightly surprised, then became very cold, so cold that Ji Rou felt even colder than the air conditioner in the refrigerator, and she felt cold from the bottom of her heart.

I was caught stealing food. This man will scold her again.

No way!

Jirou's brain is running fast, and the emergency system in her brain will play a powerful role in time.

She put her hands forward and closed her eyes to learn how zombies jump out.

At this time, when I close my eyes, I don't look at anything. I pretended that I came here when I was sleepwalking. After Qin Yinze found out, I didn't lose face so much.

Jirou thinks she's smart enough to come up with such a good idea so soon.

Obviously, Qin Yinze didn't expect that this stupid woman would have such a move. He couldn't help being stunned.

Qin Yinze couldn't help thinking that she was a little silly and cute when she saw that she was learning from zombies and dancing and slightly opened her eyes to see the front from time to time.

"Sleepwalking?" Qin Yinze asked her aloud.

"Congratulations on the right answer!" Jirou is eager to praise him, but she can't help saying nothing. When she says something, she'll show up.

"Sleepwalking or zombies?" He slightly sideways blocked her way and shook his hand in front of her eyes.

Ji Rou in "sleepwalking" should not know that he is blocking her, so she knows that the road is blocked by him, and Ji Rou still jumps forward.

She bounced and was stopped by him. She bounced and stopped by him again. After several rounds of this, Ji Rou was so tired that she couldn't move and didn't want to stop.

"I can toss in the daytime, and so can sleepwalking. I'm really a lord who can toss." Qin Yinze reached out his hand and pinched her delicate face. "It's still very good."

"What a fart! Do you think my sleepwalking won't hurt if you pinch it with so much force?" Jirou suspects that this man actually knows that she pretends to be a sleepwalker, but now, even if he knows, she can't admit it, so she can only continue to pretend and scold in her heart.

But at this time, Qin Yinze's face suddenly approached her, and Ji Rou could feel the warm breath he exhaled spraying on her face.

What is he doing?

What does he want?

He doesn't want to insult her while she sleeps, does he?

Ji Rou wants to step back very much, but Qin Yinze's hand stretches out and hugs her waist, letting her step back.

Ah ah -

Ji Rou is shouting at the bottom of her heart. You don't want to mess around. Don't mess around. If you touch me again, I will hit someone.

However, no matter how Jirou shouts in her heart, Qin Yinze can't hear it, so she can't stop Qin Yinze from leaning closer and closer to her, and the tip of his nose has touched her.

The next second, he reached for her tiny chin and raised it slightly. "The eyelashes are long and beautiful," he said

"I know my eyelashes are long and beautiful. You don't have to boast! You take your dirty hands away quickly! " Ji Rou claps his hand, but dare not, can only in the heart of him.

Who knows Qin Yinze not only did not let go of her, on the contrary, he bowed his head and kissed her.

At first, he kissed gently, as if he was caring for his baby.

But in a few seconds, his kiss became more and more domineering, more and more domineering, as if to kiss into her soul.

Jirou tries to struggle, but this man's strength is too big, so big that she can only be surrounded by him in his arms, let him kiss her recklessly.


Jirou felt so pitiful that she was the most pitiful wretch in the world.

She was just hungry and ate a little bit in the kitchen. Now, Qin Yinze, the man, will "eat" back.

The key The key... She's not ashamed to enjoy him eating her like this.

Even she didn't know when her hands were naturally on his shoulders. She pasted them on his body and warmly responded to his domineering and lingering kiss. /p

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