Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 653

653 In terms of naivety, no one can compare to you, Fang qingci (3 in 1)

But what did it have to do with him?


He was only following old man Fang’s instructions.

So, Liu kanyu turned to look at Fang qingci again, as if it was business.

miss Fang, if you want to know the reason, it’s better for you to ask Grand Secretary Fang yourself. I’m only following orders. I don’t care about anything else.

Fang qingci was so angry that she couldn’t help but curse in a low voice,”What an obedient dog Qianqian.”

Liu kanyu’s lips curved up slightly. He was neither angry nor shocked.

He didn’t seem angry at all.

miss Fang, please sign it quickly. Old master Fang is still waiting for me to report back.

Fang qingci’s fist landed on cotton, and she hated the man in front of her even more.

She clenched the pen in anger and wrote her name on the contract.

After she finished writing, she threw the thick contract at Liu kanyu.

“You dog, take this contract and get lost, Yingluo.”

Lan Xiao frowned slightly, and a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes. Fang qingci … Was really crazy.

Liu kanyu was not angry. He kept a warm smile on his face. He took the contract in his hand and politely thanked the woman.

Fang qingci gritted her teeth, and her hands hanging on the hem of her clothes were trembling violently.

She was so angry that she was muddled. She was so angry at Lan Xiao and her grandfather.

Lan Xiao didn’t hesitate and quickly signed it.

It would be a waste not to have such a good thing.

Since it was old master Fang’s intention, and she had changed it, there was no need for her to be pretentious.

So, after she signed the contract, she handed it to Liu kanyu and thanked him politely.

thank you for making this trip, lawyer Liu. I’ll treat you to a meal some other day as a token of my appreciation.

Liu kanyu took the contract and smiled at Lan Xiao.

“You’re welcome, miss LAN. This is just my job. However, I think we’ll have a lot of chances to meet in the future, Yingluo, so I’ll wait for miss LAN to treat me to a meal. Yingluo, when the time comes, I’ll officially hand over the contract to miss LAN at the banquet three days later.”

Lan Xiao nodded with a smile and watched lawyer Liu leave.

However, the next moment, she felt a cold pressure coming from above her head.

Lan Xiao shrunk his neck. Fine, he accidentally broke the vinegar jar again.

This King of jealousy in her family really gave her a headache.

She raised her head and smiled at Wen Muchu.

Wen Muchu gave her an extremely cold smile with a fake smile.

Fine, she was really jealous.

Fang qingci stood opposite them and looked at the two of them making eyes at each other. She was furious.

Today, she had been defeated again and again. She did not want to stay in this place any longer.

She didn’t want to see Lan Xiao again.

She didn’t want to see them being so lovey-dovey, which hurt her eyes.

“Miss LAN, since I’ve already fulfilled my promise and transferred the shop, then may I ask miss LAN to tell me what conditions you have for me? “As long as I have money, a house, a car, or even another jewelry store, I will agree to miss Lan’s Wanwan.” She gritted her teeth when she said the words “jewelry store.” This store cut off a large piece of her flesh. If she returned to the Fang family, she didn’t know how her family would blame her.

Lan Xiao blinked and smiled even more sweetly.

She had just acquired a shop on South Street of jinjing city, which was equivalent to digging a piece of meat out of Fang qingci’s heart.

Next, she would make Fang qingci so angry that she would vomit blood.

“Miss Fang, you’re thinking too shallow of me. I already have a shop, how could I have the nerve to ask for another one from you? I won’t mention money again, it’s very common.”

Fang qingci frowned. She felt that the sweeter Lan Xiao’s smile was, the colder she felt.

To her, worldly possessions, money and the like, were nothing but dirt.

If Lan Xiao wanted it, it could be said that she would give it to him without hesitation.

But why did she feel that Lan Xiao’s condition wasn’t that simple?

“Then, miss LAN, what do you mean?” Fang qingci pursed her lips and asked hesitantly.

Lan Xiao chuckled and winked at Fang qingci.”We’re going to be a family soon. We just made such a big scene. Shouldn’t we ease the conflict between us a little? If our relationship is good and we get along in the future, won’t it save old Fang a lot of trouble?”

The uneasiness in Fang qingci’s heart grew stronger.

She looked at Lan Xiao warily.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Miss Fang, actually, my conditions aren’t difficult for you. You just have to send me breakfast tomorrow morning. As for time, let’s wait until the end of my college entrance examination so that we can see each other every day and cultivate our feelings. It’s simply killing two birds with one stone. Miss Fang, what do you think?” Lan Xiao smiled brightly, staring at Fang qingci’s gradually changing face.

Fang qingci felt like her head was about to explode.

She widened her eyes in disbelief and looked at Lan Xiao.

“What? You want me to bring you breakfast every day?”

“Yeah? Isn’t it simple? I didn’t make things difficult for you at all. Miss Fang, you should really thank me for my generosity. I’m a person who repays evil with good. I’m soft-hearted and can’t bear to see others embarrass me. Such a request should be the best for us, right?” Lan Xiao blinked and smiled with a gentle and harmless expression.

But only she and Fang qingci knew.

Such a punishment was undoubtedly like a lightning strike to Qing Ci.

Because Fang qingci was used to being arrogant since she was a child. It was always others who flattered her, served her, and bought things for her.

Fang qingci had never bought breakfast for anyone, and she had to see Lan Xiao every day to send it to school.

To her, this was simply a form of torture.

She already hated Lan Xiao to the core and didn’t even want to see him.

In the end, Lan Xiao actually asked her to send him breakfast every day?

This Qianqian was not being tolerant or magnanimous. This was naked, and her purpose was clearly to torture her.

Furthermore, he wanted to strip her of her honor and pride as the Fang family’s young miss, trampling her under his feet and humiliating her.

Fang qingci was furious. Lan Xiao wanted to humiliate her more than just today.

Lan Xiao wanted to humiliate her every day.

Lan Xiao wanted her to remember that her humiliation today had not ended.

Fang qingci only felt a burst of darkness in front of her eyes, and her body shook a few times.

Lan Xiao immediately stepped forward and supported Fang qingci.

“Miss Fang, aren’t you getting too excited? You didn’t expect me to be so kind, did you? You must calm down and take care of your health. You’re being so aggressive to me because we’re not familiar with each other. After we get to know each other, you’ll understand me. I often forgive people who offend me. I’m famous for being generous, Yingluo.”

Fang qingci felt dizzy, and she really wanted to cover Lan Xiao’s mouth.

Why was this person so annoying? didn’t she feel her conscience ache when she said these words?

If Lan Xiao was kind and generous, there wouldn’t be any good people in this world.

She had previously mocked su yingxue for being useless, stupid, and not being a match for Lan Xiao.

Now, she finally understood that Lan Xiao was a poisonous snake.

Anyone who touched her would not have a good end.

At this moment, Fang qingci was almost driven mad by Lan Xiao.

Unexpectedly, Lan Xiao suddenly leaned close to her ear and spoke in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

“Fang qingci, remember this feeling today. Despair, helplessness, embarrassment, and shame. Don’t mess with me again. This is the most lenient punishment I’ve given you. Believe me, if there’s a next time, I’ll make you wish you were dead.”

Fang qingci’s body suddenly trembled, and she felt an overwhelming coldness from her ears to her whole body.

Cold. At this moment, her entire body was bone-chillingly cold.

Lan Xiao didn’t leave in a hurry. Her fingers gently pulled the hair by Fang qingci’s ear.

She gently tucked her hair behind Fang qingci’s ear.

From an outsider’s point of view, the relationship between the two of them was as good as that of sisters.

But only Fang qingci knew that her whole body was trembling and uneasy.

Lan Xiao was too scary.

She did not even know how many faces this girl of the same age had.

Lan Xiao chuckled and continued in a low voice, ” “Actually, you don’t have to be so embarrassed and embarrassed today. It’s a pity that you’ve crossed my bottom line, so I asked song Qiaoqiao to pretend to be loyal to you and go to your side to teach you a lesson. You look smart, but I didn’t expect you to be so stupid. You actually believed song Qiaoqiao’s words without a doubt. You didn’t even suspect anything she did. In terms of naivety, no one could compare to you, Fang qingci. Ha Yingluo thought you were very powerful, but now it seems like Yingluo is just like su yingxue. She can’t even take a single blow.”

Fang qingci didn’t know what words, actions, or expressions to use to respond to Lan Xiao’s words.

She just widened her eyes and looked at Lan Xiao, who was very close to her.

Her two ears were rumbling intensely.

That sound almost made her collapse.

How could this be? How did this happen?

Song Qiaoqiao was sent by Lan Xiao to set her up?

Song Qiaoqiao was with Lan Xiao from the beginning?

Had the two of them dug a hole and lured her into it step by step?

Fang qingci was dumbfounded. She stood there in a daze, and her soul scattered.

Lan Xiao looked at Fang qingci’s reaction with satisfaction. She moved away from Fang qingci and tidied her messy dress.

After tidying up, she patted Fang qingci’s shoulder.

“Miss Fang, it’s getting late. I won’t waste your time here. I’ll see you tomorrow morning. Remember, I love to drink soy milk from the Zhang’s stall in the southern part of the city, and I love to eat the soup dumplings from the old lady’s stall in the northern part of the city. I don’t eat anything other than their snacks. You must remember to go early.”

“It’s because these two shops have been around for hundreds of years, and their business is particularly good. If I’m late, there won’t be Yingluo. If I can’t eat the breakfast you bought, I’ll be very disappointed. You’ve said before that since you’ve set the rules, you must strictly follow them. So, miss Fang, I’m waiting for you to fulfill your promise.”

[a new month has begun. I need the monthly votes in your hands. If I get 50 monthly votes, I will add 2000 words.(If there are no accidents, the basic daily update is 6000 words. If I add more words, it will be 8000 words.)] So I’ll be waiting for you guys to let me add more chapters.]

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