Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 652

652 Did you take the wrong contract?

Fang qingci sneered secretly. Half of the Fang family? Hur hur hur hur, how could she be worthy?


She would never let Lan Xiao become her grandfather’s disciple so easily.

Lan Xiao, just wait and see.

However, she really didn’t expect Lan Xiao to forgive her so generously.

Look at the way he said it. It was as hypocritical as it could be.

Fang qingci felt disgusted. Lan Xiao, this green tea b * tch, was really good at acting.

Look at their innocent appearance. If one didn’t know, they would have thought that they were biological sisters-disgusting.

Fang qingci forced a smile that was uglier than crying.

thank you for your generosity, miss LAN. I promised to give you a shop in Jin capital in addition to one condition. I will keep my promise, ”

Unexpectedly, just as Fang qingci’s voice fell, a young man in a suit ran over with a folder under his arm.

Fang qingci looked at the man, and her face stiffened.

“Lawyer Liu, what brings you here?”

Lawyer Liu ran over, panting. He quickly replied, ” “Miss Fang, old master Fang asked me to come over. He said that you want to sell one of your shops in the Jin capital. Old man Fang asked me to bring the transfer contract here to cooperate with you.”

Someone in the crowd suddenly couldn’t help but laugh.

Fang qingci’s face became very ugly.

She didn’t expect that her grandfather would actually get lawyer Liu to come over and ask her to transfer the shop to Lan Xiao on the spot.

What was grandfather doing?

Was he afraid that she wouldn’t keep her promise and give Lan Xiao this shop?

Or was it that grandfather had set his mind on Lan Xiao as his disciple and thought that his disciple would suffer?

Fang qingci was so angry that she almost went crazy.

Was this her grandfather? She was his biological granddaughter …

It was fine if he didn’t help her with what happened today, but he even joined forces with outsiders to rub salt in her wounds?

Fang qingci’s eyes were red with anger.

Seeing that Fang qingci didn’t respond for a long time, lawyer Liu couldn’t help but call her softly.

“Miss Fang, Qianqian.”

Fang qingci suddenly came back to her senses. She glanced around and saw countless gloating eyes. She felt that she was in an extremely embarrassing situation today.

She couldn’t help but secretly glare at lawyer Liu.

Lawyer Liu was a little puzzled, so he asked, ” “Miss Fang, what’s wrong? Are your eyes uncomfortable?”

Pfft, pfft, pfft. Lan Xiao couldn’t hold it in and burst out laughing.

This was definitely a funny lawyer that elder Fang had found.

Speaking of which, Lan Xiao also felt that it was a little strange. Even though she was about to become elder Fang’s disciple, she had never seen a grandfather who would set his own granddaughter up and support someone else.

Fang qingci was so angry that she vomited blood.

Fang qingci’s face darkened, and a murderous aura shot toward Lan Xiao.

Lan Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at her with a slightly provocative look.

“Miss Fang, lawyer Liu is right. I’ve seen your eyes, and there’s indeed a problem. Why don’t we put the matter of transferring the store on hold, and I’ll accompany you to the hospital?”

Unexpectedly, the moment Lan Xiao finished speaking, lawyer Liu immediately agreed.

that’s right. Miss Fang’s health is more important.

Fang qingci was so angry that her heart ached. She clenched her fists, wishing she could give Lan Xiao and this stupid lawyer Liu a punch each.

She gritted her teeth and shook her head,”no need, I’m very healthy.” Since Grandpa sent you here to cooperate with me, then take out the contract Yingluo.”

Lawyer Liu looked at Fang qingci worriedly. He didn’t realize what he said just now was wrong and how he magically helped Lan Jing.

He divided the store transfer agreement into two and handed it to Fang qingci.

Fang qingci took it and looked at it, and her face turned pale.

She was so angry that her entire body was trembling.

The hand that was holding the contract was shaking uncontrollably.

Lan Xiao’s eyes flashed with surprise and disbelief.

Although she wasn’t familiar with the Jin capital, she still knew the most famous and prosperous areas of the Jin capital.

This was a shop of gold.

It was a jewelry store on Jin Jing South Street. This store was one of the most profitable stores in Jin Jing, and it was located in a particularly good location.

Jinjing South Street was a bustling pedestrian street. Countless people went there for shopping and fun.

And most importantly, most of the people who went there were rich people.

The things there, be it clothes or shoes, were all luxury Brands of the Century. Ordinary people really couldn’t afford it.

South Street was the first shopping spot that came to mind for the upper-class people of Jin Jing.

It was easy to imagine that the business of the Fang family’s jewelry store was particularly good there, not to mention that this was a jewelry store opened with the reputation of the king of Jade.

Sometimes, the jewelry in the store was almost in short supply.

Fang qingci was so angry that her head swelled, and she was in a trance.

Such a good shop, such a valuable and good shop that could make money, how could grandfather give it to Lan Xiao so easily?

Fang qingci was not willing to give up. She had originally wanted to transfer a shop in the suburbs of Jin capital, a shop that was not very profitable on a daily basis, to Lan Xiao.

It wasn’t like she was earning money, and sometimes she even lost money. She didn’t feel bad giving it to Lan Xiao.

But grandfather, he actually transferred the most profitable shop on South Street to Lan Xiao?

How could Fang qingci bear it?

Her eyes were filled with anger as she glared at lawyer Liu.

“Did you get the wrong contract?”

Lawyer Liu shook his head,”no, I’ve done everything according to old man Fang’s instructions.” It’s not like miss Fang doesn’t know that I’ve worked under the old master for many years and have never made a mistake.”

Lawyer Liu-Liu kanyu used to be a famous lawyer in Jin Jing. However, due to some reasons, he resigned from his law firm. Later, he met his grandfather, who hired him with a high salary. Later, he became his grandfather’s exclusive lawyer.

All these years, the Fang family’s Affairs, the division of assets and monetary transactions that her grandfather had done, had all been handled by lawyer Liu.

It could be said that lawyer Liu was one of grandfather’s trusted aides.

Fang qingci took a deep breath.

She clenched the contract in her hand and gritted her teeth as she growled, ” “What is my grandfather thinking? The store on jinjing South Street can make so much money, how could he give it to Lan Xiao?”

Liu kanyu turned around and glanced at Lan Xiao.

There was a glint in his eyes, and he nodded slightly at Lan Xiao as a greeting.

Lan Xiao also nodded at him politely.

Fang qingci looked at their interaction and became even angrier.

This lawyer Liu actually took the initiative to be friendly with Lan Xiao? What’s wrong with Grandpa? Had he been possessed? Or was he completely bewitched by Lan Xiao?

He was so protective and loving of a disciple that he had not officially accepted?

Liu kanyu didn’t know what Fang qingci was thinking. He only thought that miss Fang was angry.

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