May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 994 - Chapter 994: Arrogant Love 4

Chapter 994: Chapter 994: Arrogant Love 4

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"It's none of your business. Have you forgotten my rules? " Zhuo Nan's tone was cold.

That was a huge secret. He could not say it now. He could only say it when GAIA became the king. Everything he had done had started 15 years ago. He would become the king of this world!

"I know your rules. I won't ask about it. I was just in a good mood just now, " Chuxia said quickly.

"Okay, I forgive you this time. GO AND REST! " Zhuo Nan ordered.

Chuxia didn't want to leave. After a long time, she didn't manage to get any useful information.

"Oh right, how are you okay? I heard in the palace that you were captured by Gong Mochen. I was scared to death. I lost so many brain cells because of you! " Chuxia said.

"Let alone Gong Mochen, no one in this world can catch me, " Zhuo Nan said.

"Why? Do you have nine lives? " Chuxia asked.

She knew Gong Mochen's ability. How could Gong Mochen not catch this man?

"I don't have nine lives, but my life is much more than nine lives! Even if they catch me, IT WON'T BE ME! " Zhuo Nan said.

Chuxia was completely dumbfounded. She didn't understand what the man was talking about?

"Zhuo Nan, YOU'RE SO UNFATHOMABLE! I don't understand at all! " She flattered the man.

She was sure that there must be a big secret behind this!

"Of course you don't understand, and you don't need to understand. In short, if you obediently stay by my side, I guarantee that you'll be rich and prosperous for the rest of your life. You can be a princess in the future! " Zhuo Nan said.

"Why is it only a princess consort? I want a Queen! " Chuxia said pretentiously. She was not used to being spoiled by him, and she was about to throw up.

"little vixen is quite greedy. Can't you be a princess consort? I can't give you the Queen Position. I want to choose the most beautiful and intelligent woman to be the queen. Only such a woman can rule the country with me, " Zhuo Nan said.

Of course, the most important point was that that woman could only belong to him!

A woman like this, who he could casually let out to sleep with other men, was only worthy to be his tool!

"Cheh! Stingy, you only know how to bully me! " Chuxia pretended to be angry.

"How can I be stingy to you? Although you are the princess consort, but you will be given half of the power to control the Harem, just like half of the Queen! " Zhuo Nan said.

Chuxia then pretended to be happy. "okay, that's more like it! Don't worry, I will listen to you! If you want me to go east, I will definitely not go west. "

Zhuo Nan's hand touched the woman's head. "That's a good girl! I like obedient women. "

"But if you don't tell me why no one can catch you, I'll be worried! Just tell me! Anyway, I won't go out here, and no one will know your secret, " Chuxia said.

Zhuo Nan's eyes focused on the little woman, and he thought for a moment. "Okay, I'll take you somewhere tomorrow, and you'll know the answer. "

Chuxia nodded. "Okay, then I'll go to bed. Remember to take me to see it tomorrow! "

Her heart raced. She finally knew Zhuo Nan's secret!

As long as she could get her hands on this secret, she was not afraid that she would not be able to catch Zhuo Nan in the future!

She rubbed the man's body and lowered her head to blow on the man's face. "Good night, my master. "

She got up and walked out of Zhuo Nan's room. She instructed the maid who was standing in the corridor to bring her to the guest room.

Zhuo Nan was overwhelmed by the woman's breath. His body reacted immediately.

The most infuriating thing was that man man had her period. No matter what reaction he had, he could not find man man to solve it!

THAT DAMNED WOMAN He cursed in his heart. He was sure that man man did it on purpose.

However, he was not angry at all. Instead, he was happy to see man man now. Only man man was worthy to be his princess.

Although this woman would be useless after he ruled the world, he decided to keep her because of her charm. He wanted her to be his princess so that he could have fun with her!

However, he had nowhere to vent the fire in his body. In the end, he called a maid to be his tool to vent his anger. Only then did he sleep peacefully.


In the Crown Prince's Palace, Sikong Jue finally woke up. His neck was hurting. Although he was not a doctor, he knew his condition. He was knocked unconscious by someone. And the person standing behind him at that time was man man!

That B * Stard woman He hated man man to death!

"You're awake? Let me help you apply the medicine, " said Qin Sheng.

Seeing this man, she thought of Chuxia again. Gong Mochen actually let Chuxia run away.

She hated him so much that her teeth hurt. If she was the one chasing Chuxia, she would definitely be able to get Chuxia back.

Sikong jue raised his hand to block Qin Sheng's hand. "where's man man? Bring that woman to me! She dared to hit me and let that man in black go. Is She out of her mind? "

Qin Sheng's lips twitched. She was the only one who knew Chu Xia's motive, but she could not tell Sikong jue about it.

After all, Chu Xia had gone too far. She was afraid that if she told Sikong jue about it, she would end Chu Xia's relationship with Sikong Jue.

She might as well take it as man man's doing and let Sikong jue blame man man man for everything.

She had already thought about it. When everything was over, she would ask man man and Chuxia to switch places. They were twins after all. As long as they changed their hair and clothes, they would be able to confuse each other.

"She left with the man in black. Don't worry. When I catch her, I will definitely fight back for you! " She said.

"I don't need you to fight back. This woman deserves to die! " Sikong Jue said fiercely.

Qin Sheng's forehead was covered in black lines. She wanted to help Sikong Jue and Chuxia find a chance to cultivate their relationship, but it seemed like she was not helping.

"Don't be angry. She didn't kill you, did she? "

"She didn't get the knife. If she had the knife, are you sure she didn't swing the knife? " Sikong jue hated man man to the core.

Qin Sheng forced a smile. Could she say that Chuxia had a gun in her hand?

If chuxia wanted to kill Sikong Jue, she wouldn't even need a vase!

"If you don't want me to apply the ointment on you, you can do it yourself. " She stuffed the ointment into Sikong Jue's hand.

"Alright, I'll take care of myself. You should go back and rest too! " Sikong jue looked at the sky outside the window. It was already dawn.

Qin Sheng walked towards the door of the room. She had been busy for the whole night. As a pregnant woman, it was time for her to rest.

Sikong jue suddenly shouted again.

"Qin Sheng, I had nothing to do with man man running away. Can I explain to Chuxia? I promised her that I would take good care of man man! Now that man man is gone, I have to tell her myself. Otherwise, she will be angry! " Sikong jue suddenly thought of this It did not matter if man man ran away, but he and chuxia would be ruined by man man!

Qin Sheng's heart sank. When Chuxia was around, she could let Chuxia talk to Sikong jue secretly. Who could she talk to Sikong Jue now?

Everything that she had carefully covered up seemed to be exposed by one question from the man... ...

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