May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 993 - Chapter 993: Arrogant Love 3

Chapter 993: Chapter 993: Arrogant Love 3

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Zhuo Nan's eyes were fixed on the woman's back. Man Man seemed to have learned a lot when she entered the palace. He actually found a different smell on her body.

This smell hooked his mind and made him want her very much.

A woman would improve very quickly if she fought with a group of women decisively. He secretly admired his decision to send man man to the palace.

He took off his clothes and changed into a nightgown. He took out the red wine in the cabinet and poured two glasses of wine to drink with man man.

It was early summer in the bathroom. She turned on the shower and looked at the water flowing down. Her mind was spinning. Obviously, this bathroom had become her shelter, but she could not hide here forever, right?

Moreover, even if Qin Sheng found her signal, she would not be able to find her in a day or two!

She sat on the toilet and inserted her hand into her hair. She regretted her impulsiveness. She should have thought that Zhuo Nan would definitely want to make out with man man when he saw man man coming back!

The problem was that she was not man man. She would not sleep with anyone.

It seemed that man man could not wait any longer. Zhuo Nan's voice came from outside the door.

"Man man, why aren't you done washing up? Do you want me to go in and help you wash up? " Zhuo Nan asked. He suddenly had the urge to take a bath together with a woman.

"Ah? No need! I'm almost done washing up! WAIT FOR ME! " Chuxia said quickly.

It seemed that she had to go out. The problem was that she had not thought of what to do until now!

Her eyes suddenly caught sight of the various lipsticks on the sink. She narrowed her eyes and had an idea.

Hehe, she did not expect Zhuo Nan to prepare these makeup things for women, but it just so happened to help her!

She strode into the shower. She did not want to use the bathtub. She despised Zhuo Nan for being dirty!

Zhuo Nan only felt that his patience had been exhausted. He was just about to rush over and break into the bathroom.

It had been a long time since he had such an impulse. It seemed that man man had once again aroused his interest in women.

The bathroom door opened, and the woman came out in a bathrobe. Her hair was dripping with water, and her small face looked as if it was untainted by the mortal world, like a hibiscus that came out of the water.

Zhuo Nan's heart was in turmoil. "Man man, come here quickly. I miss you so much! "

These words were guaranteed to be true. He had been thinking about her for a long time.

Chuxia walked over with a bitter face. "Zhuo Nan, I've let you down. I made you wait for me for nothing. "

Zhuo Nan was stunned. "What's wrong? "

"My period just came. How annoying. It just had to be at this time! " Chuxia said aggrievedly, as if she had been bullied.

Zhuo Nan frowned. "How could it be such a coincidence? "

"exactly! Do you think it's that Belk? She wanted to bully me, but I chased her away, so I had my period. She deliberately didn't want me to have anything to do with you! Look at my period towel! " Chuxia pouted.

She reached into her bathrobe and took out her period towel for the man to see.

Zhuo Nan saw the blood red on her period towel at a glance. It was really disgusting!

"How could it be? Don't think blindly. How could she have this ability? It could be a coincidence! You should quickly put it on. Don't put it on your clothes. " He instructed the woman.

"Yes, I know, I'll get it done right away. " Chu Xia ran into the bathroom to tidy herself up.

Haha, she had already put the sanitary pad on the outside of her pants, so it was very convenient to take it out. However, men did not understand women's matters, so they could not see any flaws.

Her eyes looked at the lipstick color on the sanitary pad. She had to use two types of lipstick to make this color.

The only fortunate thing was that Zhuo Nan did not know how to use lipstick, otherwise he would have noticed that there was a lot less lipstick.

But this time, if she really wore it properly, she had to fake it and sing it.

However, was she going to let Zhuo Nan go just like that How could she be reconciled?

The corners of her lips curled into a sinister smile. Let's see if she doesn't Kill Zhuo Nan!

Zhuo Nan poured a glass of red wine into his stomach. His original good mood was gone, and he could only drown his sorrows with alcohol.

Early Summer Walked Towards Zhuo Nan and gently sat beside the man and leaned on him. "Zhuo Nan, when I was in the palace, I missed you very much. I MISSED YOU EVERY DAY! Do you know that? "

Her hand deliberately grabbed the man's chest, arousing the man's lust.

The woman's small hands seemed to have some kind of magic power, fanning the flames on the man's body, making him feel a wave of evil fire rush straight to his lower abdomen!

He grabbed the little woman's hand. "stop fooling around, little vixen. When did you become bad? "

Chu Xia laughed softly. "How am I bad? Or do you not like the way I am now? "

The corners of Zhuo Nan's lips curled up. "How can I not like the way you are now? The way you are now is more attractive! AND SUMMERS CAN ADJUST PEOPLE! He can adjust you into a little vixen! "

He could not help but sigh. Man Man had always been very good, but she had lost her charm, so this was also something that he had always regretted.

But now, this regret was gone. Man Man's flirtatious appearance was simply killing him!

The more he could not have her, the more he wanted her!

"You don't know how many women summers has. Every woman is his opponent. If you don't train your own abilities, how can you become Summers' woman? You know, I can only find what you want by entering his bedroom! " Chu Xia said.

Zhuo Nan's face darkened when he said this. "Did you find this thing yourself? "

"Yes! Of course I found it myself! " Chuxia said.

Zhuo Nan took out the thing from the bedside table. "Look at what's written on it. "

"I don't understand this kind of language. I don't know what it says. " Chuxia said. She almost laughed to death. Of course, she knew what she and Qin Sheng wrote.

"Let me tell you, what's written on it is that I caused the Yun family and Nan Gong family's problems! What a joke! I wasn't even born at that time! " Zhuo Nan roared and threw the thing in his hand to the ground.

Chu Xia forced a shocked expression on her face and almost laughed out loud. "How could this be? Someone must have wanted to harm you! They put the fake things in the secret room and caused me to find the fake things! "

"You said that someone wanted to harm me? " Zhuo Nan narrowed his eyes.

"Of course someone wanted to harm you! Gong Mochen is also looking for this. If he finds it, he will definitely kill you! " Chu Xia said.

"If he doesn't find this, he will also kill me! But, who wants to harm me? " Zhuo Nan whispered.

"I don't know. It must be your enemy, right? Who Do you have a grudge against this country? " Chuxia asked.

"A lot of people! Hehe, want to harm me? I think she is still young! " Zhuo Nan suddenly thought of a woman after hearing Chuxia's words.

But chuxia didn't know who Zhuo Nan thought of. "Who are you talking about? "

"Mira, GAIA'S MOTHER! " Zhuo Nan said.

"What grudge does MIRA have with you? " Chuxia was surprised, as if she had found a big secret!

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