May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 927 - Chapter 927, imperial Fu Technique 27

Chapter 927: Chapter 927, imperial Fu Technique 27

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Summors'hands were clenched into fists, like an enraged beast.

"Men, monitor Gong Mochen and Qin Sheng for me! " He ordered.

The coldness on his lips could not be ignored. The hatred in his eyes could pierce through everyone!

It was as if as long as he stomped his feet, the entire country would tremble!

His subordinates immediately received the order to secretly monitor Gong Mochen and Qin Sheng.

'You want me to control you for the rest of your life! You want me to control you even if you want to get married! I want to control you even if you get pregnant and have children! Keep a distance from summors, or I'll teach you a lesson! '

The words that Gong Mochen had said earlier replayed in summors'mind over and over again.

He did not expect that Gong Mochen would not only have SOFI, but he also wanted to snatch Qin Sheng from him!

Suddenly, he thought of something. "Go to the trash can and find me a piece of tin foil that Gong Mochen threw away just now! "

He did not know why Gong Mochen would throw this thing away. He sent someone to find out what that thing was.

The trash can was quickly opened and the tin foil was taken out.

"Your Highness, it's a medicine board. The medicine inside has been eaten, " the guard reported.

Summors glanced at the Tin Board. "Send it to the imperial physician and test what medicine is in it for me! "

"Yes! " The Guard took the TIN board back to the Palace to get the imperial physician to test it.

Summors'brows were pressed to the bottom. He saw that Qin Sheng had not returned for a long time and was worried about her, so he came to look for her. In the end, he found Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen together, so he hid behind another tree and listened to what they were saying He also heard what Gong Mochen said.

But when he heard this sentence, he did not know what else they said.

But what about the medicine Did Gong Mochen take it, or did Qin Sheng take it What medicine did he take?

He wanted to find out.

He strode to the stands, and the Colosseum let out another wave of screams and shrieks. The Colosseum was probably about to end.

Qin Sheng sat back in her seat and looked at the empty seat beside her. She didn't know what summors was doing.

Sofi walked over and sat next to Qin Sheng.

"Miss Qin, aren't you going to bet? This is a good time to bet! I think the lion is going to win! Someone, put 100 gold bars on me, I'LL BET ON THE LION! " She looked at Qin Sheng proudly.

Flaunting her wealth, she didn't believe that Qin Sheng could flaunt her wealth!

A hundred gold bars, this was all her savings.

Although her family was very rich, they wouldn't give her daughter too much money.

For her to have this kind of money, she was already a woman with a lot of private property!

Qin Sheng could feel SOFI's clamor. "I don't like killing! Don't you feel a pain in your conscience to hope that the lion will win? "

She looked down the stage. The lion was stabbed all over by the warrior, and the warrior was scratched all over by the lion's claws

One of his shoulder flesh was bitten off by the lion, revealing his bones. After the lion ate a mouthful of meat, it became even crazier and wanted to eat the entire person!

The lion's attack became even more ferocious.

Meanwhile, the noble ladies on the stage were still throwing jewelry and gold bars, so as to stimulate the warrior to win quickly!

Qin Sheng thought that these people should be betting on the warrior to win!

"Conscience? Hehe, this is our country's traditional competitive event. It has been passed down for more than a thousand years! Are you scolding all the kings of our country for having no conscience? " The Queen Heard the conversation between Sofi and Qin Sheng and immediately said.

Qin Sheng's face twitched. The king was here, and the Queen's reply was unintentionally to sow discord between her and the King!

"In ancient times, people still ate raw meat, and it has been passed down for a long time. Don't tell me the queen also wants to eat raw meat now? " She asked bluntly.

The Queen choked on her words. "Hehe, you're so eloquent. I don't know why my summers likes you! "

"I'm curious too. Maybe he thinks I'm eloquent, " Qin Sheng replied bluntly.

"If you can't afford it, then say you can't afford it. What's the point of saying such useless words? " Sofi naturally defended her aunt.

Qin Sheng rolled her eyes. She was really despised She didn't bet because she thought it was too cruel, not because she didn't have money!

"BET ON THE WARRIOR! " She ordered.

Sofi glanced at Qin Sheng. "How much do you want to bet? I can only deposit gold bars here! "

Qin Sheng took out a bank card and handed it to the maid behind her. "Go and change gold bars for me. I'll bet 1,000 gold bars. "

Sofi's eyes widened in shock. "I'LL BET 1 to 10 on the lion and 1 to 100 on the warrior. But if I lose, I'll lose everything! "

The most important thing was that the lion won. The warrior no longer had much stamina!

Qin Sheng's lips curved. "It's just for fun. There's no need to be so nervous. I can still afford such a small amount of money! "

Sofi's face fell instantly. 100 Gold Bars meant 1 million, and 1,000 gold bars meant 10 million.

She did not expect Qin Sheng to be so rich!

"If you lose ten million, IT'S GONE! " She reminded unwillingly.

Qin Sheng looked at SOFI indifferently. "I know. Maybe I'll win? "

She took her skirt and walked down from her seat. She walked to the guardrail and shouted at the warrior, "what's the most fatal part of a lion? which part is the most vulnerable? "

She thought that the man was scared silly. His spear kept stabbing at the lion's face and body, but the lion would not die at all!

Moreover, if the lion was stabbed, it would attack people even more fiercely!

The warrior was surprised to hear Qin Sheng's shout. He was distracted and was pounced on by the lion. He immediately rolled on the ground and dodged.

The lion jumped up and pounced on the warrior again.

The warrior was lying on the ground, face up, while the lion jumped up and pounced on him.

His eyes stared at the lion's jumping body. He finally understood the meaning of the woman's shout. HIS SPEAR STABBED AT THE LION'S STOMACH!

Just like piercing a candied Gourd, the spear pierced through the lion's stomach and out from the back.

The lion fell to the ground in pain, but there was still a spear under his stomach. He could not even lie down. He could only lie on his side and Howl.

As the lion could no longer stand, the entire stadium was in an uproar.

The referee ran into the stadium, raised the arm of the warrior, and announced that the warrior had won!

The other guards ran in to help the warrior pick up jewelry and gold bars. These became the property of the warrior. Of course, if they helped to pick them up, they would receive a generous reward.

The ambulance drove directly into the colosseum to give first aid to the warrior. This was the treatment of the winning warrior. Not only could they have money, but they could also be given the best first aid.

Sofi did not wake up from her shocked state until the ambulance drove away. She had lost all her savings.

Qin Sheng Leisurely walked over with her skirt in hand. "Hehe, how much did I win this time? 10 million to 100, IT SHOULD BE 1 billion!

"Tsk Tsk, isn't it too easy to become a billionaire here "thank you for your gold bars. I still have your gold bars in my gold bars! "

She laughed lightly as she walked past Sofi. She wanted to make SOFI lose money. She could make SOFI bankrupt in a minute.

Summers did not look at the results of the competition. To him, the results of a competition would not affect him. The money was just for fun.

His phone rang with a notification. The royal doctor reported the results of the drug test to him... ...

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