May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 926 - Chapter 926

Chapter 926: Chapter 926

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Qin Sheng imagined the scene of Gong mochen being bitten by the lion. The corners of her lips curved into a crescent moon.

Gong Mochen turned his head and saw the little woman and the smile on her lips. His face immediately darkened. He had served her for a day and a night, but she had never smiled at him. She only knew how to bite him.

He looked at the lion below the stage. This little woman really looked like a lion. He was like a warrior of the BEAST ARENA YESTERDAY!

As another corner door opened below the beast arena, a shirtless warrior walked out. He only had a long spear in his hand. That was his weapon. Other than that, there was no other weapon that could protect him.

The lion seemed to have kissed its meal. The moment it saw the warrior, it rushed towards the warrior!

As the lion began to bite, the entire Colosseum was boiling. Everyone shouted desperately. Some cheered for the lion, and some cheered for the warrior!

Because the targets of the bet were different, everyone hoped that they could win!

As the warrior dodged the lion's attack and stabbed the lion with his spear, the lion seemed to be enraged. It barked wildly, showing its fierce teeth, and continued to pounce towards the warrior.

The noblewoman in the stands shouted, took off her jewelry, and threw them into the middle of the colosseum.

These were all rewards for the warrior. As long as he could survive, these gems, jewelry, money, and even gold bars would all be his!

Of course, there were also people who bet on the lion to win, and he could also share a portion of the money that he lost.

Therefore, in this country, if the poor wanted to change their fate, they would risk their lives fighting beasts. As long as they could survive, they could become rich.

However, too many people would be eaten by the Lion!

Qin Sheng covered her nose with a handkerchief. This place was filled with the smell of lions. It was so smelly that she wanted to throw up just by smelling it!

How could she call Gong Mochen Away?

Her eyes were entangled with the man again. The birth control pills that Linda gave her last time were taken away by summors. She had to ask Gong Mochen for more pills.

She stood up and said to summors to go to the bathroom. Then, she walked past Gong Mochen and fixed her eyes on the man.

A group of maids followed behind her and walked to the bathroom. This was the bathroom used by the royal family, only for members of the Royal Family. Although it was called a bathroom, it was actually a large lounge.

There was a sofa inside, a place for tea and dessert, and the bathroom was at the very end.

Qin Sheng was convenient. After washing her hands, she sat in front of the table and ate a small dessert.

I'm drunk. Why isn't Gong Mochen here Didn't he understand her hint?

She gloomily ate the last mouthful of dessert and left the lounge. Her plan to lure a man here had failed.

She looked around. This was a public resting area with all kinds of plants. Her footsteps slowed down.

In fact, this place was not bad. It was better than smelling the stench of lions.

"I want to rest here. You all should rest too. It must be very tiring to stand here all the time, right? " Qin Sheng said to her maid considerately.

She had never had a sense of hierarchy. She would not treat herself as a superior master and the maids as servants.

She would take extra care of these maids. She would order more desserts for them when she was free.

The maids were very happy. They were naturally tired after standing for a long time. With Qin Sheng, they all sat on the Rattan chairs to rest.

Qin Sheng was in the resting area. Everyone was watching the battle beasts, and they were the only ones here.

Meng ran was caught behind a big tree by the man's arm.

"What are you looking for? Do you want to steal your lover? " The man's voice hit Qin Sheng's forehead.

Qin Sheng's lips twitched. "GET LOST! I don't want to steal anything! GIVE ME THE PILL! "

She stretched out her hand to ask the man for the birth control pill. Wasn't she tired If only she had the stamina to steal her lover!

"What pill? " Gong Mochen asked deliberately.

"Birth Control Pills? What else can it be? Give it to me quickly! " Qin Sheng said.

"that kind of medicine is not good for the body. It's not suitable to take too much, " Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng's eyes hardened. "If you really care about me, don't put it in! "

If it weren't for the lack of strength, she really wanted to strangle him to death!

Gong Mochen chuckled. "How can I feel good if I don't put it in? And it's not my fault. It's you who's too slippery and can't bear it at all. "

Thinking of the moist her, he thought of the various comforts from last night.

If he could hold it in in that state, he would become a Buddha instantly!

Qin Sheng's foot stepped hard on the man's foot. "Stinky Hooligan! GET LOST! "

She hated his words. Such ambiguous words reminded her of last night, and her face flushed red.

"okay, I'll get lost. " Gong Mochen was about to leave.

Qin Sheng suddenly thought of something and grabbed the man. "GIVE ME THE MEDICINE! "

She was drunk. She was so busy scolding him that she forgot such a crucial matter.

Gong Mochen took out a tinfoil board from his pocket. There were two pills embedded in it. "Eat it. "

Qin Sheng took the tin board and looked at it. "There's no box? "

"Of course there's no box. You want me to run around with birth control pills in my pocket? What if some woman pounces on me and finds out about my pills? " Gong Mochen said.

"Damn, you're pounced on by a woman? " Qin Sheng retorted.

"Why not? Many women dream of climbing into my bed. It's your honor to be pampered by me! " Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng's face twitched. She really didn't want this honor. She was almost killed by him yesterday, and now her legs were shaking!

She dug out the medicine and ate it. It was still sour and sweet, and very delicious.

She stuffed the tinfoil board back into the man's hand. "Get rid of it yourself. "

She was about to walk away, but the man's arm hit the tree. In front of her was the man, and behind her was the tree.

"What are you doing? I'm going back to look for summors! " Qin Sheng rolled her eyes and looked at the man in front of her.

"What else can I look for you for? F * Ck You. I'm warning you, don't fall in love with summors. " Gong Mochen said.

The corners of Qin Sheng's lips curled up. "I can love whoever I want. It's none of Your Business! "

"I'll take care of you for the rest of your life! I'll take care of you even if you want to get married! I'll take care of you even if you're pregnant and have children! Keep a distance from summors, or I'll teach you a lesson! " Gong Mochen threatened.

Thinking of Qin Sheng's smile as she sat beside summors just now, he felt all sorts of unease. He was afraid that Qin Sheng would fall in love with summors!

Qin Sheng kicked the man's leg, "you're being too controlling! Look, summors is here! "

Gong Mochen turned his head and did not see any summors. However, the little woman took advantage of the time when he turned his head and ran away from him.

Qin Sheng immediately rushed to the side of the maids. Gong Mochen did not dare to bully her where there were people around.

She brought the maids back to the stands.

Gong Mochen did not chase after her. There was no need to chase after her. He just let the little woman raise her tail for a while.

He also walked back to the stands.

Summors walked out from the shade of a tree. His face was as gloomy as the night before the storm. His gaze landed on the spot where Gong Mochen and Qin Sheng were standing just now, as if he wanted to burn that spot!

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