May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1588 - Chapter 1588 I want baby and you 288

Chapter 1588: Chapter 1588 I want baby and you 288

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

The guard left the room after receiving the order. He took the Royal Family's plane and headed straight for the Nan Gong family's villa.

Nangong ye received news from his subordinates. The empress dowager did not do anything special and only asked the guard to send a snake to Lian Lian.

Nangong ye was relieved. If it was just a snake, then the empress dowager should not have discovered anything. In other words, Xiao Hui had passed the test safely.

He took a light breath and called his parents to tell them that everything was fine. It didn't matter even if the snake was delivered. He could collect the snake and find a hospital to study what kind of snake it was.


In the hospital ward, Du Xi still came to visit Wen Xin and chatted with Wen Xin. Wen Xin's fetus was stable, so there was no need to change the time of their marriage.

Du Xi and Wen Xin sat on the bed, eating and following the drama.

"This monkey bread fruit is so special. It's called a fruit, but it's not like a fruit. It's called bread, but it's actually not like bread. It's so special and a little sour, " Wen Xin said.

"I heard that this thing is very nutritious. I specifically asked aunt Qin Sheng to get it for you! You have to eat more! " Said du Xi.

Qin Sheng's maid had sent the monkey bread fruit that was flown in early in the morning. Not only did it have this thing, but there were also many strange fruits. In any case, they were not things that could be easily bought in the market.

"seriously, why did you ask for it so easily? " Said Wen Xin. "..."

"It's okay. Aunt Qin Sheng is very nice. We have never seen each other as strangers. I even invited aunt Qin Sheng and Nangong ye to attend your wedding! " Du Xi just remembered this matter.

Wen Xin's heart was suffocating. "You want them to come to my wedding? This... This isn't good! "

Her heart was in a mess. Should she let Nangong ye watch her and Su Bei get married And she was still pregnant with their child!

"It's okay, it's okay. Sister Lian Lian isn't feeling well, that's why she could come. However, Auntie Qin Sheng and Nangong ye are enough. With them attending your wedding, I guarantee that all the guests will be shocked! " Du Xi said as she chewed on the monkey bread.

Her phone suddenly rang. Du Xi glanced at the screen. The name on the screen surprised her. It was Auntie Chuxia.

Chuxia was Sikong Yi's mother. When she was chasing after Sikong Yi, she had both Chuxia's and Sikong Jue's phone numbers. She only wanted to find Sikong Yi for convenience. However, she had not really contacted Chuxia and Sikong Jue.

Her fingers swiped the screen and picked up the call. She wondered why Chuxia was looking for her?

"Hello, aunt Chuxia. Are you looking for me? " She asked in confusion. It was as if Chuxia could not find her anywhere.

Chuxia's crying could be heard from the phone. "Du Xi, come quickly. COME QUICKLY! "

Du Xi was stunned by Chu Xia's crying. "Aunt Chu Xia, don't cry! Did something happen? "

"something happened! Something happened to Sikong Yi! Come and see him quickly! " Chu Xia cried even louder.

"Aunt Chu Xia, don't cry. What happened to Sikong Yi? I'll go right away. Where are you? " Du Xi was completely dumbfounded by Chu Xia's crying. She did not know what happened to Sikong Yi.

"I'm at the hospital, Qian Zihao's hospital! Come to the VIP area quickly. You'll know when you come, " said Chu Xia.

"Okay, I'll be there right away, " Du Xi promised Chuxia.

"What's wrong? What happened to Sikong Yi? " Wen Xin heard the conversation between Du Xi and Chuxia.

"I don't know either. Aunt Chuxia has been crying and crying very hard. I'll go take a look. They're in the VIP area. I'll be leaving first. You eat more fruit, " Du Xi instructed Wen Xin and ran out of the ward.

This hospital was also run by Qian Zihao, but it was for the commoners. The VIP area was for the rich. The hospital building was also different. It was behind this hospital.

She ran to the VIP area. When she ran into the luxurious hospital, she really wanted to complain about the treatment here and the treatment of the commoners'hospital. The nurses here were all very beautiful, as if they were here for a beauty contest. The lobby was as luxurious as a hotel in Dubai.

As soon as she entered, a nurse came over and asked her who she was looking for. She told her Sikong Yi's name, and the nurse could pull out the full information about Sikong Yi from the inquiry machine in her hand.

"Mr. Sikong is in the ICU. I'll take you to the ICU, " the nurse said as she led the way.

The words 'Intensive Care Unit' Struck du Xi's brain. This was not a place where you could live just because you were sick. It was a place where you could only live if you were dying!

"What happened to Sikong Yi? Tell me quickly! " She followed the nurse's footsteps and asked about Sikong Yi's condition.

"He had a car accident. He was driving after drinking and had a heart attack. He fainted. The speed of the car was too fast and there was no one controlling it. It hit the isolation belt and the car was basically scrapped. He was almost scrapped as well. There were many fractures on his body. The most serious one was his heart attack. If the heart attack that he had not had for so many years were to relapse, it would not be easy for him to get better, " the nurse said.

Du Xi felt a headache coming on when she heard that. "He drank? In broad daylight? "

"I don't think he drank in broad daylight. He drank until broad daylight at night. The people at the bar were afraid that he would get intoxicated from drinking too much, so they chased him out, " the nurse explained. She pointed at the glass windows of a few people standing in front of her "That's Sikong Yi's ward. You should go and see him. His parents are also there. "

Du Xi immediately saw Chuxia, who was standing in front of the glass window and crying until she was out of breath.

Family members were not allowed to enter the intensive care unit. Family members could only look through the glass window from outside. Only when the patient's condition was stable could family members go in to visit!

She walked to Chuxia's side and held Chuxia's arm. "Auntie, I'm here. Is Sikong Yi awake? "

Chuxia grabbed du Xi's arm. "Du Xi, you're finally here! I beg you to quickly go in and see Sikong Yi! He doesn't want to live anymore! "

"Ah? Auntie, what did you say? ''DuuXii looked atChuxiaa in shock.Couldd it be thatSikonggYii did not want to live anymore This information was too much. She would never believe that Sikong Yi did not want to live anymore.

"He clearly knew that he had a heart attack, but he still drank so much alcohol. Furthermore, he drove himself back to the hospital until he died. He got into a car accident and was saved to the hospital. The doctor said that he had been reading a person's name from beginning to end. IT WAS DU XI The doctor also said that he did not cooperate with the treatment at all and that he did not want to wake up. In fact, he should have woken up by now!

Good boy. Go and see him and tell him not to seek death anymore He's dead. What should I do I only have him as my only son!"chuxia cried her eyes out.

"honey, don't cry anymore. You'll hurt yourself if you cry! Isn't Du Xi here now? She'll help us! " Sikong jue comforted his wife.

"This? It's not appropriate for me to go in, right? Besides, he probably hates me to death so he called me by my name, " said Du Xi with her head lowered.

She didn't believe that Sikong Yi didn't want to live anymore because of her. Even if she was beaten to death, she wouldn't believe it!

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