May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1587 - Chapter 1587, I want my child and you 287

Chapter 1587: Chapter 1587, I want my child and you 287

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Nangong ye pressed his finger on the phone screen and dialed the Empress Dowager's phone number.

"Empress Dowager, why are you looking for my sister? " His tone was very impolite.

"Do I need to report to your sister? Let your sister answer the phone! " The empress dowager roared in dissatisfaction.

"Of course you need to report to me. My sister is currently arrogant and rich. Recently, she has made your son so angry that he's in a bad mood. If you want to talk to her, it depends on her mood. " Nangong ye deliberately bickered with the Empress Dowager to stall for time After allowing Xiao Hui to adapt to her current identity, he opened the VR equipment. Beams of light were projected on Xiao Hui's body, projecting Lian Lian's appearance on her body.

Opposite the SOFA was a dressing mirror. Xiao Hui could see her current appearance and enter her own role.

The empress dowager was only one step away from being angered by Nangong ye. Her son was almost killed, yet Lian Lian was still acting arrogantly!

"Let her answer the phone. Otherwise, you'll be responsible for all the consequences! " She roared angrily.

Nangong ye gestured at Xiao Hui, indicating that Xiao Hui could speak.

Xiao Hui took a deep breath and forced herself to speak. She could completely understand Nangong Ye's gesture.

"Nangong Ye, let me speak to the empress dowager. Give me your phone. " She pinched her throat. Her voice was very similar to Lian Lian's, but Lian Lian's voice was more imposing. Moreover, Lian Lian's tone was commanding, and that domineering aura came from her bones No one could ignore her aura.

If she wanted to speak like Lian Lian, she had to imitate Lian Lian's Aura.

She ordered Nangong Ye to give her the phone.

"sister, the empress dowager wants to video chat with you. I'll open the video chat for you. " Nangong ye made a v sign at Xiao Hui, indicating that Xiao Hui was doing well.

He wanted Xiao Hui to ask for his phone number. He placed the phone on the coffee table and aimed the camera at Xiao Hui.

Xiao Hui looked at the empress dowager in the camera and her heart tightened. She forced herself to straighten her back and looked at the empress dowager arrogantly.

The empress dowager looked at Lian Lian through the Camera Lens and her eyes narrowed. "Are you really at your house? "

"Of course, I'm not at my house. Where do I want to be? " Xiao Hui said in a tough tone.

The empress dowager was so angry that she held her breath in her chest. "Is that how you talk to me? "

Xiao Hui's eyes glanced at Nangong Ye. Nangong ye was giving her a large poster. He was holding a piece of white paper with the words he had written on it, telling her what to say?

She read the words on the paper. "I've been talking to you like this for a long time. Do you only know this now? "

The empress dowager was on the verge of vomiting blood. She was about to be angered to death by Lian Lian at any moment. She held back her anger "Have you seen this kind of poisonous snake before? I think it's similar to the poisonous snake you raised. Do you recognize this kind of snake? GAIA was bitten and is now unconscious. Bring the antidote over and give it to Gaia to try. "

Xiao Hui felt her scalp go numb when she saw the snake. She had always been afraid of this kind of thing. Her gaze swept across the large poster that Nangong Ye had written for her "The snake I raised doesn't look like this, and you won't need my antidote. Bring the snake over, and I'll get someone to investigate what kind of snake this is. "

She spoke to the empress dowager according to the words on the large poster.

"Alright, catch two snakes, and I'll get the guards to send you one, " the empress dowager said.

"Alright, I'll wait for you to send the snake over. " Xiao Hui finished speaking and heaved a sigh of relief. She had successfully completed her task.

Suddenly, she saw the snake on the phone screen move. It stuck its head out from the tray and crawled towards the empress dowager.

Xiao Hui widened her eyes in shock and cried out in alarm, "the snake moved! The snake moved! AH! "

Nangong ye hurriedly picked up the phone and turned off the video call. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, "what's your name? Even if the snake moved, it wouldn't be able to bite you! "

He roared angrily.

Xiao Hui's face was pale from the young master's scolding. "Did I, did I say something wrong? "

She nervously stared at Nangong ye. Although Nangong ye was the young master, Nangong ye would never casually scold others unless there was a servant who did something important wrong.

Nangong ye closed his eyes. "My sister raised snakes and spiders since she was young. She touched snakes just like she touched herself. She wasn't afraid of snakes at all, nor would she scream in fear when she saw a snake move. "

Xiao Hui acted well, but the last sentence exposed her identity.

"I'm sorry, young master, I forgot. I'm really afraid of snakes. It's all my fault that I caused such a big trouble! " She cried.

Nangong ye frowned. "It's not your fault. Girls are afraid of snakes, but my sister is a Weirdo. She raised these things since she was young. It's alright, go back to your room and rest. Maybe the Empress Dowager won't notice anything? "

He comforted Xiao Hui's emotions. He knew that Xiao Hui had done her best. Not just anyone could play Lian Lian. Lian Lian had too many personalities, and no one could imitate Lian Lian.

Xiao Hui wiped away her tears. "Young Master, it's my fault. I'M WILLING TO DIE TO APOLOGIZE! "

Nangong ye burst out laughing. "Why would I want your life? It's not that serious. Your young master is so smart, how can I not find a way to fix it? Moreover, the empress dowager is very stupid. She might not be able to discover the problem. GO AND REST! "

He urged Xiao Hui to go back to her room to rest.

Xiao Hui walked out of the room in confusion. Even if Nangong ye said it lightly, she could sense that this matter was not so easy to handle.

She walked out of the room and returned to her own room.

Nangong ye immediately ordered the people that the Nangong family had placed in the palace to closely observe the Empress Dowager's situation. If the empress dowager made any moves, they would immediately report to him and Gong Mochen.

In the palace, the empress dowager was helped up by a few maids. The snake was completely beaten to death. No one expected that the snake that had been beaten to death would come back to life. Not only did it come back to life, but it also wanted to bite the empress dowager.

When the empress dowager heard the woman's shout on the phone, she dodged in a panic and fell to the ground unsteadily.

"Empress Dowager, are you alright? " The maid asked hurriedly.

"I'm fine. Fortunately, I dodged quickly. " The empress dowager rubbed her waist. The fall really hurt her old waist.

"Give one of the snakes to Lian Lian. Let her see if anyone knows this snake, " she instructed the guard.

The guard immediately put the snake into a bag and brought it out of the room.

The empress dowager, mou ran, seemed to have thought of something again. "Wait a moment! COME BACK! "

The guard hurriedly walked back. "What else does the Empress Dowager want? "

"This time, when you send the snake over, you have to see Lian Lian personally. You have to let her take the snake personally and check if it's poisonous! When she takes the snake, I want to video-chat with her, do you know? " The empress dowager instructed.

A sharp glint flashed across her eyes. Her mind was replaying the woman's scream. That scream seemed to be frightened, but Lian Lian had raised snakes since she was young. She was not afraid of snakes at all... ...

Whether that woman was Lian Lian or not, she would find out!

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