May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1509 - Chapter 1509 I want my child and you 209

Chapter 1509: Chapter 1509 I want my child and you 209

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

The corners of Bai Bo's lips curled up into a smile. His eyes were filled with bitterness. Other than this, what else could he do?

Du Rui had taught him that the weaker he was, the more du Xi would feel that she owed him. He could only tell du Xi this so that Du Xi would feel that she owed him.

He was afraid that Du Xi would return to Sikong Yi's side. After all, he knew the relationship between Du Xi and Sikong Yi. Now that Sikong Yi had started to pursue du Xi again, would du Xi Waver He was really not confident.

"Alright, that's all. You can take a nap. " He helped Du Xi lie down and let her take a nap.

Du Xi was not energetic enough and soon fell asleep.


It was not until the sky turned dark that Fang Li let Wen Xin go. Fang Li asked Su Bei to bring Wen Xin to eat.

Speaking of eating, Su Bei's heart felt like it was going to die. He did not have any money on him, so how could he treat Wen Xin to a meal?

He hesitated, not knowing how to tell Wen Xin.

Wen Xin noticed Su Bei's awkwardness. She thought that Su Bei was embarrassed because Fang Li had said that he used to like her.

"senior, I won't take Auntie's words seriously. You don't have to mind, " she said.

Su Bei was stunned "No, that's not why I'm here. What my mom said is true. I've always had a crush on you, but I've never dared to confess to you because you're the school Belle and I don't have good grades or a good family background. I don't dare to confess to you.

Only a noble young master like Ouyang Mo has the right to confess to you and get your heart. "What am I? "

He said self-deprecatingly. To be honest, his studies were good, but he hadn't reached the level of a Straight-a student. His family was fine, but he wasn't considered a noble. Wen Xin had always been the school Belle of the school. He only felt that he wasn't good enough for Wen Xin.

"Why do you think so? Actually, I'm just an ordinary girl. There's nothing special about me. " Wen Xin lowered her head. Now, she was talking about the most beautiful girl in the school. She was pregnant out of wedlock. If others knew about this, they would only laugh at her.

"You have always been the best goddess in my heart. Wen Xin, what my mother said just now was all from my heart. " Su Bei stopped and did not dare to continue. He was afraid that Wen Xin would reject him.

After all, he had no achievements now. Although he had set up a company, he could not even pay his employees.

"I. . . Forget it. I know I shouldn't say these things. To be honest, I don't even have the money to treat you to a meal right now. Just pretend that my mother didn't say anything. I know my current state. No one will look down on me. " Su Bei lowered his head He felt that he had lost the dignity of all men.

"senior, please don't say that. You just started a business. It's normal that you don't have money on hand. It'll be fine when your company is up and running. " Wen Xin comforted Su Bei.

Su Bei laughed bitterly. "I don't even know how long my company can last. Tomorrow will be the time to pay my wages. If I don't pay, my employees will all leave.

"everyone comes out to work to earn money, and I don't have the right to make them volunteer to accompany me in my misery. However, I will acknowledge the money I owe. When I have money, I will pay them back double. "

He said solemnly, his heart sinking to the lowest point. He did not have the ability to woo the girl he loved, nor did he have the ability to pay the wages of his employees. He also did not have the right to make everyone accompany him through thick and thin.

"senior, let's eat and talk. I'm hungry too. I think that small shop is not bad. I'll treat you to a meal. When you have money, you can pay me back double, " Wen Xin said.

Naturally, she would not treat a man to a meal just to get him to pay her back. She just did not want to hurt his pride.

"Okay, I know. I'll remember how much I owe you, " Su Bei said.

Wen Xin brought Su Bei into the small shop. The environment in the small shop was simple and crude, but the business was good. The dishes were really good. She ordered a few meat dishes just to make Su Bei eat his fill.

She now understood why Su Bei did not eat during meal time in the company. It turned out that he had no money at all.

This kind of life in the helpless, she also experienced, at that time she for his mother's medical expenses, really not even a meal of money.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Subei gobbled down his dinner. He really hadn't eaten in two days. He kept himself alive by occasionally eating some leftovers from his mother's hospital.

Hospital food is with the medical expenses must pay, his mother every day someone sent three meals, he did not have to worry about his mother's food.

When his stomach finally had food to digest, he realized the problem. He looked at Wen Xin and asked, "why aren't you eating? "

He picked up some food for Wen Xin with his chopsticks, as if Wen Xin had only eaten plain rice and not vegetables.

"I don't like greasy food. You eat! I eat plain rice and drink tomato soup, " Wen Xin said.

With her appetite, she would vomit even if she ate something greasy. The sour and sour tomato soup became her best food.

"Oh, then what do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you, " Su Bei said, so embarrassed that he wanted to find a hole in the ground. Where did he get the money?

Wen Xin realized Su Bei's awkwardness and smiled. "Okay, I'll wait for you to become rich and treat me to delicious food. "

"Okay, okay, I'll definitely treat you! " Su Bei said.

Wen Xin picked up some food for Su Bei. "senior, you have to eat more. Your mother still needs you to take care of her! You have to hold on! "

"I know. My mother is depending on me. I have to hold on! " Su Bei buried his head and ate the food. He could not fall down. Even for his mother, he could not fall down!

Wen Xin looked at Su Bei who was eating his food and smiled helplessly. Life was so helpless. Sometimes, she really felt that God would force people to their deaths. For example, Su Bei. She was worried for him. How would he face those employees tomorrow?

Su Bei had a full meal. He offered to send Wen Xin home. Fortunately, he still had an old car that could drive.

However, the car was very shabby. It was also because it was very shabby that it could not be sold. That was why he did not sell it.

There was still some gas in his car. He estimated that it should be enough to send Wen Xin home.

Wen Xin was embarrassed to refuse Su Bei's request. She was afraid that it would hurt Su Bei's pride. In fact, it was very convenient for her to take the bus herself.

She gave her home address and got into Su Bei's car.

Su Bei followed Wen Xin's directions and drove towards Wen Xin's house. His eyes were wide open and he saw a cluster of villas in front of him.

"Your family lives here? " He was surprised. He did not expect Wen Xin's family to be so rich. It seemed that he did not even have the right to stand beside Wen Xin.

"Yes, my family's compensation for the demolition, " Wen Xin quickly explained.

"That's also your family's property. Are you looking for a job to pass the time? " Su Bei asked.

He knew that many young ladies from rich families had a lot of money in their families. When they were really bored, they would look for a job to pass the time.

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