May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1508 - Chapter 1508: I Want my child and you 208

Chapter 1508: Chapter 1508: I Want my child and you 208

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Du Xi had never known that Sikong Yi could be so shameless. It had completely refreshed her understanding of him. "Do you still have any face? "

"I don't have any face. Why would I have any face? I want you, I want to fuck you, " Sikong Yi said.

"Want me? In your dreams! Bai Bo and I are about to get married. Give up! How did I beg you to marry me back then? What did you do to me in the end? " Du Xi questioned the man.

"I know that I did a lot of wrong things back then. I only thought that I owed Xiao Ziyan my life. Because of my guilt, I hurt you.

"I'm now enlightened. I don't want to miss you again. Are you willing to forgive me and give me another chance to be with me? " Sikong Yi asked.

His fingers gently wrapped the little woman's wound with Gauze, and his long arm pulled her into his embrace.

Du Xi's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. She had always felt that Sikong Yi wanted to restore their relationship, but he did not say it out loud.

Now, he was telling her openly that he was wrong and wanted her to forgive her. Her heart was heaving violently.

This was her dream from a long time ago. She dreamed that this man would hold her gently and tell her that he was wrong. She hoped that she could forgive him.

However, when she really heard Sikong Yi's confession, she did not have the mood to fantasize about it.

She did not laugh out loud in joy. Instead, she curled her thin lips. Things have changed in the past. must he wait until she was no longer the Du Xi who was infatuated with him before he would suddenly wake up?

Her tears rolled down. "I can not forgive you, and I can not accept you. The past is not something that can be treated as if it did not happen. I am going to marry Bai Bo, and I can not accept you anymore. "

"I know that what happened in the past can't be treated as if it didn't happen. I'm willing to spend my life loving you to make up for everything you've done. Isn't that enough? " Sikong Yi said.

"Sikong Yi, relationships aren't something you can have just because you want them. Do you think that relationships are things in the business market? You can have as many as you want? " Du Xi retorted.

"I know that relationships aren't something I can have just because I want them, but you still have feelings for me. Otherwise, you wouldn't be crying! " Sikong Yi's hand touched the tears on the girl's face.

"I am crying, but not for you. I AM CRYING FOR MYSELF! MY HEART ACHES FOR MYSELF! Do you understand? I am crying for the things I have done in the past! " Du Xi said angrily.

She was crying, but she was crying for herself. She had done so much and finally saw the man turn around. Unfortunately, she could no longer love him.

It was as if fate had played a joke on them. When she loved him, he did not love her. When she did not love him, he loved her!

Whether it was love or not, they were like two parallel lines that brushed past each other and did not intersect.

Sikong Yi's eyes were filled with wounds. He finally tasted the feeling of being rejected.

"When I rejected you in the past, did you feel the same heartache as I do now? "

"My heartache is something you can't imagine. Because the love I had for you in the past was also something you can't imagine, " said Du Xi.

"I will love you well. Whether you love me or not, I will love you well, just like how you loved me in the past. I will chase you for as many years as you chase me, " said Sikong Yi.

"But I'm getting married. Don't you know? " Du Xi was speechless.

"I know, but there's no rule that says you can't chase a married girl. If you're married, I can love you as well. If you're married, you can still get a divorce, right? " Sikong Yi said.

Du Xi's heart stopped. She didn't expect Sikong Yi to be planning for her to get a divorce.

"Sikong Yi, I've never thought about getting a divorce when I'm married. You'll regret it. "

"I already regret it. So I can't let myself regret it anymore. No matter what the result is, I HAVE TO FIGHT FOR MYSELF! You don't have to give me an answer. I just want to love you silently and make you happy, " Sikong Yi said.

Just like Lian Lian said, he had to fight for himself.

He planned to fight for himself once and win back the woman he loved.

Sikong Yi helped the little woman put on her clothes.

Du Xi felt a headache coming on. How was she going to explain to Bai Bo that Sikong Yi was sticking to her.

There was a knock on the door and Bai Bo walked into the room.

"Du Xi, I bought you an ice cream. Do you want to eat it? This is a fruit-flavored smoothie. " After he finished talking with Du Rui, he went to find something that du Xi liked to eat. In the end, he found the SMOOTHIE.

Du Xi seemed to like this refreshing thing very much now.

"Du Xi can't eat too stimulating food now. You'd better pour it out. Too stimulating will be bad for her heart, " Sikong Yi said.

"It's okay, Bai Bo. Bring it over and put it on the table. I'll wait and eat it. " Du Xi glared at the man. Sikong Yi was clearly giving Bai bo a hard time.

"Okay, I'll put it on. You wait and drink sweet water, " Bai Bo said.

Du Xi's Gaze landed coldly on Sikong Yi's face. "I'm going to rest. Please leave. "

The corner of Sikong Yi's lips twitched. "If I leave, won't he leave? ''

His finger pointed at Bai Bo.

"He's my fianc��. I want him to stay with me, " Du Xi said loudly.

Sikong Yi was completely speechless. One sentence from Du Xi was enough to choke him to death!

No matter how unwilling he was, he had to leave the room. He walked out of the ward with a dark cloud hanging over his head.

Bai Bo laughed in his heart. Clearly, Du Xi was still on his side!

"Du Xi, let me help you melt the SMOOTHIE. " He held the SMOOTHIE Cup in his hand and used the warmth of his palm to melt the smoothie.

Du Xi was touched by Bai Bo. No Man had ever been so good to her. She hesitated to speak, but she didn't know how to tell Bai Bo, "Bai Bo, our wedding... "

She paused.

"Our wedding will be postponed. I know that your wounds need to be healed, not just the physical wounds, but also the psychological wounds. I won't force you to marry.

"I want to marry you, and I also hope that you want to marry me, and not only marry me after dealing with me. "Do you understand? " Bai Bo said.

Du Xi's heart skipped a beat. "You mean, you want to wait until I want to marry you before you marry me? "

"Yes! I don't want to force you to marry me because of the marriage. Your brother gave me money to help me open a hospital. I will count the money as shares and put it all in your name. I will only treat it as your investment, " Bai Bo said.

Du Xi looked at Bai Bo in surprise and was surprised by the man's answer. He didn't ask for her dowry but treated her dowry as her investment.

"But you're at a disadvantage. "

"I don't think it's a disadvantage to love someone and pay for the woman you love. Du Xi, if you agree, we'll do it. What do you think? " Bai Bo said.

Du Xi nodded. Bai Bo's words undoubtedly gave her an unlimited time limit, so she could think about their relationship, and she didn't need to rush to give Bai Bo an answer.

It seemed that this method was the best solution so far.

"Okay, let's do it this way. We'll postpone the wedding indefinitely until we want to get married, " Du Xi said.

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