May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1452 - Chapter 1452 I want baby and you 152

Chapter 1452: Chapter 1452 I want baby and you 152

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Ouyang Mo listened to the sounds outside the wall in astonishment. Apparently, someone had found him and Wen Xin in a car.

He naturally did not think that these people were here to play with him!

"hold the gate and don't let them in! " He immediately ordered.

The helicopter in the sky had already arrived. As long as he and Wen Xin could board the plane, they would be safe.

His men held the gate and did not let the car outside crash into them.

"HELP! Help! " Wen Xin did not know who came to save her. She cried out in surprise. No matter who came, it was good. She could not be taken away by Ouyang Mo..

However, the plane was faster than the car. Instead of landing on the ground, the plane dropped a rope ladder.

It would take a lot of time to land, and it was the same for taking off. Throwing the rope ladder was the fastest way.

Ouyang Mo held Wen Xin with one hand and held the rope ladder with the other hand. He stepped on the rope ladder.

Wen Xin struggled in the man's arms. "Let go of me! I don't want to go with you! "

"You have no choice! " Ouyang Mo wanted to pull Wen Xin onto the rope ladder, but no matter how he pulled, Wen Xin would not step on the rope ladder.

The Iron Gate was knocked down by the car. With just one more hit, the car would be able to rush in.

Ouyang Mo immediately informed the pilot to take off. Regardless of whether Wen Xin stepped on the rope ladder or not, he would not leave Wen Xin behind to give to others.

The helicopter immediately flew off the ground. Wen Xin's arm was grabbed by the man, and she was suspended in the air.

"Ah! Let go of me! Ouyang Mo, YOU'RE NOT HUMAN! " She cursed Ouyang Mo..

Ouyang Mo completely did not care about her life or death. She was being dragged by him in the air. This kind of situation was very dangerous.

"Wen Xin, you chose it yourself! If you had boarded the plane with me properly, you wouldn't be so dangerous! " Ouyang MO roared angrily.

Wen Xin forced a smile. She really did not know what to say. Ouyang Mo had taken everything for granted. Why did she want to leave with Ouyang Mo?

She watched as the iron door was knocked open by the car and the person who saved her rushed out of the car. Although it was night, she still recognized Du Xi's brother, Du Rui, at a glance!

Her heart warmed. So it was her good friend who had asked her brother to save her!

But her feet were already far away from the ground. Falling now would mean death!

"Men, hit the plane and force it to land! " Du Rui ordered.

He led his men to attack the plane and force it to land again.

Sikong Yi also rushed to the courtyard. "Du Rui, stop! Nangong ye called. WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SHOOT! "

He said hurriedly.

Nangong ye asked him to broadcast live, so he put his phone in front of the car to turn on the video call function and kept playing it for Nangong ye to see.

When Nangong ye saw du Rui shoot, he immediately called Sikong Yi and asked him to stop Du Rui.

"How can we land if we don't shoot? " Du Rui was speechless.

"He's afraid of hurting Wen Xin. Let's think of another way, " Sikong Yi said as he looked at the flying plane.

"Damn, if we hurt her, we can just treat her. Now that she's being taken away, we don't even know where Ouyang Mo will take Wen Xin! " Du Rui complained.

"He said he won't let us shoot, so what can we do? That's it. We're helping him anyway, " Sikong Yi said.

In the sky, Wen Xin's arm was in pain from being grabbed by the man. She only felt that she was going to die. As long as the man let go, she would really fall to her death!

"Wen Xin, are you coming up or not? It's your choice. Do you want to die or live? " Ouyang MO roared angrily.

The more he wanted to pull a woman up, the more the woman would not be able to come up. His strength was limited, so he was afraid that he would not be able to hold on.

If she did not climb up, he would not be able to pull her up to the plane by himself.

Wen Xin's heart rose and fell. She could not die. She still had her mother to take care of, so she had to live. She knew very well that she was her mother's life. If she died, Chang Yue would definitely not live alone.

She didn't struggle anymore. She stretched out her other hand and pulled the rope ladder. Stepping on the rope ladder, she climbed up to the plane.

The air in the middle of the night was exceptionally cold. Her hands were almost frozen. Ouyang Mo's hand had been holding on to her without letting go, pulling her into the cabin.

Her body that was about to freeze was picked up by the man and placed on the seat.

"where are you taking me? I beg you to let me go, okay? " She said.

Ouyang Mo's hand touched the little woman's face. "It's too late. I've already informed the other party. Don't worry, it's only an auction for you for a while. I won't sell you for the rest of your life. Be Obedient and you'll be released. "

Wen Xin didn't understand how cold-blooded this man was. He could say such cruel words so calmly.

"How much do you want? Can I sell the house and give you all the money? " She asked.

"NOT ENOUGH! I want 50 million. If your market is good, one time is enough. Anyway, you've already been slept with by Nangong ye, so you don't care about being slept with again. Don't you agree? " Ouyang Mo said.

Wen Xin didn't know where Ouyang Mo's theory came from. She was so angry that she was speechless. "How can you be so cruel? "

"Am I cruel? You forced me! Wen Xin, we could have been together, but it was you who ruined everything! " Ouyang MO roared angrily He left Wen Xin behind and returned to his seat. He would never forget the matter of Wen Xin choosing Nangong ye in the end.

Wen Xin sat in her seat and looked at the dark night outside the window. Uneasiness swept through her heart. She was about to be auctioned off. Would du Xi still be able to find her?

She closed her eyes gently. The scene of Nangong ye being intimate with another woman appeared in front of her eyes. Even if she had nothing to do with Nangong ye, she still could not control her tears.

On the ground, Nangong ye rushed to the warehouse and saw a bunch of wolves.

"Where are they? " He questioned Sikong Yi and du Rui.

"Don't ask us. If you don't let us shoot, we don't have the ability to intercept the plane with our bare hands! " Du Rui said.

"I'm asking where they went? " Nangong ye roared angrily.

"How would I know? I just interrogated these thugs, and they don't know either. They are only responsible for guarding this place. They said that they heard Ouyang Mo say that he was going to auction Wen Xin, but they don't know where Ouyang Mo is going to bring Wen Xin to auction, " Du Rui said.

"Yeah, many ships can be auctioned nowadays. As long as you have money, you can find a gambling ship to play with. There are more than ten thousand gambling ships on the sea. Who knows where Ouyang Mo will bring Wen Xin, " Sikong Yi said.

More than ten thousand of them were talking about big ships. If they were to include small ships, then there would be no counting.

Moreover, the sea was so big. Who knew which ship Ouyang Mo would go to.

Nangong ye took out his phone and called his subordinates. He asked his subordinates to search for Ouyang Mo and Wen Xin's satellite positioning to see where they were?

Soon, the satellite location was sent back to Nangong Ye's phone.

Ouyang Mo and Wen Xin's location was in a forest. This was completely wrong. They left by plane. How could they be in the forest Moreover, their location was fixed at a certain point?

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