May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1451 - Chapter 1451: I Want my child to be with you

Chapter 1451: Chapter 1451: I Want my child to be with you

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"Very Good? " Fang Yuan was surprised. What did Nangong ye mean by 'very good' ?

"Yes, very good. I like a reserved woman like you. Keep your reserve. If you're obedient, I'll let you be by my side, " said Nangong Ye.

Fang Yuan only felt that she had stepped on the Golden Path. As long as she walked forward step by step, she could enter the Nangong family and become the young mistress.

"I'll be obedient. I'll definitely listen to you! " She said quickly.

"good girl. Now, enjoy this presidential suite. If someone asks who you are spending the day with, how will you answer them? " Nangong ye asked.

Fang Yuan's mind was occupied with the man's question. Now that she was with Nangong ye, she was definitely spending the night with Nangong Ye!

"I'm spending the night with you, " she answered.

"Yes, remember your answer. No matter who asks you in the future, you must say the same thing. " After saying that, Nangong ye turned around and walked towards the balcony in the hall.

He leaped onto the roof of the balcony and leaped onto the roof.

The presidential suite was on the top floor. It was usually equipped with a swimming pool, a garden, and a parking lot.

Fang Yuan looked at the man who had run up to the roof in astonishment. "Young Master Nangong, where are you going? "

However, the man did not look at her again. His figure disappeared into the night.

Fang Yuan recalled that there was an elevator on the roof that could lead to the parking lot. Obviously, the man had left. She also understood why Nangong ye wanted her to answer that question.

Her hands were clenched into fists. She did not understand what the man meant. Did he like her or dump her?

She went back to her room gloomily and called her mother, asking her what she should do?

"Mom, what do you think I should do? Does Young Master Nan Gong like me or not? "

"although I don't know young Master Nan Gong's attitude towards you now, since he wants you to admit that you spent the night together, you should admit it! As long as you admit it, you'll be his girlfriend! Do you understand? " Mrs. Fang taught her daughter.

"But we don't have a relationship? I think he's just using me. " Fang Yuan was depressed.

"Then think about it. How many women can be used by young Master Nan Gong? Moreover, it's not for nothing. He's even giving you the title of girlfriend! As long as you have the title, are you afraid that you won't be able to become his real girlfriend?

"today, you'll obediently sleep in the Presidential Suite and admit that you spent the night together. First, get rid of the title of your girlfriend! " Mrs. Fang said.

"I know what to do! " Fang Yuan said.

"My good daughter, whether our family can climb up to the big tree of the Nan Gong family depends on you! " Mrs. Fang said.

"Mom, don't worry! " Fang Yuan Hung up the phone beautifully. She got up and went to the bathroom to take a rose bath. She was waiting to become Nangong ye's girlfriend the next day.

In the wild, Ouyang Mo's car had been running wildly. His anger had gone to his head. Only now did he realize that he had actually driven straight back to the warehouse where Wen Xin was imprisoned.

He looked around through the rearview mirror. In the quiet wild, there was no other car except his car. Only then did he feel relieved. He stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. Since he was back, he would go and show Wen Xin how heartless Nangong ye was towards Wen Xin!

His car drove into the yard of the warehouse and got off. "How is she? "

"She's very quiet and didn't cause much trouble, " the bodyguard said.

"Okay, go and get your helicopter. Transport her to the ship overnight to save time. " Ouyang Mo instructed the bodyguard.

"Okay, I'll call our big brother right away, " the bodyguard said.

Ouyang Mo opened the thick iron door of the warehouse and walked into the warehouse.

Wen Xin heard the ear-piercing sound of the iron door and her heart twitched. Her lower abdomen did not hurt just now, so she did not have time to think about how to escape.

She watched as the man walked into the warehouse. The man seemed to be very angry, and his entire body was shrouded in a layer of anger.

"What do you want? " Uneasiness engulfed her entire body.

Ouyang Mo laughed coldly. "Do you want to know what the person you miss is doing? I can show it to you! "

As he spoke, he took out his phone and showed Wen Xin a video of Nangong ye.

The video was turned on, and the figures of Nangong Ye and Fang Yuan appeared on the screen. The scene of the two of them hugging each other pierced into Wen Xin's eyes and her heart.

Ouyang Mo looked at Wen Xin's Pale face, and his heart ached deeply. The more pain Wen Xin was in, the more she loved Nangong Ye!

"See? You were kidnapped, and he's dating his new lover! This is what you get for betraying me! "

Wen Xin pursed her lips into a straight line. "I wasn't his girlfriend in the first place. I was with him, but I didn't want to owe him anything. He has no obligation to be responsible for me. "

Her words came out from her deep throat. It was said to a man, but it was more like it was said to her.

Because she didn't want to owe Nangong ye, she went to look for Nangong ye, and she had long since made up with Nangong ye.

Her heart was in pain. Every nerve in her heart tugged at it, and it hurt her to the extreme.

"Just to not owe him? I've loved you for two years. What have you given me? How are you going to pay me back what you owe me? " Ouyang MO roared angrily.

"We've been dating for two years. I've never asked for anything from you. I don't owe you anything, " Wen Xin said.

Ever since she started dating Ouyang Mo, she had never asked him to buy her anything expensive. She thought that maybe she didn't love Ouyang Mo enough from the very beginning, so subconsciously, she felt that there was no hope for her and Ouyang Mo. That was why she didn't want anything from him.

Ouyang Mo's heart pounded. Wen Xin was right. In the past two years, she had indeed never asked for anything from him.

His body staggered a little. "Wen Xin, did you want to break up with me from the very beginning? What about our vows of eternal love? To you, was that just a casual remark? "

"maybe the promise was because I wasn't confident. I know you were very good to me. I tried hard to make myself fall in love with you, be together with you, and make you happy. But the me who deliberately fawned on you wasn't the real me.

Everyone told me that it was my fortune to be able to find you and let me be with you properly. "Ouyang Mo, I'm sorry. From the beginning to the end, I only loved you because I should have loved you. " Wen Xin said.

The woman's words were like the last straw that crushed Ouyang Mo. he grabbed the woman's arm. "because you should love me, and love me! Thank you for telling me this. Then, I don't owe you anything! "

He turned to look at the door. "SOMEONE! Is The helicopter here? "

"The helicopter will be here soon! " The bodyguard reported.

Ouyang Mo pulled Wen Xin out of the warehouse and waited for the helicopter to arrive in the courtyard.

Suddenly, the sound of a car engine could be heard outside the warehouse's walls... ...

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