May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1021 - Chapter 1021 Fake Love True Act 1

Chapter 1021: Chapter 1021 Fake Love True Act 1

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"Okay, then I'M COMING UP! " Jerry said.

"COME UP! Hurry up, don't you want to sleep? " Chuxia urged.

"Of course! Of course I want to. I'm coming, don't worry, I won't move! " Jerry said.

Actually, he was already very satisfied to be able to sleep with Chuxia like this. He didn't do anything, just sleeping was enough.

He climbed onto the bed and lay beside Chuxia, feeling her breath. A sense of happiness arose spontaneously.

This was a feeling he had never felt before. Even if he vented his anger on many women, he did not feel this way. It was only physical satisfaction, but this was psychological satisfaction.

Chu Xia looked at the man who was smiling foolishly. She smiled and turned off the light switch.

The moment the light switch was turned off, the door to the room, mou ran, was kicked open by someone!

A loud sound rushed into the room.

Chu Xia quivered. She got up and sat on Jerry's body, looking at the person who had barged in.

"Zhuo Nan, do you want to have a threesome? However, you're the one who gave it to Jerry today. You can't go back on your word and snatch it from Jerry, right? " She questioned.

Zhuo Nan was about to explode from anger. When he arrived, he just happened to hear man man asking Jerry to come up. He hated this woman so much that he wanted to strangle her to death. Ever since she came back, she had never taken the initiative to let him have sex with her!

"I've set the rules. I HAVE THE FINAL RIGHT TO EXPLAIN! GET DOWN! " He grabbed the woman's arm and pulled her down from the man's body.

Chu Xia's lips twitched. He had the final right to explain, this was a joke!

"Jerry fought with his life to win this. Zhuo Nan, you're the leader, you can't lose your prestige, right? "

"Hehe, you're so concerned about my prestige? Of course I won't GO BACK ON MY WORDS! I'LL GIVE HIM TWO MAIDS! " Zhuo Nan's hand did not let go of the woman, he turned around and shouted at the bodyguards outside, "bring two maids! "

"LEADER! I don't need maids. If leader wants to take man man away, you can take her away. I won't touch the leader's woman, and we didn't do anything just now. " Jerry hurriedly explained.

The key was his last sentence. He could see that Zhuo Nan was angry. He wanted to tell Zhuo Nan that he and man man were innocent so that Zhuo Nan would not vent his anger on man man.

Zhuo Nan nodded. "You are the person who is most loyal to me. Don't worry, I will not mistreat you! Tomorrow, I will reward you. I will give you a dedicated maid for you to enjoy! "

Of course, it was not because he really wanted to reward Jerry. It was just that he wanted to use a woman to occupy Jerry and at the same time supervise Jerry so that Jerry would not have the chance or strength to look for man man.

Jerry thanked him respectfully, afraid that Zhuo Nan would suspect that he and man man were having an affair.

Zhuo Nan grabbed the woman and walked out of the room, going straight to his own small building.

The small building had already been partly destroyed by the big guy. Fortunately, their rooms were still fine.

Chu Xia was carried by the man and thrown into her room. She was sincerely grateful that there was a carpet on the floor, otherwise, she would really be hurt by the man!

"Zhuo Nan, are you crazy? Don't forget that it was you who gave me away! If you want to go crazy, then do it to yourself! " She shouted angrily.

Zhuo Nan choked on his breath. "Was it me who gave you away, or are you eager to get lost with another man? "

Anger rushed to his brows. Thinking about how the woman urged Zhuo Nan to hurry up, he was in a bad mood. How much did she want to be with another man?

"Of course I'm eager to get lost with another man. You've sent me away so many times. I'm already used to being served by other men. Once I get addicted to it, I can't change it! Do you understand? " Chu Xia deliberately ridiculed Zhuo Nan Who asked him to give man man away!

Although she really did not like man man, Zhuo Nan could not bully man man like this!

Zhuo Nan's face twitched. "Do you dare to say it again? "

Chu Xia sneered. "Of course I dare to say it again. These are all the facts. Do you dare to deny it? Zhuo Nan, you gave your woman away for no reason and fed your woman's appetite. Who are you blaming? "

"I had no choice! If I didn't send you away, how could I escape? Don't you know? You did it willingly! Now you're regretting it? " Zhuo Nan choked.

"D * Mn, you have so many doubles. Wouldn't you let them take your place and run away? No matter who catches you, wouldn't they revoke the order if they caught you? Wouldn't you run away smoothly? " Chuxia said.

Now she knew how many doubles he had. In fact, when he was caught, he had released a double to take his place. If that was the case, the arrest warrant would be revoked, and Zhuo Nan would be safe. He could go wherever he wanted to go!

"Do you think I didn't want to? I used all my doubles at that time. In order to confuse the eyes of Gong Mochen and Nangong Mochen, I used a double. In order to avoid Gong Mochen's pursuit, I used one in the black triangle.

At that time, Ye Wei only made two for me. I already used them. If I had a third, I wouldn't use you!"Zhuo Nan explained.

Chuxia finally understood why this man seemed to be immortal. He could still be free after being caught!

"So the person that Gong Mochen caught is also your double, right! But you made me sleep with other men. It seems like it's not just to let you run away!

There are many other things Do those things require you to use me?"She asked tentatively.

"A man will be greedy for novelty. It's much better for you to help me communicate with him than for me to talk to him, " Zhuo Nan explained.

Chuxia was speechless. No matter what you said, Zhuo Nan could come up with a bunch of reasons to refute. It was as if he was really right!

"To put it bluntly, I'm just a chess piece for you! You can use me however you want! " She directly exposed Zhuo Nan's true colors!

"How can you be a chess piece? Haven't I treated you well enough? I even gave you the key to the secret room. It's full of jewelry. You can have as many as you want! " Zhuo Nan said.

"It's a pity that I'm not interested in those things! Those things can't be used as food. I love you wholeheartedly and have given everything for you. All I've gotten in return is your fickleness.

"It's not easy to find a man who is willing to die for me. Of course, I'm tempted. Don't you think so? " She said deliberately.

Zhuo Nan's heart sank. "Are you saying that you're in love with Jerry? "

"I don't know if you're in love or not, but I know that he's willing to die for me! Unlike you, who only uses me and makes me work for you and die for you! " Chuxia said.

"I can die for you too! " Zhuo Nan and MOU RAN SAID!

Chuxia was stunned. "You're really willing to die for me? "

"Of course, TIME WILL PROVE IT! Man Man, I think I'm really in love with you! " Zhuo Nan's hand held the girl's small face and said affectionately.

Chuxia was speechless. Man Man was so good to Zhuo Nan, but Zhuo Nan had never been moved. She abused Zhuo Nan every day, and Zhuo Nan fell in love with her instead!

Just as her mind was thinking about man man, Zhuo Nan's arm hugged her tightly. "You can be with Jerry today, which means that you can be with me after your period is over, right?

"Let's sleep. I miss you so much. I think about you every day. I'll listen to you today. You can do whatever you want! " Zhuo Nan said.

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